Linden Tree: Properties, Characteristics, and Uses

Linden Tree: Properties, Characteristics, and Uses

Discovering the Linden Tree and Its Properties

The linden tree is a majestic and fascinating tree, known for its beauty and numerous beneficial properties. Belonging to the Tiliaceae family, this plant has been appreciated for centuries for its therapeutic virtues, particularly for its calming and relaxing abilities. The leaves and flowers of the linden tree are used in herbal medicine to prepare infusions and teas with a delicate flavor and beneficial effects on the nervous system and digestion. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of the linden tree, its properties, uses, and potential side effects, to uncover all the secrets of this extraordinary plant.

linden tree

What is the Linden Tree? Characteristics

The linden tree, whose botanical name is Tilia, belongs to the Malvaceae family. This genus of plants includes both tree and shrub species, native to the northern hemisphere, particularly the temperate regions of the north. Among the most common species are Tilia cordata, also known as wild linden, and Tilia platyphyllos, or common linden.

Linden trees are appreciated not only for their ornamental beauty but also for their numerous beneficial properties.

The most used part in herbal medicine consists of the dried flowers, but the leaves, alburnum, and wood are also used in various fields.

The name "linden" derives from the Greek "ptilon", which means "wing", referring to the characteristic leafy bract that facilitates the dissemination of the fruits. The linden tree has always been considered a sacred and revered tree, capable of providing well-being and serenity thanks to its calming and relaxing virtues.

Let's take a look at its main characteristics together.

Discover the dried linden flowers from Terzaluna, a natural ally for your well-being. Renowned for their calming and relaxing properties, these flowers are ideal for preparing teas that promote relaxation and sleep. Choose Terzaluna for guaranteed quality and an impeccable shopping experience.

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Linden Tree: Plant

The linden tree is a large deciduous tree that can reach up to 30 meters in height. It has a sturdy trunk with initially smooth bark that cracks longitudinally with age. The leaves are alternate, heart-shaped at the base, with a serrated margin and pointed tip. The flowers, hermaphroditic and fragrant, are yellowish and grouped in inflorescences protected by a pale green leafy bract.

Origins and Habitat

The linden tree is native to the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, particularly Europe. In Italy, it grows spontaneously in broadleaf forests and cool, shaded areas. It is a tree that also adapts well to urban environments, decorating streets and squares with its lush foliage.

Used Parts

The parts of the linden tree used for medicinal purposes include the flowers with bracts, buds, and alburnum. The dried flowers are particularly appreciated for their calming properties, while the alburnum is used to obtain charcoal.

Types of Linden

In Italy, several species of linden can be found:

  • Tilia cordata (wild lime tree)
  • Tilia platyphyllos (broad-leaved lime)
  • Tilia × europaea (common lime), a hybrid between Tilia cordata and Tilia platyphyllos

Among the ornamental species cultivated in Italy, the Tilia americana (American lime), native to North America, is also widespread. The lime tree not only enriches the landscape with its presence but also offers numerous benefits through its various usable parts.

Cultivation of the Lime Tree

Cultivating the lime tree is not complex, as it is a frugal and undemanding plant in terms of light exposure and soil type, although it prefers fertile and fresh soils.

The lime tree can be cultivated using various techniques: sowing, layering, cuttings, transplanting suckers, and in some cases, grafting. It is important to periodically remove the suckers that develop at the base of the trunk to promote healthy and vigorous growth of the tree.

Despite its robustness, the lime tree can be subject to various adversities. Among the harmful insects are the larvae of the Cherry Moth (Eriogaster lanestris), the Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala), and the Hornet Moth (Aegeria apiformis), which can severely damage leaves and trunk. Mites such as the Eriofide (Eriophyes tiliae) and the Yellow Spider Mite (Tetranychus telarius) cause damage to the leaves, while fungi like Gnomonia tiliae and Pyrenochaeta pubescens can cause diseases such as anthracnose and bark dieback.

A critical aspect of lime tree maintenance is avoiding drastic topping, a practice that causes the tree distress and compromises its overall stability. Instead, it is advisable to adopt light and targeted pruning to maintain the tree's health in the long term.

Harvesting Practices

The harvesting of different parts of the lime tree varies depending on the season and the part used. The flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering, generally in June, also detaching the bracts that envelop them. The buds are collected at the beginning of spring, before they are fully open, while the sapwood is harvested during the plant's vegetative rest, usually in autumn.

History and Origins

The lime tree, known for its longevity that can reach 1000 years, was considered sacred by many ancient European peoples, particularly the Slavs. In German cities, it was common to find groups of lime trees in central points as meeting places under their refreshing shade.

These trees were often planted in markets to foster an environment of calm and well-being, thus facilitating commercial relations. A famous example of this tradition is the Unter den Linden street in Berlin, where lime trees were planted as early as the 16th century.

In Greek mythology, the lime tree symbolizes hospitality and eternal love, as in the legend of Philemon and Baucis, transformed by Zeus into an oak and a lime tree united in a single trunk. Poets have often celebrated the lime tree for its ability to bring peace and serenity to the human heart, a quality confirmed by the relaxing properties of its flowers, making it one of the most important relaxing plants.

