Calendula: Properties, Benefits, and Uses in Herbal Medicine and Skincare

Calendula: Properties, Benefits, and Uses in Herbal Medicine and Skincare

What is calendula used for in herbal medicine? Properties and benefits for the skin

Calendula, also known as "marigold" or "calendula officinalis," is a plant with numerous beneficial properties. Originally from Southern Europe, it is widely cultivated worldwide for its medicinal properties and ornamental appearance. The bright orange or yellow calendula flowers are rich in beneficial substances such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and essential oils. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, healing, and soothing properties, calendula is used in various therapeutic applications, from treating wounds and skin irritations to addressing gastrointestinal disorders. Besides its medicinal use, calendula petals can also be used in cooking to enhance salads, teas, and creative dishes. Let's explore the characteristics, benefits, and uses of this extraordinary medicinal plant together.

calendula flowers

Calendula: What is it?

Calendula, scientifically known as Calendula officinalis, belongs to the Asteraceae family. Native to the Mediterranean region, this annual or perennial herbaceous plant is recognized for its vibrant flowers, which range from yellow to deep orange. The calendula flowers, composed of numerous petals arranged in a radial pattern around a prominent center, are used both fresh and dried for various purposes.

Calendula is renowned in the world of natural cosmetics and skincare for its beneficial properties for the skin. It is widely used in the preparation of creams, lotions, and ointments for its moisturizing, soothing, and anti-inflammatory capabilities. Among the most well-known products is calendula cream, an effective home remedy for treating skin irritations, burns, and other skin conditions. Additionally, calendula is used in the production of essential oils and balms, ideal for keeping the skin healthy and protected.

Discover the unique benefits of dried calendula flowers from Terzaluna, the go-to place for tea, herbal tea, and spice enthusiasts. Carefully selected calendula flowers offer anti-inflammatory and healing properties, ideal for skin care and preparing healthy teas. Shop today at Terzaluna for the highest quality and impeccable service with fast shipping.

Buy Dried Calendula Flowers at Terzaluna

Origins and History

Calendula officinalis has a rich and fascinating history rooted in the Mediterranean regions, its place of origin.

This herbaceous plant, characterized by distinctive orange and yellow flowers, has been appreciated for centuries not only for its ornamental beauty but also for its multiple practical applications. Ancient herbal texts cite calendula as a true panacea, highlighting its effectiveness in treating a wide variety of issues, particularly redness and skin irritations. Over the centuries, its popularity has steadily grown, cementing its status as an essential ingredient in traditional pharmacopeia and skin care products.

Calendula has found a place not only in folk medicine but also in the beliefs and traditions of various cultures. Some legends attribute magical properties to this plant, associating it with propitiatory and protective rites.

Its ability to bloom at different times of the year, even in adverse conditions, has made it a symbol of resilience and adaptability. Today, the marigold continues to be widely cultivated and used around the world, not only for its therapeutic properties but also for its undeniable aesthetic appeal. Thanks to modern scientific research, knowledge about its beneficial properties has expanded, confirming and deepening what has been passed down through popular wisdom. Thus, the marigold remains an undisputed protagonist in the field of medicinal plants, appreciated by herbalists, natural remedy enthusiasts, and lovers of the authentic beauty of nature.

Marigold Plant

The marigold, botanical name Calendula officinalis, is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is easily recognized by its orange and yellow flowers, similar to daisies, and its thick, toothed leaves. The plant can reach a height of about 50-60 cm and has a stem covered with hair. The leaves are alternately arranged along the stem, with a shape that varies from elliptical to oblanceolate and entire or toothed margins. The marigold blooms from spring to autumn, allowing for multiple harvests throughout the year.


The marigold is native to Mediterranean regions but has spread to many other parts of the world. It prefers slightly hilly, sunny, and well-drained soils, up to an altitude of 600 meters above sea level. This robust plant adapts to various types of soil, making it easy to cultivate in different environmental conditions.


Growing marigold is simple and requires little special attention. Sowing takes place in March and April, with seeds or seedlings placed about 30 cm apart. The marigold does not tolerate waterlogging; therefore, it is important to water it regularly but not excessively. During spring, the marigold field should be cleared of weeds to prevent them from depriving the plant of nutrients.

Benefits for the Garden

In addition to its ornamental beauty, the marigold offers numerous benefits for the garden. Its flowers attract pollinating insects such as bees and bumblebees, while its roots help repel larvae and nematodes from the soil. This makes the marigold a useful plant for maintaining a healthy ecosystem in the garden.

