Chai Latte: What It Is and Recipe to Make It

Chai Latte: What It Is and Recipe to Make It

Discover the Recipe for Chai Latte, the Warm and Comforting Drink from India

With the arrival of winter and the first chills, it's natural to seek comfort in warm and enveloping beverages that can warm and pamper us during seasonal changes. Chai latte is just one of these: a delicious blend of black tea, aromatic spices, and milk that delights the palate with its spicy notes and unmistakable aroma. Originating from India, this drink has spread worldwide, becoming a must-have in cafes and homes of many enthusiasts. Let's find out together what exactly chai latte is, its benefits, and how to prepare it at home with a simple recipe.

cup of chai latte

Chai Latte: What Is It?

Chai latte is a warm beverage of Indian origin with a spicy and enveloping flavor, perfect for warming up during cold winter days. This delicious blend, made famous worldwide by coffee chains like Starbucks, has its roots in the millennia-old tradition of Masala Chai. In India, the term "chai" simply means "tea," while "masala" indicates a mix of spices. Masala Chai is therefore a black tea enriched with a blend of aromatic spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and pepper, to which milk is added to make it even more creamy and enveloping.

This ancient recipe, whose origins date back thousands of years, was initially linked to Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine. The spices used in chai latte are known for their beneficial properties: they help combat flu symptoms, aid digestion, and have an antioxidant and toning effect.

With the arrival of British colonizers in India in the 1800s, Masala Chai evolved into the form we know today. The addition of milk and sugar made this beverage even more popular, transforming it into a true comfort drink appreciated by millions of people worldwide.

Whether enjoyed in a bustling Indian market or a modern café, chai latte remains a unique beverage, capable of providing a special treat thanks to its unmistakable aroma and its spicy and enveloping notes.

Let yourself be enveloped by the unmistakable aroma of Terzaluna's Chai Latte, a refined blend of black tea and selected spices. Ideal for a refreshing break or to start the day with energy, the Chai Latte mix offers an authentic and wellness-rich taste experience. Discover the pleasure of a comfort drink with a spicy and creamy flavor, perfect for the colder months.

Buy the Chai Latte Mix on Terzaluna

Chai Latte: Recipe

Preparing a chai latte at home is easier than you might think. Just have the right ingredients and follow a few steps to get a warm, spicy, and enveloping beverage, perfect for cold winter days.

Ingredients for 2 people:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 cups of milk (dairy or plant-based)
  • 2 teaspoons of black tea (preferably Darjeeling tea or Assam tea)
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 2-3 cloves
  • 2-3 black peppercorns
  • 2-3 cardamom pods
  • A grating of nutmeg
  • Honey or cane sugar (optional)

Discover the excellence of Assam Tonganagaon Black Tea from Terzaluna, to prepare a chai latte at home like a true connoisseur.

Buy Assam Tonganagaon Black Tea on Terzaluna


  1. In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil with the spices (ginger, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, and cardamom). Let it simmer for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the black tea and let it steep for another 3-4 minutes.
  3. Strain the spiced tea and pour it back into the saucepan.
  4. Add the milk and heat over medium heat until the drink is hot and steaming, stirring occasionally.
  5. If desired, you can sweeten the chai latte with honey or cane sugar.
  6. Pour the chai latte into cups and serve hot.


  • For an even more inviting presentation, decorate the chai latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a cinnamon stick.
  • If you prefer a vegan version, you can replace dairy milk with almond, coconut, or soy milk.
  • For an extra touch, add some mace or a bit of vanilla.


Chai latte is best enjoyed freshly prepared, when the spice aromas are most intense and enveloping. However, if you wish to prepare chai latte in advance, we recommend storing the spice mix and black tea separately. This way, you can preserve the aromaticity of the ingredients and enjoy a fragrant and tasty chai latte every time.

To store the spice mix, simply grind together cinnamon, ginger, cloves, black pepper, and cardamom, then place the resulting powder in an airtight jar. When you want to prepare your chai tea latte, just add the right amount of spices to the boiling water along with the black tea, following the recipe provided.

Avoid preparing large quantities of chai latte to store in the refrigerator: the drink would quickly lose its aromaticity and characteristic flavor. It's better to spend a few extra minutes preparing a steaming and fragrant cup, to enjoy all its goodness.

Variations and Alternatives

The chai latte, in its classic version, is a much-loved drink, but there are several variations and alternatives to adapt it to personal tastes or dietary needs. One of the most common options is to replace dairy milk with plant-based beverages such as almond, coconut, or soy milk, to obtain a vegan and lactose-free chai latte.

For those who want to experiment with new flavors, it is possible to enhance the basic recipe with other ingredients such as vanilla or cocoa. For example, adding a pinch of cocoa powder can create a delicious chocolate chai latte, perfect for an extra treat.

Another interesting variation is the "dirty chai", which involves the addition of an espresso shot to the traditional chai latte, creating a drink with an intense flavor and an energizing effect. This version is ideal for those looking for a combination of the spicy taste of chai and the kick of caffeine.

For those who prefer a cold alternative, chai latte can also be enjoyed as a frappé: simply mix the ingredients with ice to obtain a refreshing and aromatic drink, perfect for hotter days.

In short, chai latte lends itself to multiple interpretations, allowing everyone to find the variant that best suits their preferences and to experiment with new combinations of flavors and textures.

two empty cups with a chai latte teapot in the background

What does chai taste like?

Chai latte has a unique and unmistakable flavor, given by the harmonious combination of black tea, milk, and spices. At the first sip, you can perceive the warm and enveloping notes of cinnamon and ginger, which give the drink a spicy and comforting taste. Cardamom adds a slightly spicy and citrusy nuance, while cloves and black pepper provide a touch of complexity and depth to the flavor.

Black tea, usually of the Darjeeling or Assam variety, provides a robust and slightly astringent base that blends perfectly with the creaminess of the milk. The latter, whether dairy or plant-based, makes the chai latte smooth and enveloping, balancing the intensity of the spices.

Create chai latte with Terza Luna's mix

If you want to prepare a delicious chai latte even more easily and quickly, you can use the Terza Luna chai latte mix. This high-quality blend of spices and black tea will allow you to obtain a drink with an authentic and enveloping flavor in just a few minutes.

The Terza Luna Chai Latte mix consists of Assam black tea powder and a selection of spices including cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, cloves, mace, and black pepper. All ingredients are finely ground to facilitate assimilation and make the drink even creamier.

To prepare your chai latte, simply put 2 teaspoons (about 5g) of the mix in a cup and pour over milk, either plant-based or dairy, or hot water. Stir vigorously to blend the ingredients and optionally add a bit of honey or sugar to sweeten to taste. The result will be a thick and creamy drink, with a pleasant sediment of spices and tea at the bottom of the cup.

Thanks to the caffeine contained in Assam black tea, Terza Luna's Chai Latte is a great ally to start the day with the right energy or to enjoy a refreshing break in the afternoon. Additionally, the spices in the mix aid digestion and provide a pleasant sense of well-being.

With the Terza Luna Chai Latte mix, you can enjoy an authentic taste experience easily and quickly, without sacrificing the quality and aroma of the ingredients.

Buy Chai Latte Mix on Terzaluna

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