Relaxing Herbal Tea

Relaxing Herbal Tea Available in 50g, 100g, and 250g The relaxing herbal tea is a blend of calming.....


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Passionflower herbal tea with flowering tops

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Hawthorn leaves and flowers

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Affichage de 1 à 8 sur 8 (1 Pages)

Relaxing Herbal Teas Against Stress and Anxiety

Relaxing herbal teas are an excellent natural remedy to combat mild anxiety and agitation, to counteract stress, nervousness, and to sleep better. They are prepared by mixing dried leaves and flowers of plants containing active ingredients with relaxing and sedative properties, not only on the anxious state but also in a supportive way on the circulatory system, on pressure, muscles, and intestine, stomach and gastrointestinal disorders, benefiting the whole body. It is important to note that relaxing herbal teas are not medications and therefore cannot treat pathological anxiety and stress states. They are useful in conditions of daily stress and agitation and of mild weight, induced by a hectic lifestyle and daily worries.


Herbal Teas for Better Sleep and Combating Anxiety

A good relaxing herbal tea with your favorite herbs can be enjoyed at different times of the day and become an effective natural remedy for states of agitation and restlessness, a way to take care of yourself and give yourself a moment of rest and respite. In particular, many relaxing herbal teas can help fall asleep and combat sleep disturbances such as insomnia associated with stress and agitation, to be consumed in the evening, after a tiring day, to promote a peaceful sleep.


Officinal Herbs in Relaxing Herbal Teas

Relaxing herbal teas exploit the active ingredients of some herbs with sedative, anxiolytic, and tranquilizing properties, using their different parts, such as leaves, flowers, and roots, in infusion, to extract their benefits. In this section, you will find a variety of relaxing herbal teas prepared with different herbs whose synergistic effect accompanies relaxation, and fruits, flowers, and spices that enhance their flavor.



Passionflower is a climbing plant widely used in herbal medicine for its sedative properties useful in calming states of restlessness and insomnia. It has antispasmodic properties, important to relax contracted muscles, such as those of the intestinal tract.



Chamomile is perhaps the best-known herb used in relaxing herbal teas, a natural relaxant useful for falling asleep, recognized for its sedative, calming, and decongestant properties. In folk medicine, it was used as a sedative and almost considered a medicine, to calm states of anxiety and pain associated with fever. The presence of the flavonoid molecule apigenin 7-glucoside gives it anxiolytic properties.



Melissa is a medicinal herb widely used in relaxing herbal teas, especially for beneficial teas for gastrointestinal problems, acidity, and heartburn induced by stress and anxiety. It has an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action, as well as relaxing on the muscular system. For this reason, a melissa infusion can be beneficial to calm states of restlessness and nervousness and promote sleep, counteracting insomnia.



Linden is a plant widely used in relaxing herbal teas, as its diuretic properties are associated with important calming properties. It is used in infusions because thanks to its active ingredients it allows to promote sleep, calm nerves and anxiety, with a relaxing action on the circulatory system and pressure. It is easy to find also insomnia supplements based on linden.



Calendula is a plant typical of the Mediterranean area, rich in flavonoids and mucilages that give it anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic, and antispasmodic properties.



Mallow is a flower with a purple color used to prepare excellent relaxing herbal teas. It is often mixed with other herbs such as lime or lavender and has anti-inflammatory, soothing, and emollient properties. It is considered an elixir for sleep, thanks to its calming properties on the nervous system.



Hawthorn, thanks to its active ingredients, is an excellent component in relaxing herbal teas and for sleep, thanks to its cardioprotective and cardiotonic properties, beneficial for those who tend to suffer from tachycardia or palpitations associated with anxiety and stress.



Verbena is a herb widely used in folk medicine, a plant surrounded by legend. It is well known and widely used in relaxing herbal teas for its anxiolytic and calming properties. It is a natural sedative, beneficial for the nervous system and with anti-inflammatory action.



Perhaps not many people know that hops are a plant known for their calming and sedative properties, useful against stress, and with strong digestive properties: it is in fact used to calm gastritis of nervous origin as it stimulates the production of gastric juices.


How to Prepare a Relaxing Herbal Tea?

Now that we have explored the main ingredients of relaxing herbal teas, all that remains is to prepare it. But how do you prepare a relaxing herbal tea? Here at Terza Luna, we have designed and selected herbal blends that synergistically offer a calming and relaxing effect and help you sleep better, from organic relaxing tea with lavender and lime, to hawthorn in leaves and flowers, to passionflower tea. To prepare them, simply:

  • Bring water to a boil in a saucepan
  • Add two teaspoons of relaxing tea leaves for each cup of water
  • Let it infuse, covered, for 10 minutes

Once the infusion is finished, you can strain the relaxing tea, which will be ready to be drunk naturally, or sweetened with honey or cane sugar.


Relaxing Herbal Teas for Children

For children, a relaxing herbal tea can be a great help to fall asleep and relieve discomfort, providing a calming and antispasmodic effect. The ideal herbal tea for children is therefore chamomile tea, to be drunk naturally, without the addition of sugars.


Relaxing Herbal Teas during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is possible to take relaxing herbal teas with medicinal herbs, but always in moderate doses and if necessary, as there are no studies confirming the benefits of such herbs during pregnancy, and for this reason excessive use is highly discouraged.


Relaxing Herbal Teas to Buy Online

If you are wondering where to find relaxing herbal teas for sale online, at Terza Luna we have selected relaxing medicinal herb blends for infusions that help calm stress and promote sleep, with your favorite aromas and plants. If you want to know more, also check out our blog article on the best herbal teas for sleeping, with the most effective products for stress and insomnia.



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