These flowers, collected by women in European countryside to prepare calming teas, bloom in June with an intense fragrance that attracts bees. For the Celts and the Germans, the lime tree was also valuable for the fibers obtained from the inner bark, used to weave clothes.

Interestingly, Carl von Linné, the father of the scientific classification of living organisms, bears the surname derived from the local name of the lime tree (Lind), chosen by his father Nils in honor of the ancient lime tree present in his grandparents' yard.

Chemical Components

Linden is a valuable source of beneficial active ingredients for health. Among the chemical components found in the flowers of this plant, we have:

  • Flavonoids, such as astragalin, isoquercitrin, kaempferol-3-O-rhamnoside, quercitrin, tiliroside, rutin, hyperoside, afzelin, and kaempferitrin, known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Mucilages, gelatinous substances that have a soothing and emollient effect on the mucous membranes.
  • Essential oil, which gives the flowers their characteristic delicate aroma and contributes to the linden's calming and relaxing properties.
  • Caffeic acid and derivatives, such as chlorogenic acid, with pronounced antioxidant properties.
  • Tannins, polyphenolic compounds that exert an astringent and anti-inflammatory action.

The leaves of the linden also contain flavonoids, such as tiliroside, kaempferol-3,7-dirhamnoside, and kaempferol-3-O-glucoside-7-O-rhamnoside, along with tannins and mucilages. In the sapwood, the young layer of wood located under the bark, mucilages, sterols like beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and stigmastanol, and triterpenes like squalene can be found.

This richness of active ingredients gives linden its appreciated calming, antispasmodic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a valuable ally for body and mind well-being.

The synergistic action of these chemical components contributes to the beneficial effects that linden exerts on the nervous system, digestion, and cardiovascular health, as we will see in the following paragraphs.

cups of linden tea surrounded by ingredients to prepare it

Linden: Properties

Linden is a plant with multiple beneficial properties, appreciated for centuries for its therapeutic virtues. The main properties of linden are:

  • Antispasmodic: Linden can relax smooth muscles, alleviating spasms and cramps in the digestive and respiratory systems. This property is mainly attributed to the mucilages and essential oil present in the plant, making it an important natural muscle relaxant.
  • Antitussive: Thanks to its soothing and antispasmodic properties, linden is a valid natural remedy against cough. Linden flowers help liquefy excess phlegm and facilitate its elimination.
  • Diaphoretic: Linden stimulates sweating, helping the body eliminate toxins and regulate body temperature. This property is particularly useful in cases of fever or cold.
  • Sedative: Linden flowers have a mild relaxing effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. This property is mainly attributed to the flavonoids present in the plant.
  • Antimicrobial: Some studies have shown that the alcoholic extract of linden flowers has antimicrobial activity in vitro, thanks to the presence of essential oil and tannins.
  • Anti-edematous: The flavonoids contained in linden have shown anti-edematous properties in animal studies, suggesting a potential beneficial effect in cases of water retention.
  • Astringent: Helps to tighten tissues and reduce secretions, useful in cases of inflammation.

Although many of the properties attributed to linden are supported by scientific evidence, further studies are still needed to confirm their effectiveness in humans for some of them.

Benefits of Linden: What Does It Affect?

Linden is a plant with multiple beneficial properties, capable of positively affecting various systems of the body. Here are the main benefits of linden and what it affects:

  • Respiratory system: Linden is a valuable ally against cough, bronchitis, and respiratory tract infections. The dried flowers, taken as an infusion, help liquefy excess phlegm and facilitate its elimination, thanks to the plant's emollient and antispasmodic properties. Additionally, they stimulate sweating, helping to combat colds, flu, and fever.
  • Nervous system: Linden flowers have a mild relaxing effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, agitation, and restlessness. Their calming action also promotes a more serene and restorative sleep. These benefits are mainly attributed to the flavonoids present in the plant.
  • Diuretic effect: A decoction of young linden branches has a diuretic action, useful for promoting the elimination of excess fluids and combating water retention.
  • Digestive system: Linden can relieve spasms and cramps in the digestive tract thanks to its antispasmodic properties.

Linden: Uses

Linden is a plant used both in herbal medicine and in cooking for its multiple properties, in various processed products. Here is a schematic overview of its main uses and how to prepare it.

The dried linden flowers from Terzaluna are perfect for those seeking a natural remedy against stress and anxiety. Carefully harvested and of the highest quality, these flowers turn every tea into a moment of pure relaxation. Trust Terzaluna, your go-to shop for herbal products.

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To prepare a decoction, put a tablespoon of dried sapwood in 500 ml of cold water, bring to a boil, and simmer for 10 minutes. Let it rest for another 10 minutes, strain, and drink throughout the day.

Mother Tincture

The mother tincture of linden, obtained from the flowers with bracts or from the sapwood, is used for its sedative and antispasmodic properties. The recommended dose is 50-60 drops twice a day, diluted in water.

Dry Extract

The dry extract of linden flowers, standardized to at least 1% in flavonoids, is taken in a dose of 250 mg 2-3 times a day to benefit from its calming properties.


