Turmeric and Black Pepper Herbal Tea: Benefits, How to Prepare it, and When to Drink it

Turmeric and Black Pepper Herbal Tea: Benefits, How to Prepare it, and When to Drink it

Turmeric and Black Pepper Herbal Tea: Why Take It?

The turmeric and black pepper herbal tea is a simple beverage to make with multiple benefits, as it combines the properties of turmeric, a spice highly appreciated since ancient times in traditional Indian medicine, and black pepper, which promotes the absorption of the spice's active ingredients by the body. Turmeric and black pepper herbal tea is especially useful in case of cold and sore throat: let's find out how to prepare it and what its properties are.

turmeric herbal tea

Turmeric and Black Pepper Herbal Tea: Why Combine Turmeric and Piperine?

The turmeric and black pepper herbal tea is one of the most effective ways to fully exploit the properties of turmeric and enjoy its benefits. Taking turmeric for its properties is a widespread practice in traditional medicines, where it is often combined with black pepper, which helps increase the bioavailability of turmeric in the body and therefore promotes its absorption, ensuring the benefits of both. Black pepper allows better assimilation of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric responsible for its numerous properties. Curcumin is a very important molecule for the body, however, it is characterized by strong molecular instability and poor water solubility, making it less bioavailable and absorbable. The piperine in black pepper acts on the conjugation of curcumin in the liver and increases its bioavailability. This is why turmeric herbal teas often include a pinch of black pepper, which is also present, for example, in Golden Milk and many turmeric supplements, whose effectiveness is enhanced by black pepper.

Let's see in more detail, therefore, what the benefits and properties of turmeric and black pepper herbal tea can be for health.


Want to Try Making Turmeric and Black Pepper Herbal Tea? Discover Our Selection of Premium Peppers

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Turmeric and Black Pepper Herbal Tea: Benefits and Properties

Turmeric herbal tea is an infusion with numerous beneficial properties. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is a very important spice, a fundamental element of Ayurveda, considered beneficial for preventing seasonal illnesses such as the flu, cough, and sore throat, improving digestion, and relieving bone problems like arthritis. A warm turmeric herbal tea is ideal for cold winter afternoons, and especially if consumed regularly, it can have a strong influence on the body, also contributing to improving circulation and combating high cholesterol. It is also a purifying, antioxidant herbal tea beneficial for the liver, and the properties of turmeric make this infusion a great ally capable of relieving inflammation and supporting the immune system.

The properties of turmeric herbal tea are therefore beneficial against:

  • Cold and sore throat
  • Poor digestion
  • Liver problems
  • Inflammation
  • Gallbladder problems
  • Rheumatic pains
  • Aging
  • Cardiovascular system problems
  • Swelling


turmeric and black pepper herbal tea

Turmeric and Black Pepper Herbal Tea: How to Prepare It?

The turmeric and black pepper herbal tea is very simple to prepare, and can be consumed in case of cold and sore throat, as the properties of turmeric, combined with the action of black pepper, are able to counteract seasonal ailments and offer a warming and purifying effect on cold winter days. To prepare it, you can use either powdered turmeric or fresh turmeric. We suggest opting for powdered turmeric, choosing a high-quality one like the turmeric available for sale on Terza Luna. Discover also the different varieties of pepper in the dedicated section.

To prepare it you will need:


  • To prepare the turmeric and black pepper herbal tea with lemon, heat 500 ml of water in a saucepan or kettle.
  • Dissolve two teaspoons of powdered turmeric and a pinch of black pepper, obtained by grinding the grains.
  • Add honey to taste to sweeten it, and a little lemon juice, and stir until the honey is completely dissolved.
  • If you wish, you can also add milk: being a fatty substance, it will further increase the bioavailability of curcumin.


black pepper turmeric herbal tea

Which Black Pepper to Use?

For the preparation of turmeric and black pepper herbal tea, black pepper is clearly a fundamental element, as a source of piperine, a very important alkaloid for Ayurvedic medicine that helps stimulate thermogenesis, the transformation of food into energy, and make curcumin bioavailable.

In the Terza Luna e-shop, you can choose among dozens of peppers from the best in the world. Among the most famous black peppers we find:

Ginger and Turmeric Herbal Tea

The herbal tea with ginger, turmeric, and black pepper is a variation of the classic turmeric herbal tea, which adds to turmeric the great properties of ginger. This herbal tea is also excellent for winter, and is prepared in the same way, with the difference that when the water is brought to a boil, a piece of ginger is added and boiled for about 10 minutes. At that point, you can add turmeric and the other ingredients.

When to Drink Black Pepper and Turmeric Herbal Tea

The turmeric and black pepper herbal tea can be consumed at any time of the day, especially suitable for cold winter days. It is a very beneficial infusion for the body, as turmeric is rich in important properties that allow you to boost our immune defenses, and can be taken every day, paying attention to contraindications.

black pepper turmeric herbal tea

Contraindications of Turmeric Herbal Tea

The turmeric herbal tea is rich in benefits, but it can also have contraindications and its consumption is not recommended if you suffer from gallstones or other liver problems. It is also necessary to check for contraindications if you are taking certain medications.

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