Savory: Properties and Uses in the Kitchen of Satureja Montana

Savory: Properties and Uses in the Kitchen of Satureja Montana

Savory: Properties, Benefits, and Culinary Uses of Satureja Montana

What is Satureja Montana? Plant, taste, contraindications

Savory, also known as Satureja montana, is an aromatic plant with multiple beneficial properties and numerous uses in cooking and herbal medicine. In this article, we will explore the distinctive characteristics of savory, its history, and its natural habitat. We will delve into the chemical components that determine its health benefits, and discover how to use this precious herb both in culinary and cosmetic fields. Additionally, we will compare it with thyme, a plant often confused with savory, and analyze possible contraindications. Finally, we will guide you on where to buy savory online, ensuring quality and authenticity.

santoreggia plant

Savory (Satureja montana): description and plant

The savory, scientifically known as Satureja montana L., belongs to the Laminaceae family. This plant is known by different common names both in Italy and abroad, including santorin, savory, straight thyme, and anchovy herb. In English, it is called winter savory.

Savory is rich in essential oils that give it an intense aroma similar to that of mint and pepper. When delicately dried, the aroma becomes even more pronounced. This characteristic makes it ideal for flavoring a variety of dishes and alcoholic beverages such as vermouth.

Make your dishes unique with Terzaluna's dried savory. Since 2011, we have been the go-to store for those looking for quality tea, herbal teas, and spices. Discover our selected products and take advantage of our fast deliveries.

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Plant and habitat

Savory grows spontaneously in the Central-Northern Italy up to the submontane area. It prefers fields and arid places, where the warm-temperate climate favors its development.

This plant is mainly native to the Mediterranean basin, including the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, the Balkan Peninsula, Anatolia, Transcaucasia, the Mediterranean Asia, and the Maghreb. Some species are also found in Asia. Let's see the botanical characteristics of savory:

  • Habit: Savory is an herbaceous annual plant that emits a strong aromatic scent. Its bushy stem can reach a height of 20-30 cm and is characterized by numerous branches.
  • Leaves: The leaves are paired oppositely and have a lanceolate-linear shape with a small petiole and entire margin. The underside of the leaves is particularly tomentose.
  • Flowers: Savory flowers are grouped in clusters of 2 to 6 in the leaf axil of the upper leaves. The calyx is bell-shaped and ends with 5 teeth. The corolla is white or white-pink and divides into two lips: the upper lip is entire and slightly incised, while the lower lip is three-lobed.
  • Fruit: The fruit consists of four oval-rounded achenes with a surface characterized by small granules.

Cultivation of savory

Mountain savory and wild savory thrive in dry and well-drained soils, exposed to the sun. They do not tolerate excessive humidity, requiring watering only when necessary. The collection of inflorescences takes place in summer, during full bloom, cutting them a few centimeters from the ground. The leaves can be harvested at any time of the year, but their properties are at their peak shortly before flowering.

Collection and processing

The inflorescences of summer savory are dried in the shade immediately after harvesting. The branches of summer savory are tied in bunches and hung in ventilated and shady places to dry properly. This method allows to preserve the aromatic properties of the plant at best.

Origins and history

Summer savory, with its scientific name Satureja montana, has an uncertain etymology.

The term "Satureja" could derive from "sērō" which means "to sow", "satum" which means "sown", from the Greek "sāturos" meaning "satyr", from the Arabic "s’ātar" or from "saturejum" which indicates a "sauce, mixture of ingredients". The epithet "montana" comes from the Latin "mons montis", referring to its natural growth on mountains, at an altitude of 1000-1400 meters above sea level, which is why it is also known as "Mountain savory".

In ancient times, summer savory was celebrated not only for its aromatic properties but also for its alleged aphrodisiac effects. It was known as "herb of the satyr", in reference to the mythological figure half man and half goat with an insatiable sexual appetite.

This belief was so rooted that the cultivation of summer savory was forbidden in monasteries to avoid temptations. During the Roman era, summer savory was one of the most loved aromatic herbs, used to flavor numerous dishes.

