Turmeric: Properties, Benefits, Uses in Herbal Medicine and Cooking

Turmeric: Properties, Benefits, Uses in Herbal Medicine and Cooking

What is turmeric, how to use it, and what are its benefits?

Turmeric, a spice with a characteristic golden color, has been known and appreciated for millennia for its extraordinary beneficial properties. Originating from South Asia, this root is a fundamental ingredient in traditional medicine and the cuisine of many cultures. In the following article, we will explore in detail what turmeric is, its historical origins, chemical composition, and nutritional values. We will also analyze the numerous properties and benefits that make it a true elixir of well-being, without neglecting possible contraindications and side effects. Finally, we will discover how to best use it in cooking and herbal medicine, offering practical tips on where to buy it online.

turmeric rhizomes

What is turmeric?

Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma longa, is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family.

Originating from South Asia, this plant has gained worldwide popularity thanks to its multiple beneficial properties.

From the rhizome of turmeric, which resembles that of ginger but is distinguished by its intense orange color, an extraordinary spice is obtained, widely used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine for its therapeutic effects.

Additionally, turmeric is also used as a natural dye for wool and silk, giving these fabrics a vibrant yellow hue.

Although there are different varieties of turmeric, when referring to this spice, it usually means Curcuma longa.

In the market, turmeric is mainly available in powder form, but it can also be found in capsules, extracts, and supplements.

Its use ranges from cooking, where it adds a touch of color and flavor to dishes, to herbal medicine and phytotherapy, where it is appreciated for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting properties.

In recent years, the scientific community has shown a growing interest in the potential benefits of turmeric in preventing cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

Thanks to its multiple applications and positive effects on health, turmeric continues to be a fundamental element both in cooking and in global wellness practices, gaining increasing popularity as a natural remedy and versatile ingredient.

Discover Terzaluna's Organic Turmeric Powder, a versatile and precious spice with extraordinary beneficial properties. Perfect for enriching your dishes and improving your well-being, buying from Terzaluna guarantees quality and freshness. Don't miss the chance to add a healthy touch to your cooking!

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Turmeric: the plant

Turmeric, scientifically known as Curcuma longa L., is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family.

Also known as Indian saffron or turmeric, this plant can reach a height of about one meter.

It is characterized by a robust underground rhizome of yellow-orange color, which represents the most valuable and used part of the plant. The leaves of turmeric are deep green, oblong, and large, with an elongated petiole. The flowers, gathered in a conspicuous pseudo-inflorescence, have large green bracts at the bottom and white or purple ones at the top. Inside these bracts, yellow flowers sometimes with orange hues develop.

The rhizome of turmeric is cylindrical, branched, and highly aromatic. It is this rhizome that is dried and ground to obtain the turmeric powder used both in cooking and in traditional medicine. Over time, various varieties of Curcuma longa have been developed, each with specific characteristics but all sharing the remarkable beneficial properties of the plant.

Origins and History

Turmeric is a plant native to South Asia, particularly India and Pakistan, where it thrives at the edges of forests and along riverbanks.

It prefers tropical climates with high temperatures and humidity but can also be cultivated in other latitudes, provided it is not exposed to winter weather.

India is the world's largest producer of turmeric, with vast areas dedicated to its cultivation, such as the states of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh.

The name "turmeric" comes from the Arabic "kurkum", meaning saffron, due to the rhizome's intense yellow color that resembles the stigma of saffron.

Turmeric has a millennia-old history: the earliest evidence of its use dates back to the Indian Vedic texts, written about 3000 years ago. In India, this spice is part of the daily diet and is one of the main remedies in Ayurvedic medicine, used for its purifying and therapeutic properties in cases of fever, infections, arthritis, dysentery, and liver problems.

In the West, turmeric has been known for a long time but has never reached the popularity it has in India. Historically, besides being used as a spice and medicinal remedy, turmeric has been used as a dye for fabrics. However, its use as a dye is limited because it tends to fade in the sun.

In some Indian regions, turmeric is also used in local folklore: a famous example is the Bengali ceremony of gaee holud during wedding preparations, where turmeric powder is used to color the body. Today, turmeric continues to be in the spotlight for its potential medicinal properties and is being studied for its beneficial health effects.

