Adrenal Fatigue: Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Remedies

Adrenal Fatigue: Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Remedies

How to Recognize Adrenal Fatigue and Natural Remedies to Counteract It

The adrenal fatigue is a condition of strong discomfort that is not well known, although it affects most people. It is very difficult to identify, as its symptoms are similar to those of stress and chronic fatigue: insomnia, headaches, mood swings, constant fatigue and lack of energy, dependence on caffeine and sugary or very salty foods. Due to this wide variety of symptoms and the association of such manifestations with other pathologies, the existence of this condition is often doubted: in reality, studies have shown how the adrenal glands are able to significantly influence the balance of our body. It becomes therefore essential to support them with an appropriate lifestyle, preventive measures, and herbs and plants, especially adaptogens, that help their proper functioning.

Fatigue or Adrenal Fatigue and the Influence on Other Organs of the Body

The adrenal fatigue, adrenal fatigue, often also known as adrenal insufficiency or hypoadrenia, is a common condition in many people, caused by various factors, such as physical and psychological stress and a poor lifestyle, leading to exhaustion of the adrenal glands, which will alternately produce too many or too few hormones, causing an imbalance in their levels. The term was coined by Dr. James Wilson, a naturopath who identified how chronic stress conditions lead the adrenals to secrete inconsistent levels of the hormones cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone, causing various problems in the body.

The exhaustion of the adrenal glands affects most people without them realizing it, as the symptoms associated with the condition can be confused as manifestations of other pathologies. In recent years, however, studies on the importance of the adrenal glands and their role in hormone secretion have highlighted how crucial it is to take care of them, and how many of the disorders, fatigue, and physical stress experienced by most individuals are dependent on adrenal fatigue.

Adrenal fatigue is not a serious condition, but it can cause strong discomfort and difficulties in facing the days calmly, leading to more serious illnesses due to a decrease in the body's resistance to stressors, both psychological and physical. However, there are several precautions and remedies that help restore a balance of the adrenal glands and restore the secretion of correct hormone levels, from diet, to supplements, to herbs and adaptogenic plants that support the body in states of stress.

What Are the Adrenal Glands?

The adrenals are two small triangular-shaped glands the size of a walnut, part of the endocrine system. They are located above each kidney and have the function of secreting various hormones (about 50) essential for the balance and health of the body and for the performance of various physiological functions. The secretion by the adrenal glands is endocrine, meaning that the secreted hormones are released directly into the bloodstream. Among the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands are:

  • Adrenaline: the hormone that functions to bring blood to other parts of the body, thus accelerating heart and respiratory rate and constricting blood vessels. Adrenaline prepares the body for attack and improves reactivity and physical performance;
  • Glucocorticoids: like cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. These hormones regulate blood sugar levels and the immune response to stress. In stressful situations, cortisol is produced in excess. In addition to this immune response, stress hormones also regulate metabolism: for example, cortisol assists in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, which is why those suffering from adrenal fatigue often have trouble losing weight;
  • Androgens or Sex Hormones: are steroid hormones that are divided into different types. Sex hormones are produced in the outer cortical part, called the adrenal cortex: the hormone DHEA, or Dehydroepiandrosterone, is the most produced, starting from cholesterol. This hormone is the precursor of natural estrogens and is converted into DHT, testosterone, progesterone, or estrogens;
  • Mineralocorticoids: are corticosteroid hormones that help regulate the water and salt balance, retaining sodium in the kidneys while promoting the expulsion of potassium, thus increasing blood pressure and favoring water retention.

adrenal fatigue

Function of the Adrenal Glands: What Are They For?

The adrenal glands work together with the hypothalamus and pituitary, with which they create an axis called HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal glands) that plays a fundamental role in stress response mechanisms. The main function of the adrenal glands is, as mentioned, to secrete hormones that are essential for the body's balance. The adrenals therefore provide essential hormonal support to carry out our daily activities with energy, enthusiasm, and efficiency, to react to everyday life situations in a healthy and flexible way.

The secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone, is particularly important. When the body senses a threat, whether physical, psychological, or chemical, the adrenal glands release cortisol and adrenaline into the body in response; these hormones lead to a balance in the body as they slow down other functions that are not essential for survival at that particular moment (such as digestion): the adrenals are essential in regulating both chronic and acute stress response.