Chemical Constituents

The marigold is rich in active principles that determine its many beneficial properties. Among the main chemical constituents are:

  • Flavonoids: including rutinoside, rutin, isoquercetin, and narcissin. These compounds are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Mucilages: substances that give the marigold emollient and soothing properties, particularly useful for the skin.
  • Pentacyclic triterpenes: compounds that contribute to the plant's anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
  • Carotenoids: including beta-carotene, lycopene, calendulin, lutein, and xanthophylls. These natural pigments not only give the flowers their characteristic orange color but also play an important role as antioxidants.
  • Polysaccharides: substances that help stimulate the immune system and improve overall skin health.
  • Phytosterols: plant compounds that help reduce inflammation and promote cell regeneration.
  • Essential oil: extracted from marigold flowers, the essential oil possesses antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
  • Hydroxycoumarins: compounds that may contribute to the plant's antispasmodic and anticoagulant properties.

These components work synergistically to give the marigold its renowned therapeutic properties, making it a valuable ingredient in many cosmetic and medicinal products, particularly making it one of the best herbs for skin teas.

Properties of Calendula

Calendula is renowned for its numerous therapeutic properties, making it a versatile and valuable ingredient in both cosmetic and medical fields. Here is a list of the main properties of calendula, accompanied by a brief description and the chemical constituents responsible:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Thanks to pentacyclic triterpenes, such as faradiol and its derivatives, calendula is effective in reducing inflammation. This property is particularly useful for treating skin inflammations and mucous membranes of the oropharyngeal cavity.
  • Healing: Calendula extracts promote wound healing by encouraging the formation of granulation tissue and increasing the production of collagen and fibrin. This makes the plant ideal for accelerating skin regeneration in cases of abrasions, burns, and minor scalds.
  • Soothing and calming: The mucilages present in calendula, like those in mallow, give the plant emollient and soothing properties, relieving skin irritations, redness, dermatitis, and eczema.
  • Antioxidant: Carotenoids, including beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein, help combat free radicals, protecting the skin from damage caused by UV rays and harsh environmental agents.
  • Antimicrobial: Calendula essential oil possesses mild antimicrobial and antifungal properties, helping to prevent skin infections and maintain a healthy skin environment.
  • Moisturizing: Calendula extracts are often used in moisturizing creams and lotions for the body due to their ability to hydrate and soften dry skin.
  • Choleretic and antispasmodic: Calendula can have beneficial effects on the digestive system, helping to stimulate bile production and relieve intestinal spasms.
  • Immunostimulant: The polysaccharides present in the plant help stimulate the immune system, improving the body's resistance to infections.

These properties make calendula an extremely versatile natural remedy, used in numerous cosmetic and medicinal products for the well-being of the skin and the body.

Calendula: Benefits and Applications

Calendula offers numerous benefits and applications thanks to its therapeutic properties. Let's explore the main ones together:

  • Skin care and cleansing: Calendula has emollient, moisturizing, and antibacterial properties, making it ideal for producing cleansing milk, moisturizing face creams, nourishing creams, foot creams, and aftershaves. These products clean the skin without irritating it, providing brightness and hydration.
  • Wound healing: The healing properties of calendula promote rapid wound healing. Calendula-based creams keep wounds clean thanks to their antibacterial properties, speeding up the healing process.
  • Treatment of burns and scalds: Calendula is known for its soothing properties, making it perfect for treating burns and scalds. Calendula creams relieve pain and promote skin regeneration.
  • Eczema, dermatitis, and inflammations: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, calendula is ideal for treating skin inflammations, eczema, and dermatitis. It is also suitable for the most delicate skins, such as those of children.
  • Deep hydration: Calendula provides deep hydration without making the skin greasy, making it suitable for dry, oily, or combination skin. This balance helps maintain healthy-looking skin.
  • Soothing for sensitive skin: The soothing properties of calendula relieve redness and tight skin sensations. Regular use of calendula-based products promotes skin that is more resistant to external aggressions.
  • Treatment of oropharyngeal inflammations: Calendula can be used as an infusion to treat oropharyngeal inflammations, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Digestive support: The choleretic and antispasmodic properties of calendula help stimulate bile production and relieve intestinal spasms.
  • Cholesterol reduction: The saponins present in calendula have been shown to reduce high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.

