Laxative Teas: Natural Remedies and Herbs for Constipation

Laxative Teas: Natural Remedies and Herbs for Constipation

What are the laxative teas that help with bowel movements? Natural and DIY recipes

In today's fast-paced world, constipation is a common issue that many of us face. Laxative teas offer a natural and effective solution to restore intestinal balance and promote overall well-being. These beverages, rich in herbs with beneficial properties, help stimulate intestinal regularity gently and without unwanted side effects. In this article, we will explore what laxative teas are to combat constipation and discover the best herbs to use in preparing them. Additionally, we will guide you through some DIY recipes to make these teas comfortably at home. A journey to discover the power of plants for our daily well-being.

hands holding a cup of laxative tea

What are laxative teas?

Laxative teas are herbal infusions that help combat constipation and promote regular intestinal activity.

These natural beverages, thanks to their ability to hydrate and soften stools, facilitate intestinal transit and improve stool consistency. Among the most commonly used herbs for preparing a laxative tea are senna and frangula, known for their stimulating action on intestinal motility.

There are different types of natural laxatives, including bulk-forming ones that increase stool volume, stimulant ones that enhance intestinal peristalsis, and osmotic ones that draw water into the colon. Laxative teas provide valuable help for those suffering from constipation or irregular bowel movements, representing a valid alternative to more aggressive pharmacological remedies.

What is constipation? Causes and symptoms

Constipation, a common disorder that can be alleviated with laxative teas, is characterized by infrequent or difficult bowel movements, often accompanied by symptoms such as hard stools, abdominal bloating, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. The causes of constipation are numerous and often linked to lifestyle: a low-fiber diet, insufficient fluid intake, and sedentary lifestyle can contribute to slowing down intestinal transit.

Stress, the use of certain medications, and medical conditions such as hypothyroidism or irritable bowel syndrome can also negatively affect intestinal regularity. When bowel movements occur less than three times a week, it is important to intervene to prevent toxin buildup that could compromise overall well-being. Besides physical symptoms, constipation can also cause general discomfort and irritability, making a holistic approach essential to restore intestinal functionality.

The best laxative herbs

Laxative teas often rely on laxative herbs, powerful allies in promoting intestinal regularity. These plants, in addition to being used in infusions, can be taken in the form of capsules, extracts, or supplements. It is important to note that some herbs should be used with caution and for limited periods, as excessive use can lead to side effects.


Senna is one of the most well-known laxative herbs, appreciated for its ability to stimulate intestinal motility thanks to the anthraquinones it contains. However, it should be used sparingly and only when necessary to avoid dependency.


Dandelion, also known as lion's tooth, offers a purifying action and promotes intestinal transit. Its roots can be infused to create a tea to be consumed preferably before bedtime.


In addition to its refreshing aroma, mint helps relax intestinal muscles and reduce abdominal bloating, thus contributing to the well-being of the digestive system.


Elderberry is used for its mild diuretic and laxative properties. Its flowers can be infused to prepare a beverage that aids digestion.


Cumin is a spice that aids digestion and relieves abdominal bloating. It can be added to infusions to enhance the taste and boost the laxative effect.


Frangula is renowned for its direct effect on the intestines. A decoction made from its bark can increase bile production and stimulate evacuation.


Licorice not only adds a sweet flavor to herbal teas but also helps soothe intestinal mucous membranes and promote intestinal transit.


Cascara sagrada is another plant rich in anthraquinones, traditionally used to relieve constipation due to its stimulating action on intestinal motility.


Anise is known for its carminative properties and can be used in herbal teas to relieve abdominal bloating and improve digestion.


Mallow is particularly gentle and effective in softening stools due to its mucilage. Additionally, it has a soothing effect on intestinal mucous membranes.


Fennel is a natural remedy against abdominal bloating and can be added to laxative teas to improve digestion.


Aloe vera contains compounds that can help stimulate bowel movements. However, it is important to use it with caution due to its potency.

Each herb has its own peculiarities, and it is essential to choose the one that best suits your needs, always considering any contraindications or usage restrictions.

teapot with laxative herbal tea

Why drink laxative herbal teas?

Drinking laxative herbal teas offers numerous benefits, making them an ideal remedy for those suffering from constipation or irregular bowel movements. These natural beverages harness the beneficial properties of herbs to stimulate peristaltic movements, essential for regular intestinal transit.

  1. Hydration and Stool Softening: Herbal teas provide an extra supply of fluids, which helps keep stools soft and easier to pass. Hydration is crucial for the proper functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Reduction of Abdominal Bloating: Many herbs used in laxative teas, such as mint and fennel, have carminative properties that relieve abdominal bloating and improve digestion.
  3. Purifying Effect: Some herbs, like dandelion and frangula, not only promote intestinal regularity but also help purify the body, supporting liver and bile function.
  4. Natural and Gentle Action: Unlike synthetic laxatives, laxative herbal teas offer a more gentle and natural approach, minimizing the risk of unwanted side effects.
  5. Variety of Action: Laxative herbs are divided into different categories depending on their mechanism of action: those that increase intestinal bulk (like mallow), those with osmotic action (like manna), and contact laxatives (like senna), each with specific intervention methods.

Taking a laxative herbal tea is therefore a simple and effective way to take care of your intestinal well-being, with the added advantage of being able to choose from different herbs based on your specific needs.

Preparing a laxative herbal tea: DIY recipes

Preparing a laxative herbal tea at home is a simple way to benefit from the natural properties of herbs. It is important to know how and when to take these teas to maximize benefits and minimize unwanted effects. Laxative teas should preferably be taken in the evening, before bed, to allow the body to work overnight. Start with low doses and gradually increase, without exceeding a week of continuous use, to avoid dependency or intestinal irritation.

Senna and Mint Tea


  • 2 grams of senna leaves
  • 150 ml of hot water
  • 2-3 leaves of mint
  • 2-3 seeds of cumin

Preparation: Let all the ingredients steep in hot water for an hour. Strain the liquid and drink the herbal tea before going to bed.

Frangula and Fennel Herbal Tea


  • Half a teaspoon of frangula bark
  • A pinch of fennel seeds
  • A teaspoon of mallow
  • A teaspoon of chamomile
  • Half a teaspoon of licorice
  • A few anise seeds

Preparation: Bring all the ingredients to a boil in a saucepan with water. Let it rest for about 10 minutes, then strain the liquid. Drink a cup in the evening.

Usage Tips: Complementing laxative teas with a healthy lifestyle, a fiber-rich diet, and adequate physical activity can enhance their beneficial effects. Remember that, although natural, these teas should be used with caution and always by listening to your body.

Do laxative teas have contraindications?

Although laxative teas are a natural remedy, they may have some contraindications that are important to consider. The consumption of these beverages is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, unless you have specific medical advice. Additionally, prolonged use of herbs like senna can lead to unwanted effects on the body, such as the formation of diverticula or changes in the colon.

It is essential to limit the use of laxative teas to short periods, preferably to resolve acute episodes of constipation, and then switch to teas that promote intestinal regularity. In case of persistent symptoms, it is always advisable to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

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Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers