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Kōdō is the name that designates the way of incense in Japan, just as there is ChaDō (茶道), the way of tea. When Japan was still an empire, the warrior nobility practiced the art of composing incense with precious raw materials, to eventually combine with reading and creating poems or haiku.
JAPANESE INCENSE -Koh Line- High-Quality Japanese Incense The Koh line is the line of high-qu.....
OHJYA-KOH -King's aroma- Japanese incense, premium line Ohjya Koh, which translates to th.....
KYOJIMAN -Pride of Kyoto- Japanese incense, premium line Kyojiman, whose translation is Pride.....
MATSU NO TOMO -Friend of pine- Japanese incense, premium line Matsu-no-tomo, which translates to ".....
Despite the westernization of customs, the strong imprint left over time by the culture of incense has remained. Shoyeido is one of the best Japanese incense houses, rooted in a long tradition. We have decided to introduce their high-quality line in Europe as well. The premium Japanese incense line is characterized by high-quality raw materials and a unique elegance and persistence.