In the Middle Ages, its popularity also spread to Germanic countries where it was used as a substitute for pepper, thanks to its spicy and aromatic flavor. The legends and folk traditions surrounding summer savory have made it a fascinating plant rich in history, combining the world of cuisine with that of popular beliefs.

Chemical components

Summer savory is a plant rich in chemical components that give it its aromatic and therapeutic properties.

Among the main constituents, we find a variety of essential oils and bioactive compounds that vary in concentration depending on the harvesting period:

  • Essential oil:
    • Carvacrol
    • p-Cymene
    • Thymol
    • Terpinene
  • Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives:
    • Rosmarinic acid
  • Flavonoids
  • Tannins
  • Triterpenes and sterols

Summer savory also contains other terpenes such as borneol, nerol, and geraniol. Among the present vitamins, we find:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamins of the B group (B1, B2, B3, B6)
  • Vitamin C

Furthermore, the essential oil of summer savory includes additional substances such as eugenol, limonene, cymene, camphene, and myrcene. These components contribute not only to the characteristic aroma of the plant but also to its numerous beneficial properties for health.

Summer savory: properties and benefits

Summer savory is a renowned medicinal plant for its multiple therapeutic properties and health benefits. Thanks to its chemical composition rich in essential oils and bioactive compounds, this plant offers a wide range of positive effects on the body.

Main health properties

  • Antiseptic: Santoreggia purifies the urinary and respiratory tract, making it useful against genitourinary infections such as cystitis, candida, and prostatitis.
  • Digestive: Promotes slow digestion and relieves gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Antispasmodic: Useful against kidney and lung ailments, as well as intestinal infections.
  • Antiviral and antibacterial: Santoreggia essential oil fights colds and flu thanks to its vitamin C content.
  • Expectorant: Helps dissolve mucus and phlegm, facilitating its expulsion.

Health benefits

  • Natural remedy: Indicated as a coadjuvant in genitourinary infections, promotes digestion, and relieves kidney and lung pains.
  • Aphrodisiac: Historically considered capable of eliminating sexual inhibitions.
  • Antioxidant: Thanks to its antioxidant content, it counteracts free radicals, preventing diseases such as tumors and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Treatment of insect bites: Fresh minced leaves alleviate the pain of wasp and bee stings.
  • Toothaches and cramps: Small tissue bags containing steam-heated santoreggia can cure toothaches, inflammations, and cramps.

Furthermore, santoreggia is used in cosmetics for the creation of perfumes and creams thanks to its aromatic properties.

Its antibiotic action makes even the most delicate meats tolerable to the sensitive intestine. With such a rich profile of benefits, santoreggia confirms itself as a true natural panacea.

How to use santoreggia?

Santoreggia is a versatile plant that can be used in various ways to take advantage of its therapeutic benefits and its delightful aroma in the kitchen.

Let's see together the different forms in which it is used and how to take it:

  • Infusion: Prepare an infusion with 2-3 grams of santoreggia in 250 ml of boiling water. Let it infuse for a few minutes, filter, and drink. This infusion is excellent for improving digestion and relieving gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Powder: Santoreggia can also be taken in powder form, with a recommended dose of 100-200 mg per capsule. It is a practical way to benefit from its antiseptic and antispasmodic properties.
  • Hydroalcoholic Solution (Mother Tincture): The mother tincture of santoreggia is used by diluting 30 drops in half a glass of water, to be taken 1-3 times a day after meals. This solution is effective in treating genitourinary infections and improving respiratory health.
  • Dried: Santoreggia is highly appreciated in the kitchen for its intense aroma reminiscent of mint and pepper.

bottle of santoreggia essential oil

Santoreggia in cosmetics and herbal medicine

Santoreggia is widely used in cosmetics and herbal medicine thanks to its toning, stimulating, and deodorizing properties. The parts used are mainly the flowering tops and leaves, which are transformed into various beneficial preparations for body care.

In herbal medicine, santoreggia is appreciated for its antiseptic and astringent properties. A poultice of minced leaves can be applied to the skin to treat impurities and inflammations, making it an excellent natural remedy for problematic skin. Additionally, santoreggia infusion can be used as a tonic to improve scalp health, gently massaging it to strengthen the hair bulb and prevent lice infestations.