These benefits make calendula a versatile natural remedy, used in numerous cosmetic products, particularly skincare, and medicinal products for the well-being of the skin and the body.

drying calendula flowers

Uses of calendula: what is it for?

Calendula is an extremely versatile plant, used in various fields thanks to its numerous beneficial properties.

Here is a list of the main uses of calendula:

  • Gardening: Various species of calendula are used as ornamental plants to decorate gardens and terraces. Additionally, they are industrially cultivated for the production of cut flowers.
  • Agriculture: Calendula is often grown in fields to repel harmful insects from vegetables due to its aroma, thus protecting crops like squash, tomato, peas, cucumber, zucchini, and beans.
  • Culinary: Calendula flowers are used in gastronomy to color dishes and salads and can serve as a substitute for saffron. The petals add a touch of color and a slight aromatic flavor to culinary preparations.
  • Alternative and complementary medicine: The flowers of Calendula officinalis are used as a phytotherapeutic remedy for their antispasmodic and healing properties. In homeopathy, calendula is recommended for treating burns, dental care, and post-partum.
  • Skincare: Calendula is widely used in modern skincare for its soothing and balancing action. It is found in moisturizing creams, tonics, oils, and bath foams, adapting to the needs of different skin types, especially sensitive and acne-prone skin.

These uses demonstrate how valuable calendula is not only for skin well-being but also for plant health and culinary enrichment.

Calendula in the Kitchen

Calendula flowers are among the edible wild herbs and can be used in the kitchen. The petals can be added to salads or used to decorate candied desserts, while the buds can be preserved in vinegar.

One of the most common uses of calendula is the preparation of teas and infusions: fresh or dried calendula petals can be steeped in hot water to create a relaxing beverage with beneficial properties. The flowers can also be used to flavor vinegars and oils, giving them a delicate floral aroma.

 In pastry making, calendula petals can be used to decorate desserts and cakes, adding an aesthetic touch and a slightly spicy flavor. Another interesting use is the inclusion of the flowers in risottos: calendula petals can be added during cooking to give the dish a vibrant color and unique flavor.

Additionally, calendula can be incorporated into bread and focaccia doughs, enriching the taste and appearance of the preparations. For those who love to experiment, calendula can also be used in the preparation of pestos: the petals can be blended with basil, pine nuts, garlic, and olive oil to create an original and tasty sauce. Finally, calendula-flavored butter is a simple yet delicious idea: just mix finely chopped petals with soft butter, creating a spreadable cream perfect for enhancing canapés and crostini. These examples show how calendula can transform simple recipes into unique culinary experiences, combining aesthetics and taste with its beneficial properties.

Renew your wellness routine with Terzaluna's dried calendula petals. Known for their extraordinary soothing and regenerative properties, these flowers are perfect for refreshing teas and natural cosmetic preparations. Choose Terzaluna for a high-quality shopping experience, with selected products and fast shipping.

Buy Dried Calendula Flowers on Terzaluna

Calendula-Based Products

Calendula is widely used in cosmetics for the production of a wide range of products thanks to its soothing, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory properties. Here is a list of the main calendula-based products and their benefits:

  • Calendula oil: Extracted from the flowers, calendula oil is known for its emollient and regenerating properties. It is used for massages, treatments for dry and irritated skin, and as a base for other cosmetic products.
  • Calendula cream: This cream is particularly appreciated for its moisturizing and soothing properties. It is ideal for treating skin irritations, sunburns, eczema, and dermatitis. It can be used daily to keep the skin soft and healthy.
  • Calendula soap: Soaps enriched with calendula extracts are gentle on the skin and help prevent dryness and irritations. They are suitable for sensitive skin and can be used for both the face and body.
  • Calendula shampoo: Thanks to its calming properties, calendula shampoo is ideal for sensitive or irritated scalps. It helps soothe itching and redness, leaving hair soft and shiny.
  • Calendula ointment: These ointments are mainly used to treat wounds, cuts, abrasions, and minor burns. The healing properties of calendula promote rapid skin recovery.
  • Calendula infusion: Infusions made from calendula flowers can be used both internally and externally. Internally, they help soothe digestive disorders and oropharyngeal inflammations; externally, they can be applied to wounds or used as a skin toner.
  • Calendula balm: Balms are thicker formulations compared to creams and are ideal for treating particularly dry or damaged skin areas. They offer prolonged protective action due to their rich consistency.
  • Calendula lotion: Lotions are light and easily absorbable, ideal for daily skin hydration without weighing it down. They are perfect for use all over the body, keeping the skin elastic and nourished.
  • Calendula lip balm: These balms provide intense hydration and protection against chapped lips. Calendula helps quickly repair damaged lips, making them soft and smooth.

