Warning: file_get_contents(https://white.zoorate.com/gen?w=wp&MerchantCode=10213169&t=microdata&version=2&sku=311): failed to open stream: Connection timed out in /var/www/html/terzaluna.com/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-catalog_controller_product_product.php on line 1299 Kapha ORGANIC | TerzaLuna.com

  • Ayurtea
  • Created with our organic spices
  • For the Kapha dosha
  • 100° - 100 degrees
  • 1 g per 100 ml
  • 6/7 minutes of infusion


    A partir de
  • 4,50€

Precio en Puntos de Fidelidad: 4.5
  • Biologico
ENVÍO EN 48H Entrega Express
ENVÍO GRATIS Por más de 35 €



From organic farming

Organic ingredients: ginger, cardamom, coriander, turmeric, cloves, nutmeg.

Ayurveda (Ayur=life, veda=knowledge) is the sum of various Indian medical books dating back, as far as is known, to about 6000 years ago. In reality, the first written Vedas date back to 1500 years ago. The oral dissemination of this type of knowledge was the basis of it.

The doshas

According to Ayurveda, the physical body is pervaded by three doshas (vital energies) in different proportions. These determine, through their state of balance or imbalance with respect to the individual constitution (prakriti), the state of well-being or illness of the individual. Each dosha is composed of two elements (panca-mahabhutani) and has certain qualities (guna) that characterize them. The three doshas are: Vata composed of space (akasha) and air (vayu), is the principle of movement, linked to everything that is movement in the body (nervous system, respiration, blood circulation..). Its qualities are: coldness, dryness, lightness, subtlety, mobility, sharpness, hardness, roughness, and fluidity. Its main seat is the colon and its 5 sub-doshas are: Prana, Udana, Samana, Apana, and Vyana. Pitta composed of fire (tejas) and water (jala), is the dosha linked to transformation, digestion intended both at the physical level (stomach, digestive fire also called agni) and mental (processing of emotions). Its qualities are: heat, unctuousness, lightness, subtlety, mobility, sharpness, softness, smoothness, clarity, and fluidity. Its main seat is the small intestine and its 5 sub-doshas are: Pacaka, Ranjaka, Sadhaka, Alochaka, and Bhrajaka. Kapha composed of water (jala) and earth (prithvi), is the dosha linked to cohesion, keeping things together, it is characteristic of body fluids, lubricates and maintains the body solid and uniform. Its qualities are: coldness, humidity, heaviness, coarseness, stability, opacity, softness, smoothness, and density. Its five sub-doshas are: Kledaka, Avalambaka, Bodhaka, Tarpaka, and Slesaka. The doshas allow to classify the psycho-physical tendencies present in the body and the dysfunctions that can result from them. According to Ayurveda, pathologies arise when imbalances occur in the doshas (vikriti); identifying imbalances in a dosha, corresponding to the diagnosis, leads to finding remedies to restore individual balance (prakriti) and therefore healing. The main causes of dosha imbalance are three:

  • prajna-aparadha, which is the error of the intellect that manifests itself in repeating actions, holding attitudes that, although inherently wrong, are perpetuated in the name of desires or material impulses;
  • kala-parinama, which are the oscillations of the doshas within the day, seasons, and life;
  • asatmyendriyartha-samyoga, which is the improper use of the senses, meaning an improper excess or deficiency in the use of the senses.

Source: Wikipedia.

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