
Green Tea: What it is, History, Rolling, Oxidation, and Terroir
Green tea, along with white tea, is the purest and least processed category of tea. The principle that guides the processing of its leaves is to preserve their freshness, to bring back to our cup the season that green tea represents: spring, with its new and delicate energy. DISCOVER HUNDREDS OF TEAS FROM AROUND THE WORLD History of Green Tea How we went from powdered tea to the leaf tea we know today We have already discussed on our blog the history of tea and the different spellings of the word tea, so we will focus on the history of green tea and how we transitioned from powdered tea to..
Detox Infusions: 10 Herbs and Natural Remedies to Purify Ourselves
With the end of the summer season, but in general with the passing of the holidays, we have almost all returned to work and to our daily routine. It is often possible to feel tired and fatigued, having difficulty getting back to our usual rhythms. This can be due to a certain post-holiday nostalgia and sadness, but also and above all to a digestive system put to the test by irregular eating habits; especially the liver when it is fatigued and intoxicated can lead to chronic fatigue, apathy, and sometimes even bad mood. We have therefore decided to address a topic dear to us, that of herbs, rem..
How to Replace Fish Glue with Plant-Based Alternatives
How to replace fish glue in your kitchen, in order to avoid a product of dubious origin and quality? Usually, those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet want to replace fish glue with some other product. By continuing to read this article, we will see some valid alternatives to fish glue to use in the kitchen.  You should know that fish glue is a substance that thickens most of the products we know: from liquid creams, but it can also be found in some products used for cosmetics and sometimes even in medicines. It is a product that is often used in the kitchen; or we can also find it in..
Trip to Vietnam 2019 discovering tea places
Terza Luna mantiene la rotta. Abbiamo iniziato 4 anni fa con lo Sri Lanka, poi è stata la volta di Nepal e India (qui il riassunto del viaggio parte 1 e parte 2), l’anno scorso Taiwan (leggi qui il diario di quel viaggio). Quest anno siamo stati in Vietnam. L’obiettivo è sempre quello: andare alla scoperta di piccolo produttori di tè di eccellenza, conoscerli, vedere come producono i loro tè, stare a contatto con loro ed imparare. Per poi riportare tutto a casa. In Vietnam è stato, come sempre, molto intenso; 14 giorni nei quali abbiam..
Preparing for a tan with 100% natural and DIY products
Come preparare la nostra pelle ad un'abbronzatura perfetta? Scopriamolo insieme! Con l’avvicinarsi dell’estate e della bella stagione molte delle nostre clienti iniziano a chiederci informazioni su quali siano i migliori prodotti abbronzanti, naturali, da fare a casa propria con spezie, erbe e oli essenziali. Per rispondere a questi questi abbiamo deciso di scrivere questo articolo in cui andremo ad approfondire come prepararsi all’abbronzatura, tutelando la nostra pelle dal sole, ma non negandoci il piacere del sole che riscalda e colora la nostra pelle..
Seed Rotation: The use of oilseeds during the menstrual cycle
A great help during the menstrual cycle comes from plants, especially from oilseeds. We are talking about pumpkin seeds, flax, sesame, and sunflower. The use of these seeds before, during, and after the menstrual cycle can be of great help and more and more people are talking about it. This practice goes by different names, from "Seed Rotation" to "Seed Cycling". We also talked about natural remedies to deal with menstrual cramps and pains in our article on herbal teas for the menstrual cycle. Take a look! What happens during the cycle? "The menstrual cycle is a sequence of periodic physiolo..
Dear tea lovers friends...the new teas harvested in 2019 have arrived
Discover together the new fresh teas of the 2019 harvest! Between May and June we are always very busy with the many tastings of the samples that come to us from our trusted tea producers. It is not guaranteed that the teas that were good last year will be good the following year. Many aspects can change: a concept that applies to wine, oil, and also to tea. We have learned this from our travels, from the many tea masters we have met. Some teas from the 2019 harvest are already available in the store and in the online shop. DISCOVER THE 2019 HARVEST TEAS New Darjeeling 2019: Monteviot O..