The secretion of sex hormones is also a very important function of the adrenals, especially in situations like menopause, where the ovaries produce fewer and fewer estrogens and progesterone, the adrenals are able to compensate for this deficiency and restore balance: we discussed this further in the article on natural remedies for menopause. The adrenal glands also have various other functions: they regulate the hydroelectrolytic balance, have a catabolic, thermoregulatory, and anti-inflammatory function.

However, the most important function of the adrenal glands remains the synthesis of stress hormones, which is affected by modern lifestyles that constantly put individuals in a state of stress, influencing the adequate release of hormones.

Fatigue Adrenal: What It Is and Causes

A proper functioning of the adrenal glands ensures energy, enthusiasm, and good mood. Situations of constant stress cause an excessive production of stress hormones, therefore adrenaline and cortisol, leading to fatigue and exhaustion of the adrenal glands, which affects the feeling of tiredness, the immune system's resistance to viruses and diseases, and causes various and different symptoms that become a warning sign of the condition of these glands. High levels of cortisol affect other bodily functions, which undergo the strain of the same. The excessive production of cortisol exhausts the adrenal glands to the point that in the final stage of adrenal fatigue, insufficient levels of cortisol are recorded, and therefore an inadequate response to stress, due to the fact that the glands are no longer able to produce the hormones necessary to be alert and present. Thus, a situation of chronic stress and continuous fatigue and difficulty in concentrating, falling asleep, and an inability to have restful sleep occur in the body.

This condition also increases the risk of allergies, infections, but also autoimmune diseases and thyroid issues, as well as intestinal disorders and food intolerances. Many people suffer from this condition, especially in the most stressful moments of their lives. However, when stress becomes chronic, the glands become exhausted and make it difficult for the body to react and recover from the stress itself.

The causes of adrenal fatigue are mainly attributable to daily and constant stress that many people experience. In particular, prominent stress episodes and their long-lasting effects, such as sudden pain, emotional trauma, or surgery, can cause an imbalanced release of cortisol.

There are different types of stress that the body can be subjected to, all perceived in the same way and stimulating a response from the body in the form of cortisol and adrenaline production:

  • Chemical and environmental stress: attributable to the chemical and environmental factors we are exposed to; the water we drink, the air we breathe, pollution, smog, processed and non-organic food, synthetic clothing, cosmetics, detergents, all constitute stressors for the body.

  • Biological stress: exposure to viruses and bacteria, which lead to diseases that make the body less resistant.

  • Physical stress: the most common and caused by a hectic lifestyle, excessive physical exercise, work or study, external temperatures, lack of sunlight and humidity, allergies, but also poor nutrition.

  • Psychological stress: such as fear, worries, depression, responsibilities, emotional traumas, anxiety and sadness, constant mental stress situations, apathy.

  • Spiritual stress: attributed to a situation of uncertainty and ignorance about one's purpose, role in the world, disconnection from the earth.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

As we have said, the symptoms that should suggest adrenal fatigue are multiple and diverse, often associated with other pathologies or confused with them. The diagnosis of adrenal fatigue must be performed by a doctor, who can carry out a cortisol test, which measures the cortisol levels in saliva.

Among the main symptoms of adrenal fatigue, indicating poor gland function, are:

- Difficulty waking up - Feeling of drowsiness and cloudiness in the morning - Asthenia - Weight loss or gain - Depression and mood swings - Muscle aches - Abdominal pain - Decreased sexual desire due to increased cortisol production and consequent decrease in sex hormone production - Excessive thinness - Constant need for caffeine intake - Difficulty falling asleep despite tiredness - Chronic fatigue - Physical and mental fatigue - Difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly - Recurrent colds - Recurrent infections such as herpes or candida, due to the body's difficulty in fighting pathogens - Craving for very salty foods due to difficulty regulating sodium, potassium, and magnesium levels - Hypoglycemia and craving for very sweet foods due to excess cortisol contributing to sugar metabolism - Allergies, caused by low cortisol levels and immune system problems - Circulation problems - Hormonal imbalance Despite the fatigue of the adrenal glands being confirmed by the cortisol test, if one or more of the listed symptoms occur in a recurring and debilitating manner, it should be considered a warning sign of adrenal exhaustion, which requires taking care of the body and changing one's lifestyle, or integrating nutrients into the diet to support them. Natural Remedies and Supplements for Adrenal Fatigue: Although some of the stresses our body is subjected to cannot be avoided, such as certain environmental stresses or those related to a particular moment in life, there are some lifestyle adjustments that can help normalize the adrenal glands and reduce fatigue, bringing hormone secretion back to the right levels and supporting them in responding to these stresses.