Chemical Composition and Nutritional Values

Turmeric is a spice not only tasty but also rich in nutrients and beneficial chemical compounds.

100 grams of turmeric powder provide about 312 calories and contain:

  • 12.85 g of water
  • 9.68 g of protein
  • 3.25 g of lipids, including: 1.838 g of saturated fats, 0.449 g of monounsaturated fats, 0.756 g of polyunsaturated fats, and 0.056 g of trans fats
  • 67.14 g of carbohydrates
  • 3.21 g of sugars
  • 22.7 g of fiber
  • 4.43 mg of vitamin E
  • 1.350 mg of niacin
  • 0.7 mg of vitamin C
  • 0.150 mg of riboflavin
  • 0.107 mg of vitamin B6
  • 0.058 mg of thiamine
  • 20 µg of folates
  • 13.4 µg of vitamin K
  • 2,080 mg of potassium
  • 299 mg of phosphorus
  • 208 mg of magnesium
  • 168 mg of calcium
  • 55 mg of iron
  • 27 mg of sodium
  • 4.50 mg of zinc

Turmeric is particularly known for the presence of curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The main chemical components of turmeric include:

  • Curcuminoids (3-5%): including curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bis-demethoxycurcumin.
  • Essential oil (2.5-6%): containing terpenic compounds such as zingiberene, curcumol, and β-turmerone.
  • Starch

These components give turmeric its extraordinary medicinal and nutritional properties.

woman grinding turmeric powder

Properties of Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice with numerous beneficial properties, widely recognized by both traditional medicine and modern scientific research.

Below are the main properties of turmeric:

  • Antioxidant: Turmeric helps protect cells from free radical damage, contributing to slowing down the aging process.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, has shown effective anti-inflammatory effects against musculoskeletal pain and chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Digestive: Promotes digestion and relieves gastric and intestinal disorders, protecting the stomach lining.
  • Hepatoprotective: Supports liver health by stimulating bile production and aiding in detoxifying the body from toxins.
  • Immune-stimulating: Strengthens the immune system, helping to fight viral and bacterial infections.
  • Choleretic and cholagogue: Improves bile production and flow, facilitating fat digestion and helping to reduce cholesterol.
  • Antitumor: Preliminary studies suggest that curcumin may inhibit the proliferation of certain cancer cells.
  • Pain-relieving: Alleviates pain associated with inflammation and chronic disorders.
  • Detoxifying: Helps purify the body, ensuring the proper functioning of the intestines and liver cells.

These properties make turmeric a true ally for the overall well-being of the body, perfectly integrating into both cuisine and natural medicine practices.

The Turmeric Supplement from Terzaluna is the perfect solution for those who want to enjoy the beneficial properties of turmeric in a practical and concentrated way. Ideal for supporting the immune system and improving digestion, it is a must-have for your daily well-being.

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Turmeric: Benefits

Turmeric is renowned for its numerous health benefits, primarily due to the presence of curcumin, its active ingredient. Here is an in-depth look at the main benefits of turmeric and the reasons behind these positive effects:

  • Reduction of inflammation: Curcumin can help reduce chronic inflammation, making it useful in treating conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Protection against oxidative damage: Acting as a powerful antioxidant, turmeric protects cells from damage caused by free radicals, helping to prevent chronic diseases.
  • Improvement of digestion: Promotes fat digestion and relieves symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders such as dyspepsia and bloating.
  • Support for liver health: Helps detoxify from toxins and manage cholesterol, improving liver function.
  • Strengthening of the immune system: Turmeric can modulate cytokine production and enhance macrophage activity, improving the body's response against viral and bacterial infections.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases: Promotes blood thinning and improves circulation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Cognitive benefits: Can increase levels of BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), improving neuroplasticity and protecting the brain from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
  • Regulation of metabolism: Helps control blood sugar levels and improves lipid metabolism, promoting weight loss and diabetes management.

What is turmeric used for? Uses

Turmeric, obtained from the rhizome of the Curcuma longa plant, is a versatile and valuable spice used in multiple fields.

After being boiled and dried, the rhizomes are ground into a yellow-orange powder rich in curcumin. This bioactive compound gives turmeric its characteristic earthy flavor, slightly bitter and spicy, as well as an intense and volatile aroma.

