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Origin Brazil
Yerba mate, or simply Mate, is a plant of South American origins from which an infusion with multiple beneficial properties is obtained. Yerba Mate, Ilex Paraguariensis, is a tree that can reach up to 20 meters in height, whose leathery leaves are dried and crushed to obtain mate tea, a traditional drink in many countries of South America, especially in Argentina and Paraguay. Also known as Argentine tea, the mate drink is a counterpart to our coffee; following migrations, possessing good amounts of caffeine, mate has managed to spread to Europe as well, especially in online mate shops.
Mate drink is very popular in Argentina where it is traditionally consumed in a particular cup, the matero, and with the traditional straw called bombilla — also available in our online shop — that South Americans always carry with them. The taste of yerba mate is very characteristic and slightly bitter, astringent, with a tobacco and wood aftertaste.
The Guaraní Indians of South America were among the first to discover the properties of this particular drink, but today it is consumed in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, central-western Brazil, and the Chaco region of Bolivia, and has been widespread in Europe since the Spanish colonization of Latin America. Mate has a very important cultural connotation, socially, being a drink to share, and of national identity, as it is the national drink of Paraguay and Argentina, where it is consumed in large quantities, so much so that even Bergoglio, Pope Francis, is often photographed while enjoying a good cup of yerba mate and it is easy to see the players of the Argentine national team drinking mate during away games, including Messi!
Yerba Mate available for sale online at Terza Luna is of the best quality, selected from the best producers in the world to offer you pure and 100% organic yerba mate. More and more often we find questions on our social media or industry forums from people asking "where to buy yerba mate?", "where to buy pure yerba mate?" and many other information on price and varieties for sale. The answer to all these questions is our online mate shop and kits to prepare it. Buying mate online on our website is really simple: just a few clicks are enough. Add the organic yerba mate to your cart, choose your preferred payment method and the address where you want your yerba mate to be shipped: from Rome, to Milan, to Monterone, we deliver throughout Italy! Within two working days, your package will be delivered directly to your home, and if your purchase is over 65 euros, Terza Luna will give you free delivery.
At Terza Luna, you can buy your Argentine mate of the best quality at affordable prices by choosing from three available formats:
How to prepare Yerba Mate? The preparation of Argentine mate is done by infusing the shredded leaves of the plant in hot water. To prepare it correctly, follow the traditional South American preparation method. You will need:
To prepare mate, you use the calabacas or mate, the small gourd from which you drink yerba mate, and the bombilla, the typical metal straw with an attached filter that is inserted into the mate to adhere to the traditional Argentine way of consuming this beverage. The mate container can be ceramic, metal, or even wood, and before being used for the first time, it must be prepared, or 'cured'.
Let's see how to prepare mate with Bombilla and Matero.
The water added will be little, most of the space will be occupied by the Yerba, and you will need to re-add water every time it runs out, always in the same spot, wetting only a part of the leaves and leaving the other dry, which will serve as a reserve for when the first leaves are completely used up. This is why Argentinians always carry a thermos, to have hot water throughout the mateada, or the mate drinking session!
Even though the traditional Argentine preparation allows you to enjoy it at its best, if you don't have the bombilla, the typical straw with a filter, you can still enjoy your mate by opting for a cup preparation: make a Yerba Mate herbal tea:
This method of preparing mate without matero and bombilla, similar to tea preparation, is called mate cocido, or 'cooked mate', and is also popular in South America, where the trade of mate infusion bags is starting to spread.
In many areas of South America, such as Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, it is common to serve a cold mate, called tereré, a word of Guaraní origin. It is prepared similarly to traditional Yerba Mate, but instead of using hot water in a thermos, cold water is used, sometimes with ice. Lemon is often added to this preparation.
To 'cure' the mate, fill the container with Yerba mate up to 2/3 and pour boiling water over it, letting it steep overnight. Then rinse it, and repeat the process for 1-2 days, until the walls of the container have absorbed the mate flavor and eliminated external flavors that could make the drink bitter or artificial.
Argentinian mate is a very refreshing beverage, and containing low doses of caffeine (sometimes improperly called mateine) that diminish as the infusions are repeated, it can be consumed several times throughout the day. Regarding how much mate to drink, a dose of 2-4 g per day is recommended to be consumed in two/three times, although it is important to note that the mate dosage depends on the individual and the preparation method.
Mate leaves contain about 1% caffeine, some of which is lost during processing and drying, in fact, a cup of mate has a caffeine content about half of that in a cup of coffee. However, mate still constitutes a completely natural source of caffeine, and its infusion has remarkable toning properties.
Various beneficial effects are attributed to mate infusion.
Many studies highlight how mate effectively works in enhancing concentration and relieving fatigue, improving physical performance, and perhaps that's why it is widely consumed by many athletes. It is very common to see photos of soccer players before a match with a cup of mate and a thermos in hand. If you have often wondered what soccer players drink or what is in the special metal-rimmed cups that Messi and Suarez drink from, the answer is yerba mate.
Argentinian mate is increasingly included in every low-calorie diet due to its ability to help lose weight. Mate consumed as an infusion leaves a feeling of fullness and is therefore highly recommended by dieticians.
Do you want to drink mate tea like a true Argentine? Take a look at the bombilla for your mate for sale on Terzaluna!
Yerba Mate has no specific contraindications or side effects, and there are no particular risks if consumed occasionally. However, some epidemiological studies suggest that people who drink large quantities of yerba mate for prolonged periods may be at higher risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as mouth, esophagus, and lung cancer.
Many people ask us how to prepare mate, how to consume it, or how to use the kit to prepare it correctly. We have compiled for you a FAQ with the most frequently asked questions to clarify any doubts about this Argentine herbal tea.
Mate is a South American beverage made by infusing Yerba Mate leaves. It has diuretic, digestive, and toning properties and can be used as a valid substitute for coffee with reduced caffeine content.
It is recommended to drink a cup of mate in the morning and one in the evening to enjoy its digestive properties, with a dose of 2-4 grams of product, paying attention to the caffeine content. Depending on the preparation method and the individual, the doses may vary.
Mate is consumed by infusion. Following the traditional method, it should be prepared using the typical Argentine cup, the mate, and the bombilla, the straw with a filter. Hot water is added by tilting the cup so that only the leaves at the base undergo infusion, and new water is added once the first one is finished. We recommend using a thermos to keep the water warm!
The cup for yerba mate is also called mate: It is a cup made of metal, ceramic, or wood with a specific shape, accompanied by a bombilla, the metal straw with a filter at the end, essential in the preparation of mate.
Mate, the cup for yerba mate, should be prepared before being used for the first infusion. This process, called 'curing' the mate, involves pouring yerba mate into the cup until it is half full, and boiling water, letting it infuse overnight. The process should be repeated for several days until the cup has absorbed the organoleptic notes of the beverage.
If you are curious about this Argentine tea, read the reviews of our customers who have already purchased Yerba Mate on Terzaluna and now cannot do without this particular beverage!
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