Avoid Excessive Physical Activity

Small doses of cortisol in the body are acceptable and help keep the body alert and ready to respond to stress and face traumas and extreme temperatures, stimulate the liver, block allergies and inflammations, regulate anemic state, emotional stability, mobilize fatty acid levels for optimal energy production.

An excessive production of cortisol, for long periods, instead leads to adrenal gland exhaustion and lower levels of sex hormones, which help in tissue formation. This is precisely why excessive physical activity causes the body to stress the adrenal glands and not develop muscle mass, as well as produce fewer steroid hormones. This is one of the reasons why many women who engage in competitive sports no longer have menstruation.

Reduce Stress and Improve Mental Health

One of the key points to reduce adrenal fatigue and restore adrenal gland function is to reduce stress factors that cause it, listening to your body and mind. As mentioned, there are some stress factors that cannot be avoided: in such cases, it is necessary to reduce those over which you have control. In particular, you should try to rest 8-10 hours per night, have regular days, go to bed not too late, try to avoid work overload as well as follow a healthy diet.

Mentally, it is necessary to open your heart to positive thoughts, distance yourself from negative people, approach life with an attitude of gratitude, and try to laugh and do something enjoyable at least once a day, dedicating some time of the day to ourselves and to the care of our mind and body. A massage, a moment with an important person, a haircut are all small gestures that help decompress and release the stress of the day. In this sense, yoga and meditation can help, therapeutic support, but also light exercise and a regular and balanced diet.

Follow a Healthy and Balanced Diet

The diet is a fundamental element in supporting adrenal gland health, as well as the entire body, as we have already seen when talking about conditions like candida or cystitis and natural remedies to counteract them. Many of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue are indeed related to the metabolism of fats and sugars, and manifest in weight gain or loss, a desire for very sweet or very salty foods, caffeine dependence. Similarly to the candida treatment plan, for adrenal gland support, a balanced and healthy diet should be followed. Let's see its pillars:

  • Reduce caffeine consumption, which interferes with sleep and stresses the body, due to its stimulating effect;

  • Reduce sugar consumption, sweets, cereals, and foods with many additives;

  • Reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates and prefer whole grains, as carbohydrates are harmful to the adrenal glands;

  • Avoid processed foods containing additives and fats, complicated preservatives to digest, compromising the digestive process;

  • Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables to ensure the right intake of fiber, vitamins, and minerals;

  • Integrate good proteins and avoid overly processed meats;

  • Prefer olive oil, coconut, or avocado oil over hydrogenated oils like soy and corn oil;

    Adaptogenic Herbs and Beneficial Plants for Adrenal Gland Stress

    Adaptogenic herbs are precious treasures of botany that help restore balance to the body, adapting to stress. They work by increasing the body's resistance to various stressors, including physical, emotional, chemical, and spiritual stress factors.

    Adaptogens are a fundamental support against acute and chronic diseases, as they normalize the endocrine and immune systems, and operate differently depending on the individual, helping to regulate the body's balance based on what it needs most. This is why they are a great support for the adrenal glands, helping them cope with stress situations and normalize them, improving their function. Let's see the most recommended adaptogens in cases of adrenal fatigue. 

    adaptogens for adrenal fatigue


    The Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogenic herb used in traditional medicine as a brain protector and to improve blood circulation. As an adaptogen, it is able to reduce cortisol levels, modulating stress levels in the body. Rhodiola provides energy, supports in depressive states, improves mental performance, eliminates fatigue, and prevents diseases due to environmental stress, especially those due to very cold and very humid climates. It is ideal to consume in winter, in an infusion that can be prepared with rhodiola in cut herbal tea. Rhodiola tea is an antioxidant, antidepressant, anti-stress drink, and prevents adrenal fatigue, and can be prepared with dried rhodiola root.

    Buy Rhodiola Root on Terza Luna



    Ashwagandha powder is an adaptogen derived from a root, highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine as a Rasayana herb, a category of medicinal herbs used for various disorders. Ashwagandha promotes youth and longevity; scientific studies have shown how this adaptogenic plant is able to increase male fertility, support muscle fatigue after exercise, improve heart health. Ashwagandha also has antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties, helps with sleep, and is a good anti-inflammatory as well as a valuable support for the immune system. It can be taken in smoothies, shakes, and pancakes, if you use ashwagandha powder.