The gemmoderivato of linden is used to treat agitation, restlessness, and difficulty sleeping. The recommended dose is 20-30 drops twice a day, diluted in water.

Linden Essential Oil

Added to diffusers for aromatherapy, linden essential oil promotes relaxation and mental well-being. It can be used for relaxing massages, diluted in a carrier oil.


Thanks to the mucilages contained in the flowers and leaves, the linden extract is used as a soothing, protective, and moisturizing agent in cases of dermatitis, delicate and reddened skin. It is used in creams, lotions, and other cosmetic products.


The whitish wood of the linden tree is light and uniform, ideal for carving, inlay, and sculpture work. It is particularly appreciated in electric lutherie for making the bodies of "solid body" guitars and basses, known as "basswood".


The fragrant flowers of the linden tree are also used in the perfume industry to create fresh and floral fragrances. These multiple uses make the linden a valuable plant not only for its medicinal properties but also for its practical and aesthetic applications.

Culinary Uses

The linden tree finds various uses in cooking thanks to its aromatic and beneficial characteristics. One of the most appreciated products is linden honey, which stands out for its sweet and delicate flavor, as well as its calming properties. This honey can be used as a natural sweetener for tea and herbal infusions, adding a particular aroma and contributing to relaxation. In pastry, linden honey is ideal for preparing sweets and cookies, giving a unique floral note. 

Besides honey, linden leaves and flowers are also used in cooking. Fresh leaves can be added to salads, offering an aromatic and beneficial touch, while the flowers, with their sweet and floral scent, can be used to flavor summer drinks and cocktails, making them more refreshing and pleasant to the palate.

cup of linden decoction and bowl of dried flowers


Despite the numerous beneficial properties of the linden tree, it is important to be aware of the possible contraindications associated with its use. Here is a list of the main contraindications:

  • Allergies: The use of linden and products containing it is contraindicated in case of a known allergy to one or more of its chemical components. Allergic reactions can range from mild irritations to severe anaphylactic reactions, so it is essential to consult a doctor if an allergy is suspected.
  • Heart conditions: The use of linden is not recommended for heart patients, as some of its properties may interfere with heart function or cardiac medications. It is always best to consult your doctor before taking linden-based preparations.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Although some sources suggest that linden gemmotherapy may be safe during pregnancy, caution is generally advised. It is better to avoid using linden during pregnancy and breastfeeding unless expressly recommended by a doctor.
  • Paradoxical effects: In some individuals, the use of linden gemmotherapy may cause an exciting effect instead of a calming one. In such cases, it is advisable to reduce the dosage or discontinue use and consult a doctor.

Following the recommended doses and the instructions provided by manufacturers is essential to avoid unwanted effects. As with any natural remedy, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting a linden-based treatment, especially in the presence of pre-existing medical conditions or if taking other medications.

Linden: Side Effects

The use of linden is generally considered safe when used correctly and at the recommended doses. However, as with any natural remedy, side effects can occur in particularly sensitive individuals. Here is an overview of the most common side effects associated with linden:

  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may develop allergic reactions to linden components. These reactions can manifest with symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, swelling, and in more severe cases, breathing difficulties. It is crucial to discontinue the use of linden and consult a doctor if an allergic reaction is suspected.
  • Excitatory Effects: In some cases, linden gemmotherapy can cause a paradoxical effect, leading to excitement instead of calming. This effect is rare but possible; if it occurs, it is advisable to reduce the dosage or stop taking it.
  • Drug Interactions: Although no significant interactions between linden and medications are known, it is always prudent to consult a doctor before starting to use linden-based products, especially if you are taking other medications or supplements.
  • Gastrointestinal Disturbances: Taking large amounts of linden can cause mild gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea or diarrhea. It is important to adhere to the recommended doses to avoid these unwanted effects.

While linden is a safe and beneficial plant for most people, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment, especially in the presence of pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Where to buy linden?

If you want to experience the benefits of linden, you can purchase dried linden flowers on Terzaluna, the e-shop specialized in high-quality teas, herbs, and herbal teas. Terzaluna carefully selects the best linden flowers from organic farms and packages them in convenient sachets, ready to be infused and enjoyed.

By choosing to buy linden on Terzaluna, you can be sure to bring home a natural product free of additives or preservatives.

In addition to loose linden flowers, on Terzaluna you will also find convenient ready-made relaxing herbal teas, which combine linden with other beneficial herbs and spices, such as chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender, for an even more effective relaxing and digestive effect. These blends are the result of the expert herbal knowledge of the Terzaluna team, who create balanced and harmonious combinations for the well-being of body and mind.

Buying linden online on Terzaluna is simple and safe: just select the desired product, add it to the cart, and complete the order. The shipping is fast and the package will arrive directly at your home in a few days, allowing you to enjoy all the pleasure and benefits of this extraordinary plant.

Don't miss the opportunity to discover the virtues of linden and many other herbs and spices: visit Terzaluna now and be inspired by the wide selection of teas, herbal teas, and infusions from around the world!

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