How to prepare a perfect herbal tea (hot or cold)
Le tisane sono tra le bevande più consumate dall’uomo sin dai tempi più antichi. Trattandosi dell’infusione di erbe, frutta, semi e spezie in acqua calda o fredda, sono da sempre state adottate come rimedi naturali per i più disparati problemi. D’altronde per ogni ingrediente esistono proprietà benefiche per il nostro organismo e la nostra mente. Ma come preparare una tisana perfetta in grado di estrarre in maniera corretta tutte le proprietà sensoriali della tisana e le proprietà organolettiche? È quello che vedremo in ques..
How to make herbal teas to take with you outside the house
Herbal teas are liquid preparations obtained from the infusion of herbs, spices, fruits, and seeds in hot or cold water. The beauty of these drinks is that it is possible to prepare a herbal tea using a single ingredient or by adopting different ones according to personal taste or purpose. But not only that: what we like about herbal teas is that we can enjoy them throughout the day regardless of whether we are at home, in the office, or if we want to make teas to take with us during the day. In addition to being good and practical, herbal teas are also a real panacea for our body. We know th..
Cold Brew Coffee: What it is and how to extract cold coffee
Cold Brew Coffee and cold extraction of coffee Interview with Nicola Battista, coffee sommelier, to discover the ideal extraction method for summer that enhances the taste and properties of coffee! Among the many, indeed countless, coffee extraction methods, Cold Brew Coffee is probably one of the least known but slowly gaining popularity among baristas and mixologists for its characteristics, advantages, and the spectacularity of the extraction. Today we talk about Cold Brew Coffee with the legendary Nicola Battista, Coffee Sommelier of Bar Project, the research, training, and promotion of..
Spice Themed Wedding: Ideas, Tips, and Inspiration
Ideas and Original Products for your Spice Themed Wedding: from Favors to Tableau Mariage On the most beautiful day of one's life, every bride's desire is to make the memory of that day even more unique and perfect. And that's why the search for ideas for organizing the wedding starts months, years - in some cases, decades - before the fateful "I do." Organizing a wedding is certainly not a simple task, and it's easy for the months leading up to the most beautiful day of your life to hide moments of stress and despair, but there is a trick to simplify everything: choosing a theme. Choosing a ..
Spring Detox: Herbs, Tips, and Good Practices
Spring detox: the importance of following the seasons At the end of winter comes spring. The earth is repopulated with plants. The first to sprout, which we already find from the end of winter, are calendula, dandelion, nettle, artichoke, and many other purifying plants. Surely it is a gift after the rainy and cold winter, nature seems to invite us to use these plants precisely at this time as it happens during other seasons and start our spring detoxification. It is therefore right to follow the rhythm and the indications provided by nature itself to remain in tune with it and acquire greate..
Tea and Meditation
On Saturday, April 13th we will hold a small workshop on tea and meditation. You are all invited...to Bordeaux! At the Zen Dojo in Bordeaux. We know you might already be saying "why don't you do it here in Bari", to make up for it we have written this text which is a bit of what we will talk about and experience in France. The Qi of tea Qi "literally means breath", it refers to energy, flow, movement. Qi is the movement of all things. It is also the subtle energy present in our body. Tea has its own Qi, like all things have one. When we drink a cup of good tea we are incorporating its Qi, wh..
Drinking tea outside the home: how to always bring our favorite tea with us
More tea in our life! Today, the time and space to dedicate to ourselves has become one of the rarest and most precious commodities. We all know it, and even more so at Terza Luna, when our beloved customers tell us every day that they have little time in the morning at home to prepare their delicious tea, and that when they come back in the afternoon or evening it's too late, or they simply have a thousand other things to take care of. But a good loose leaf tea is something we shouldn't give up on, even when we are away from home! And there is a reason for this, a very good reason. Tea an..
Showing 155 to 168 of 261 (19 Pages)
Plant Lovers