9 Ideal Detoxifying Herbs for Cleansing Liver and Kidneys

9 Ideal Detoxifying Herbs for Cleansing Liver and Kidneys

Depurative plants and herbs: discover the benefits for our body

Depurative plants and herbs - along with some types of bitter spices - are part of the family of bitter and pungent plants, which have always been used to solve gastrointestinal problems and to purify the liver and kidneys. On average, 40% of wild edible plants are used in traditional and modern society as medicine. Among the depurative plants, there is a high presence of herbs containing bitter, aromatic, and pungent molecules.
It is not surprising to see that many of these pungent spices and bitter herbs are placed on the border between food and medicine as natural remedies for detoxifying the body.

Within this article, we want to introduce you to some of the most effective detoxifying plants and depurative, diuretic, and draining herbs (don't forget to read our article on homemade draining herbal teas), talk about their properties and their use for detoxifying - particularly suitable for spring cleansing cycles - some of our organs that are most tested by the wear and tear of daily life such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines.

Depurative herbs for the liver and intestines

What are the best plants for naturally detoxifying the liver and intestines? Let's find out!

Before focusing on depurative herbs for the liver and intestines, it is good to clarify the functioning of our body and the organs that are most involved during digestion and the assimilation process. The gastrointestinal system has a sensory role in that it responds to the presence of a bitter taste - typical of both plants and bitter spices - by releasing numerous molecules that modify the transit time of food in the tract, the absorption of nutrients, and even the release of "humoral" molecules such as serotonin.
The ingestion of bitter elements - like these detoxifying and cleansing herbs - promotes the release of bile salts, slowing gastric emptying, thus increasing the sense of satiety and allowing for greater breakdown of food, favoring post-gastric digestion of carbohydrates and complex fats.
Here are some cases where these detoxifying remedies are recommended:

  • indigestion
  • liver and bile disorders
  • blood sugar disorders
  • chronic gastritis

Now let's see the plants and herbs that can help the intestines and liver to detoxify and cleanse.

artichoke for liver detoxification


Artichoke is one of the foods with the most important detoxifying and detoxifying properties, especially the artichoke leaf herbal tea. Artichoke contains cynarin, a polyphenol that promotes bile secretion and the consequent detoxification of the liver.

To obtain the maximum detoxifying properties of artichoke, we can either eat it raw or cooked, or prepare an infusion with its leaves, both in tea bags and fresh. Just bring the water to a boil and infuse the artichoke leaves for at least 10 minutes, so that our herbal tea can extract the active ingredients necessary to detoxify our liver.



dandelion for liver detoxification


Even the dandelion is an excellent purifying remedy for our liver. Also known as dandelion or blowball, dandelion is one of the most well-known wild plants and purifying herbs for its properties. The dandelion root has purifying and detoxifying properties for the liver.

Used since ancient times in countries bordering the Mediterranean, as well as in China, the dandelion decoction made with its root and leaves helps our body to expel toxins at the hepatic level, thus purifying the liver. However, dandelion is also known as a diuretic and digestive.



turmeric for liver detox


Although not classified among the liver purifying herbs, turmeric is certainly a powerful ally for our liver. As you know, it is one of the most well-known and widespread Indian spices in the world, typical of oriental cuisine. Turmeric powder, as well as in root form, has important purifying properties. In addition to being a well-known natural anti-inflammatory remedy and a potent antioxidant, it has a stimulating action on bile production and on the elimination of toxins at the hepatic level.

It can be used in cooking to season dishes, but also dissolved in hot water.



boldo for liver detox


Like other purifying plants, boldo can be adopted to purify the liver and intestines. Particularly recommended for digestive problems, gastrointestinal disorders, and for biliary fatigue and intoxications, it can be taken in the form of boldo herbal tea or in the form of mother tincture or hydroalcoholic extract like Epavin 50ml.



moringa for liver detox


Another detoxifying herb for the liver and intestines is certainly moringa (discover here all the properties of moringa). This incredible plant that grows lush in South America is considered a superfood because it is rich, indeed very rich, in beneficial properties for our body. In addition to being known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, moringa aids digestion and stimulates intestinal motility, promoting the elimination of toxins from the intestinal tract. It can be taken in the form of supplements or as a herbal tea by infusing dried moringa leaves or even in powder form.



herbal teas for liver detox

Detoxifying Herbal Teas for the Liver

If you are looking for a product that combines the properties of these detoxifying herbs and plants, then it is advisable to use a good liver detoxifying herbal tea like the one we make here at Terza Luna containing all the most effective liver and kidney detoxifying herbs: Artichoke, Boldo, Birch, Nettle, Dandelion, Licorice, and Mint. In general, however, you can make liver detoxifying herbal teas with each of these ingredients by infusing them for at least 10 minutes, also adding gentian, another excellent plant for the liver.