Turmeric powder is used not only in cooking, where it enriches dishes with its unique taste and vibrant color, but also in traditional medicine for its beneficial properties.

It is used as a natural remedy to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and support liver health. Additionally, turmeric is appreciated for its antioxidant and immune-boosting capabilities.

In the following paragraphs, we will explore in detail the various uses of turmeric, from cooking to herbal medicine, providing practical tips on how to make the most of this extraordinary spice.

soup flavored with turmeric

Turmeric in Cooking

Turmeric is an extremely versatile spice widely used in cooking, especially in Asian countries.

It is one of the main ingredients in Indian curry, giving the mix its characteristic intense yellow color and slightly bitter aromatic flavor. Besides curry, turmeric is essential in numerous other Asian recipes, such as Nepalese momos (meat-filled dumplings) and Thai kaeng tai pla (curry with shrimp and fish).

Thanks to its ability to color foods a bright yellow, turmeric is also used as a natural food coloring, identified by the code E100. It is applied in a wide range of food products, including beverages, baked goods, dairy products, yogurt, ice cream, cookies, popcorn, sauces, and cereals. The flavor of turmeric is distinctly earthy and spicy, with an aroma vaguely reminiscent of mustard.

This spice can be used fresh or in powder form; when not fresh, the rhizome is boiled for about 30-45 minutes, dried, and then ground.

Turmeric is also highly appreciated in vegan recipes for its health benefits and its ability to replace the yellow color of egg yolk. One of the most popular turmeric-based beverages is Golden Milk, simple to prepare and rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules.

To maximize the benefits of turmeric, it is recommended to pair it with black pepper and a fat like olive oil. It can be added raw to salads or dressings to enhance its oriental flavor.

Even just a couple of teaspoons in the pasta cooking water or a sprinkle on a cup of black tea can transform a dish or beverage into a unique culinary experience. In oriental medicines, a tablespoon of turmeric dissolved in hot water is used to improve digestion and make the most of its beneficial properties.

Turmeric in Herbal Medicine

In herbal medicine, turmeric is valued for its numerous beneficial properties and is used in various fields, from skincare to hair care.

Thanks to its anti-aging, decongestant, soothing, and healing effects, it is a common ingredient in cosmetic products.

A turmeric face mask can be easily prepared by mixing a tablespoon of turmeric powder with a few drops of lemon juice and some water until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, this mask helps soothe the skin and reduce inflammation, although the yellowish color may require several washes to completely disappear.

Turmeric is also recommended for hair and scalp care. A turmeric and water pack can enhance the golden highlights of dark hair, making it shiny and soft.

However, it is not recommended to use it on very light hair due to the strong dyeing capacity of turmeric. To combat dandruff and keep hair healthy, you can prepare a turmeric oil: just put three teaspoons of turmeric in 500 ml of vegetable oil and let it macerate for a week in a glass container with a lid. After eight days, the oil can be carefully decanted to avoid disturbing the powder at the bottom.

The use of turmeric in herbal medicine is not limited to cosmetics. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a valuable ingredient in herbal preparations for overall body wellness. Whether in the form of teas, supplements, or oils, turmeric continues to be an indispensable ally for those seeking natural and effective remedies.

How to use turmeric?

Turmeric can be used in various forms, each with its specific benefits and methods of intake. To make the most of its properties, it is important to know how to integrate it into your daily routine. Below, we will explore the main forms of using turmeric and how to take it correctly.

Turmeric supplements

Turmeric supplements are available in various forms, including dry extract, capsules, and drops, such as the turmeric supplement from Terzaluna. These products are often standardized in curcumin, the main active compound of turmeric. The recommended dose for the dry extract is about 500 mg per day, divided into two doses. Capsules and drops offer a convenient way to take turmeric in concentrated doses, ensuring consistent and controlled intake.

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Turmeric powder

Turmeric powder is the most common and versatile form of this spice. It can be used in cooking to enrich dishes like curries, soups, and smoothies. The recommended daily dose is 1-2 grams. To maximize curcumin absorption, it is advisable to combine it with piperine, a compound found in black pepper that can increase curcumin absorption by up to 2000%.

The Organic Turmeric Powder from Terzaluna is the ideal choice for those seeking quality and wellness. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, it is perfect for enriching any dish. Choose Terzaluna for an organic and authentic product, delivered directly to your home.

