7 Natural Remedies against Mosquitoes and Bites

7 Natural Remedies against Mosquitoes and Bites

Mosquitoes... let's discover natural remedies to defeat them!

With the arrival of the warm season, they also come back, those annoying buzzing insects, the nightmare of our outdoor evenings and sleepless nights, we are talking about mosquitoes! But how can we get rid of them without using chemical and toxic repellents? There are several natural methods to prevent these little insects from bothering us: from "anti-mosquito" plants, to essential oils, to bat-boxes, but before listing the most effective ones, it is good to learn more about these insects. In the world, there are over 3,000 types of mosquitoes, among them there are also species deadly to humans even though, fortunately, the risks are still limited in our latitudes. In Italy, there are about seventy species, but two are the most famous: the common mosquito (Culex pipiens) and the "rice field" mosquito (Ochlerotatus caspius). The first, brownish in color, bites in the evening, at night, and early in the morning, and is very common in cities; the second, brown and slightly striped, infests large areas in the evening hours, then becomes inactive at night, and is more common in rural and humid areas. In recent years, a more aggressive species has been added, the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), originating from Asia, it is black with white stripes and bites during the day, especially in the afternoon, and is really annoying!

What are the natural remedies against mosquitoes?

How can we defend ourselves from mosquitoes naturally and less harmfully? What can we do to avoid bites without abusing products containing chemicals and artificial substances? Here are some simple and effective natural remedies to keep mosquitoes away.

Plants, flowers, pods, and leaves

If it is true that mosquitoes, guided by their sense of smell, are attracted by certain particular odors, it is also true the opposite, that some scents repel them. This happens thanks to some plants, in fact, surrounding ourselves with flowers and garden plants such as geraniums, lavender, citronella, eucalyptus, basil, rosemary, mint, thyme, calendula, and lemon balm, is the simplest and most effective way to keep mosquitoes away and give a pleasant scent to our environments. Furthermore, it is possible to use other methods on the skin, such as vanilla pods rubbed on the body, which not only give us a pleasant scent but also work as a mosquito repellent. The same effect can be achieved with plant leaves such as artemisia, bergamot, sage, as well as with wormwood and pineapple. The only drawback: the protection lasts about an hour, so you will need to repeat the process.

Essential oils

From the same plants, essential oils are also extracted, which maintain the odor so unpleasant to mosquitoes. Equally repellent, in addition to those obtained from the aforementioned plants, there are citronella oil, lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, geranium, and lavender. In particular, neem oil, according to several studies, would be even more effective than DEET (diethyltoluamide, the substance present in commercial repellents), extracted from the leaves and seeds of the homonymous tree (azadirachta indica), native to India, it is known and used since ancient times against insects and parasites, but it is also used as one of the remedies of traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Essential oils are perfect for creating body creams or completely natural DIY sprays. How to make them: to make the latter, you will need to combine 70/80 drops of essential oils (20 drops of citronella, 20 drops of geranium, 20 drops of tea tree oil, and 20 drops of lavender) with 20 ml of alcohol (you can use a high-proof alcohol like vodka) and 70 ml of distilled water in a container with a sprayer. Happy spraying!!


Another excellent remedy, which guarantees a long-lasting and uniform coverage, are candles, especially those with citronella. Although easily available in stores, it is possible to make them at home to be sure they are 100% natural, here is the recipe: Ingredients Beeswax Citronella essential oil Wick and wick holder Stick Jar, pot or other candle holder Procedure Fix the wick in the wick holder and place it in the chosen container [tip: to keep the wick straight, wrap it around a wooden stick placed horizontally on the edge of the candle holder]. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler or in a saucepan over very low heat, stirring continuously. Once it is completely melted, add 40 drops of essential oil and mix. Pour into the container and let it solidify for at least an hour, then cut the wick leaving it a couple of cm above the wax.

Homeopathy and Nutrition

We must remember that mosquitoes are attracted by our body odor, therefore, trying to modify it can be effective against mosquitoes and an excellent way to protect ourselves from their bites. We could use Ledum palustre (Rhododendron tomentosum), also known as wild rosemary, its extract is a natural homeopathic remedy available in globules of different concentrations - from 3 to 200 CH (centesimal dilutions) that you should take consistently from the first signs of the arrival of heat by letting 3 granules (from 5-9 CH) dissolve under the tongue 3-4 times a day, thanks to it our odor will be unpleasant for mosquitoes but don't worry, the change is only perceived by insects!! Equally useful seem to be brewer's yeast (in tablets or flakes), chili pepper (rich in B vitamins and vitamin C) and garlic (rich in allicin).

Grandma's remedies against mosquitoes

What is more natural and alternative than the dear and famous grandma's remedies? Here we propose two easy and inexpensive alternatives: the first one is made with wine vinegar and lemon slices, the second one with onion slices and cloves. Procedure: In a plate, put some vinegar and a few slices of fresh lemon; let it rest for a few minutes, then place the plate on a window or balcony. If, instead, you opt for the second choice, you will need to place the onion slices in a container and insert the cloves in them.

'Catch' mosquitoes DIY

This is a very popular method that uses natural components, non-harmful and easy to find and with a very low impact on the environment. Needed 2-liter plastic bottle 200 ml of water 50 g of sugar 1 g of yeast powder An old dark cloth, or a piece of cardboard or a black garbage bag Procedure Cut the plastic bottle in half. Boil the water and add the sugar, stirring until completely dissolved; let it cool. Then pour into the base of the bottle and add the yeast, without stirring, so that the chemical reaction obtained lasts longer. Insert the inverted upper part into the base (without the cap) and secure it with tape. Wrap the bottle in the dark cloth. The solution obtained with water, sugar, and yeast recreates the mix of carbon dioxide, heat, and humidity typical of the human body: the emitted CO2 acts as bait for mosquitoes, attracting them, and the dark covering prevents them from escaping.


Useful, for our mission against mosquitoes, would be to build a house for another animal that can be a valuable ally, if we overcome the fear we often have towards it: the bat. To attract some on our terrace or in our garden, the so-called bat-box has been spreading for some years, a house where they can find safe shelter; it can be built but is also easily found in specialized stores. To make the bat-box inhabited, some small precautions must be taken: it must be hung between March and May, when bats come out of hibernation, at least 4 m above the ground and in an unlit area at night avoiding passage areas; the best places are the outer walls of the house, towards the wooded areas of the garden. So, if you are looking for a method, in addition to those already listed, to ward off annoying mosquitoes, stop by Terza Luna to discover what products are available! We are waiting for you!!


Oh, one last piece of advice... if you really couldn't escape the bites of the small and insidious mosquitoes, you can apply lavender essential oil to soothe the burning and itching. Try it to believe it!

Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers