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Marrakech Express

  • Green tea with mint and peach
  • Alternative to classic mint tea
  • Great if made cold
  • 80° - 80 degrees
  • 2g
  • infusion


    A partir de
  • 4,50€

Precio en Puntos de Fidelidad: 4.5
Entrega Express
ENVÍO A EUROPA 8,90€ GRATIS a partir de 75€

- Green tea with mint and peach-

Marrakech express represents well, even in its name, a successful example of a cross between classic and modern: it is a green tea with mint (a great classic throughout the Maghreb) but with a base of high-quality Chinese green tea (Li Zi Xiang) and notes of peach and mango. The fresh taste of mint combines very well with the tropical fruity notes.

Ingredients: green tea, mint, mango, papaya, cornflower, rose buds, and white hibiscus buds

Taste Fruttato

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