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Turmeric tea

Turmeric tea is another popular form of consumption, although less effective due to the poor solubility of curcuminoids in water. To prepare it, just put a tablespoon of chopped rhizome in a cup of boiling water and let it infuse for 10 minutes. It is recommended to drink 2-3 cups a day. Adding a pinch of black pepper can improve curcumin absorption.

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Turmeric Mother Tincture

The turmeric mother tincture is a hydroalcoholic solution that concentrates the properties of turmeric. It is recommended to take 60 drops diluted in a little water, 1-2 times a day, preferably after meals. This method offers good bioavailability of turmeric's active ingredients.

Golden Milk

Golden Milk is a beverage made from milk and turmeric, often enriched with black pepper and other spices like ginger and cinnamon. It is a delicious way to integrate turmeric into your daily diet, also taking advantage of the synergistic effect of piperine to improve curcumin absorption.

Discover Terzaluna's Golden Milk Mix, a ready-to-use blend for a delicious and healthy drink. Rich in curcumin, this mix is perfect for starting your day with energy and well-being. Buy it on Terzaluna for the highest quality.

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In summary, turmeric can be used in various ways to benefit from its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Choosing the most suitable form for your needs and combining it with piperine can make a difference in the effectiveness of the treatment.

cup of golden milk

Turmeric: Contraindications

Despite its numerous benefits, turmeric has some contraindications that are important to know. Recently, in Italy, cases of cholestatic hepatitis linked to the intake of turmeric-based supplements have been reported.

These episodes have been attributed to individual sensitivity, pre-existing alterations in liver-biliary function, or the concomitant intake of medications.

Therefore, the Ministry of Health advises against the use of turmeric in cases of liver-biliary alterations and biliary tract stones. It is always advisable to consult your doctor before starting any turmeric-based treatment, especially if you are taking medications.

Turmeric should also be avoided in cases of confirmed hypersensitivity to one or more of its components, in the presence of severe liver diseases, or obstruction of the bile ducts. Additionally, the use of turmeric is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there are no sufficient studies on its effects on the fetus.

Although the consumption of turmeric in cooking or as supplements is generally considered safe, it is essential to respect the doses indicated by the doctor to avoid gastrointestinal problems such as nausea and diarrhea. Turmeric is also contraindicated in the presence of specific conditions like gallstones and biliary tract issues, as it could overload the kidneys. Those with blood coagulation problems should also avoid its intake.

Who Should Not Use Turmeric?

Despite the numerous benefits of turmeric, there are certain categories of people who should avoid its use or exercise particular caution. Firstly, those taking medications that slow blood clotting should be cautious. Turmeric can interfere with the activity of antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, increasing the risk of bleeding.

Side Effects

Those taking cyclosporine or digoxin should also avoid turmeric, as it may interfere with the effectiveness of these medications. Additionally, high doses of turmeric can worsen conditions related to peptic ulcer (hyperchlorhydria) or gallstone disease. In summary, it is essential to consult your doctor before incorporating turmeric into your diet, especially if you are taking specific medications or suffer from certain conditions.

In general, turmeric is considered safe when used at recommended doses and should not cause significant side effects. However, with prolonged use or overdose, some adverse effects may occur. The most common include stomach pain and other gastrointestinal issues such as nausea and diarrhea. Additionally, excessive intake of turmeric can cause hyperchlorhydria, which is an overproduction of stomach acid. To avoid these issues, it is always advisable to follow the recommended doses and consult a doctor if you have any doubts or persistent symptoms.

Where to Buy Turmeric Online

If you want to purchase high-quality turmeric, Terzaluna is the ideal place. Our specialized e-commerce offers a wide selection of spices, teas, and herbal teas from around the world, ensuring fresh and authentic products.

On Terzaluna, you can find turmeric in various forms, from turmeric root cut for tea to finely ground turmeric powder, perfect for enriching your recipes or being used as a natural remedy, to turmeric supplements or golden milk mix. Trust Terzaluna for a safe and satisfying shopping experience, with the convenience of receiving the best natural products available on the market directly at your home.

Explore our selection of turmeric products on Terzaluna. From turmeric powder to supplements, find only the best for your well-being. Choose Terzaluna for the quality and freshness of our spices.

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