These products demonstrate the wide versatility of calendula in the cosmetic field, offering natural and effective solutions for a variety of skin and hair needs.

calendula oil

How to prepare calendula oil

Calendula oil is an oily extract derived from the flowers of calendula officinalis, known for its soothing, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Preparing it at home is simple and allows you to obtain a natural product rich in benefits for the skin.

Ingredients and Necessary Materials:

  • Dried calendula flowers (available on
  • Carrier oil (such as sunflower oil, olive oil, or sweet almond oil)
  • Glass jar with lid
  • Gauze or filter
  • Dark container for storage


  1. Drying the flowers: If you have fresh flowers, the first step is to dry them. Collect the calendula flower heads and place them in a dark, well-ventilated area to prevent fermentation and damage. After a few weeks, the flowers will be completely dry and ready for use.
  2. Preparing the jar: Fill a clean glass jar with the dried calendula flowers, leaving about 2 cm of space from the top.
  3. Adding the carrier oil: Pour the chosen carrier oil into the jar until the flowers are completely covered. Ensure that all the flowers are well immersed in the oil.
  4. Maceration: Close the jar with the lid and gently shake to mix the contents. Leave the jar in a warm, sunny place for about 4-6 weeks, shaking it daily to promote the extraction of beneficial substances from the flowers.
  5. Filtering: After the maceration period, filter the oil using gauze or a fine filter to separate the flowers from the oil. Squeeze the flowers well to extract as much oil as possible.
  6. Storage: Transfer the filtered oil into a dark container to protect it from light and store it in a cool, dry place.

The calendula oil is ready to be used as a base for creams, lotions, ointments, or simply applied directly to the skin to take advantage of all its beneficial properties.

Calendula: Contraindications

Despite the calendula being a plant with multiple beneficial properties, it is important to consider some contraindications for safe use. First of all, anyone with a known hypersensitivity or allergy to one or more components of calendula should avoid its use.

Allergic reactions can manifest as skin rashes, itching, or swelling, and in more severe cases, anaphylactic reactions. Additionally, the use of calendula is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there are not enough studies to ensure its safety during these delicate phases of life. People taking anticoagulant medications should also be cautious, as calendula may enhance the effect of these drugs and increase the risk of bleeding.

Finally, before using calendula-based products on open wounds or severely damaged skin, it is advisable to consult a doctor or dermatologist to avoid complications. In case of doubt, it is always better to seek the advice of a healthcare professional to ensure the appropriate and safe use of calendula.

Side Effects and Drug Interactions

Although calendula is a plant with multiple beneficial properties, it can present some side effects and drug interactions that are important to know. For example, hydroalcoholic extracts of calendula can increase the sleep time induced by barbiturates.

This sedative effect should be considered by those taking sleep medications or sedatives, as it may enhance the action of these drugs. Another aspect to consider involves people taking anticoagulant medications. Calendula may enhance the effect of these drugs, increasing the risk of bleeding. Therefore, it is essential to consult a doctor before using calendula-based products if you are undergoing anticoagulant treatment.

Additionally, some people may experience allergic reactions to calendula, manifested as skin rashes, itching, or swelling. In rare cases, anaphylactic reactions may occur, requiring immediate medical intervention. Finally, it is important to note that there are not enough studies on the safety of using calendula during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using this plant during these delicate phases of life or consult a health professional before doing so. Considering these potential side effects and pharmacological interactions, it is always recommended to use calendula with caution and under the supervision of a doctor or an expert in herbal medicine.

Where to buy calendula?

If you are looking for high-quality calendula, Terzaluna is the ideal place for you. Our specialized e-commerce offers a wide selection of spices, herbs, and teas from around the world, always ensuring the highest quality of products. On Terzaluna you can find dried calendula petals, perfect for preparing infusions, oleolites, and DIY cosmetic products. By choosing, you can be sure to purchase calendula officinalis cultivated and harvested with care, ideal for all your herbal and cosmetic needs.


Buy Dried Calendula Flowers on Terzaluna


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