Warning: file_get_contents(https://white.zoorate.com/gen?w=wp&MerchantCode=10213169&t=microdata&version=2&sku=14): failed to open stream: Connection timed out in /var/www/html/terzaluna.com/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-catalog_controller_product_product.php on line 1299 Huang Shan Mao Feng, Chinese green tea online, Terza Luna | TerzaLuna.com
Yellow Mountain Fur Peak

  • Particularly delicate and floral taste
  • Processed according to tradition
  • Harvested in April 2024
  • 80°
  • 1 g per 100 ml
  • 3/4 min. of infusion


    A partir de
  • 8,50€

Precio en Puntos de Fidelidad: 8.5
ENVÍO EN 48H Entrega Express
ENVÍO A EUROPA 8,90€ GRATIS a partir de 75€

Green Tea

Origin, China, Anhui province
Spring harvest 2024

Altitude 800-1000m

Harvest of one bud and two leaves.

The garden from which these plants come is constantly immersed in mist, which gives the leaves a particularly delicate and floral taste. But like a good Huang Shan, this Chinese tea maintains that note of roasted hazelnut, due to its traditional processing, which makes it similar to a Long Jing.

The Huang Shan mountains have become very famous over time for their beauty and have inspired poets and writers, just like this type of tea (in terms of processing it receives) has been cultivated for a long time, since the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).

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