    Buy Ashwagandha Powder on Terza Luna

    Basilico Sacro o Tulsi

    The tulsi, sacred basil, holy basil, or tulsi is a calming, nootropic herb with a relaxing effect on physical and mental stress. Numerous studies have revealed its remarkable antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, and analgesic properties. Tulsi enhances cognitive functions and is considered a natural remedy for anxiety, for the stress of the adrenal glands, and to stimulate the nervous system, as an adaptogen, tonic, and invigorating. It is available in the market as tea cut: you can purchase dried tulsi for your infusions on Terza Luna.

    Buy Tulsi on Terza Luna


    Liquorice is considered a cortisone-like, meaning it has a similar effect to that of cortisone in the blood. By taking liquorice, the body produces less cortisone and more adrenaline and sexual hormone, contributing to the normalization of the adrenal glands and reducing fatigue. This property makes liquorice an important adaptogen, as well as an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antiallergic agent. Many are reluctant to take liquorice, fearing its effects on blood pressure: in reality, it does not have the ability to increase blood pressure, but rather to cause vasoconstriction and hypocalcemia in the body. Liquorice can be consumed in sticks or as an infusion, to be drunk instead of coffee. On Terza Luna, you can purchase liquorice sticks or liquorice root in tea cut to prepare in infusion.

    Buy Liquorice on Terza Luna


    The ginseng is considered a cortisol modulator, produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress, as an adaptogen capable of improving adrenal gland secretion and preventing their fatigue, increasing the body's resistance to stress and improving concentration and brain functions. In traditional herbal medicine, ginseng is considered a general tonic, useful for combating fatigue and recovering vital energy. It is also an immunomodulator and an activator of mental and sexual activity, as it increases testosterone. For this reason, it should be consumed sparingly by women. Ginseng can be taken in various ways: the ginseng mother tincture can be taken twice a day, 30-40 drops on an empty stomach or added to smoothies and juices.


    Discover the Ginseng Mother Tincture


    Eleutherococcus is an adaptogenic plant with important properties on the adrenal glands: studies show how this plant increases their size, decreasing the intraglandular cholesterol content. Eleutherococcus is particularly suitable for women. In Chinese medicine, it is considered a tonic for vital energy and the spleen, which plays a central role in Western medicine. In addition to the adaptogenic properties of eleutherococcus, there are also anti-inflammatory properties: it is excellent for building resistance to viruses and is a booster of the immune system. On Terza Luna, you can find eleutherococcus in powder, to be consumed in various ways, in smoothies, smoothies, or doughs.

    Buy Eleutherococcus on Terza Luna


    Recipes to Support the Adrenal Glands

    Many ask us how to integrate adaptogenic herbs into their diet, as sometimes they are unusual plants, whose tastes not everyone knows how to combine in the best way to make them tasty, as well as beneficial. We propose two recipes with adaptogens to experiment with these plants and make your meals more tasty and beneficial.

    smoothie with adaptogens

    Smoothie for the Adrenal Glands

    • Half a banana
    • 4 frozen strawberries
    • Half a teaspoon of ashwagandha powder
    • Half a teaspoon of eleutherococcus
    • One or two pitted dates
    • A glass of oat milk

    Blend everything together until you get the consistency of a smoothie and decorate with red fruits like blueberries or raspberries. The consistency will be very dense, so you can eat it with a spoon like a dessert for breakfast or a snack. To increase the effect in combating adrenal fatigue, you can add 20 drops of ginseng mother tincture to the smoothie.

    flavored vinegar for the adrenals

    Flavored Vinegar with Adaptogens

    Adaptogens, as well as many other plants and aromatic herbs, can be used to make a flavored vinegar. To prepare it, you will need:

    • 40 grams of tulsi
    • 30 grams of ginger
    • 30 grams of dried rhodiola root
    • Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

    Put the herbs in a glass jar, cover with apple cider vinegar and let it macerate for a month. After a month has passed, filter, and store in the same jar or in a bottle. This flavored vinegar is excellent for supporting the adrenal glands and can be consumed pure in the morning, diluted in a glass of water, or used to season dishes, such as salads and meats.

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