We recently delved into the topic of detoxifying herbs on our blog, with an article on detox infusions: practical infusions made with plants, spices, and herbs with a high detoxifying power. Easy to make at home and highly effective!

Detoxifying Herbs for the Kidneys

Now that we have discovered many methods and natural remedies to detoxify our liver and intestines, it is time to focus on the plants and detoxifying herbs for the kidneys. These organs are of primary importance for the overall detoxification of our body as they are true filters responsible for purifying the blood. It is extremely important, therefore, to take care of our kidneys and include in our diet some remedies and herbs for kidney detoxification.

In addition to drinking plenty of water and engaging in a healthy amount of physical activity, we can help our kidneys by consuming certain plants, herbs, and spices that have a great detoxifying power.

nettle for kidney detox


Nettle is known for its detoxifying and draining properties. Its draining action on our body allows the elimination of substances such as chlorides and urea from the kidneys. Nettle herbal tea is also recommended for those suffering from inflammation of the urinary tract or kidney stones and can be easily prepared by using dried nettle leaves and letting them infuse for about ten minutes. But not only that: nettle is also used in numerous skin teas thanks to its detoxifying properties.



horsetail to purify the kidneys


In addition to being known for its remineralizing properties, horsetail is considered among the herbs suitable for kidney cleansing. Since ancient times, this plant has been used for its diuretic properties as it is rich in minerals such as silica, calcium, potassium, magnesium, flavonoids, and tannins. Drinking a horsetail tea helps to disinfect the kidneys and the entire urinary tract.



birch to purify the kidneys


Among the draining remedies and purifying herbs for the kidneys, we cannot forget about birch (betula pubescens). We can use many parts of the birch: leaves, buds, and even the bark. By promoting kidney function, it allows for the elimination of toxic substances, including bad cholesterol, from our blood. A practical way to enjoy its properties is by drinking a good birch tea to be taken 2 or 3 times a day.



bearberry for kidney cleansing


Another ally of our urinary tract and kidneys is bearberry. It is a wild shrub named for its berries that vaguely resemble grapes. Taking this plant in the form of bearberry tea has a disinfectant action on the bladder, thanks to the presence of arbutin and methylarbutin that are released upon contact with urine disinfecting it. It is highly recommended for cystitis and for kidney purification and the urinary tract. It can also be taken in the form of bearberry mother tincture while preserving its disinfectant properties.



purifying teas for the kidneys

Detoxifying and draining herbal teas for kidneys

For those who are looking for herbs and plants for kidney detoxification and urinary tract, we recommend the use of all these freshly processed herbs. An excellent way to take them all is through the draining herbal tea and kidney detoxification produced by us, which contains birch, nettle, horsetail, and bearberry. Alternatively, it is possible to prepare effective and good herbal teas for kidney detoxification and with draining effects with each of the above-mentioned herbs.

Indeed, the incredible properties of these diuretic and detoxifying plants have the ability to slow down gastric emptying. It is recommended to use bitter-tasting detoxifying herbs about 20 minutes before meals.



Other natural detox remedies: pungent plants

History and properties of pungent plants: chili, ginger, wasabi, black pepper, garlic, turmeric, and cloves

Pungent plants have, in some ways, an effect opposite to that of bitter plants: the receptors that perceive pungent molecules stimulate pancreatic activity, gastric secretions, obtaining a prokinetic effect, that is, they accelerate gastric emptying. Each type of pungent plant stimulates metabolism by increasing thermogenesis and blood circulation. Pungent plants act more quickly than bitter ones due to their irritating nature and can be taken immediately after meals (in the absence of gastrointestinal inflammations). Within our online shop of spices, herbs for herbal teas and tea, we have selected a wide range of pungent plants:

  We thank Dr. Marco Valussi for the important insights provided for the writing of this post.

Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna

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