Santoreggia in the kitchen

Santoreggia, with its unique and slightly spicy taste, is a highly appreciated culinary herb. Its Mediterranean aroma, reminiscent of a mix of mint and pepper, makes it perfect for flavoring a wide range of dishes, from legumes to meats, through vegetables and soups, enhancing their flavor but also making them more digestible.

It is a versatile spice that can be used both fresh and dried, and releases its intense aroma when added in the final minutes of cooking.

Let's see some pairings with summer savory:

  • Legumes: The combination of summer savory and beans is particularly successful. Just add a few leaves during the cooking of the legumes to enhance their flavor and aid digestion.
  • Meats: It enhances white meats such as chicken and turkey, but it is also excellent for pork roasts and game. It pairs well with rosemary to season succulent roasts and crispy baked potatoes.
  • Vegetables: Perfect for dressing raw or cooked vegetables, such as zucchini, eggplants, peppers, and green beans. A tasty idea is to sauté cooked green beans in a pan with butter and a sprinkle of summer savory before serving.
  • Hot and cold dishes: Ideal for soups, risottos, omelets, and salads. Dried summer savory can also be used to prepare bruschettas, focaccias, and pizzas.
  • Herbal tea: Summer savory can also be used to prepare a digestive herbal tea. Just infuse the dried leaves in hot water for a few minutes.

Recipes with summer savory

  • Green beans with summer savory: Cook the green beans al dente, sauté them in a pan with butter and add a sprinkle of summer savory before serving.
  • Pork roast with summer savory: Marinate the roast with olive oil, garlic, rosemary, and summer savory. Cook slowly until you get tender and flavorful meat.
  • Digestive herbal tea: Infuse a teaspoon of dried summer savory leaves in a cup of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Strain and enjoy.

Summer savory is a precious herb in the kitchen, capable of transforming simple dishes into true gastronomic delights thanks to its unique aroma.

Discover Terzaluna's dried summer savory, ideal for giving a special flavor to your dishes. Since 2011, Terzaluna has been synonymous with quality and freshness for you, herbal teas, and spices. Trust our experience for a safe and fast purchase.

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Difference between summer savory and thyme

Summer savory and thyme, although both belonging to the Lamiaceae family, have some significant differences that make them unique: summer savory has a pungent and slightly spicy taste, similar to thyme, but with a more smoky aftertaste. Thyme, on the other hand, has a more delicate and slightly sweet aroma, with hints of lemon or camphor depending on the variety.

Furthermore, summer savory is known for its digestive and carminative properties, while thyme is appreciated for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

lentil soup with summer savory


Summer savory is generally considered safe when used in recommended doses, but there are some contraindications to consider.

It is important to be aware of any individual sensitivities to the plant, which could cause allergic reactions or irritations.


  • Essential oil: The essential oil of summer savory should not be used directly on the skin, as it can be irritating. It is advisable to dilute it with a carrier oil before topical application.
  • Pharmacological interactions: While summer savory does not have known interactions with drugs or other substances, winter savory may interfere with lithium intake. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult your doctor if in doubt or if you are taking specific medications.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: There are not enough studies to guarantee the safety of using savory during pregnancy and breastfeeding. As a precaution, it is best to avoid using it during these stages.

Although savory is a safe and beneficial herb for many, it is essential to use it with care and awareness of possible contraindications. Consulting a health professional can help avoid any risks and make the most of the properties of this plant.

Where to buy savory online

If you are looking for high-quality savory, Terzaluna is the ideal place for you. Our specialized e-commerce offers a wide selection of spices, teas, and herbal teas from around the world, ensuring fresh and authentic products.

At Terzaluna, you can find dried savory perfect for enriching your dishes or taking advantage of its beneficial properties in herbalism and cosmetics.

Shopping at Terzaluna is easy and safe: just visit the website, explore the section dedicated to spices, and select the savory that best suits your needs.

Furthermore, Terzaluna offers fast shipping and a customer service always available to answer any questions or needs. Trust Terzaluna for the purchase of your savory online and discover the pleasure of using an aromatic plant with countless virtues, directly at your home.

Buy Dried Savory at Terzaluna

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