Conscious Living

Detoxifying herbs to balance the Doshas
According to the ancient Indian Ayurvedic tradition, the health of our body derives from the harmony of the three vital energies that inhabit our body: the Dosha Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Derived from the combination of the five fundamental principles of Nature (Water, Air, Earth, Ether, and Fire), the Dosha describe the energetic constitution at the basis of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Present in every human being, the three Dosha are the source of our vitality and vigor. The predominance of one Dosha over the others, however, determines an imbalance that weakens our body,..
Diabetes: herbs and herbal teas to lower blood sugar
A sedentary lifestyle, irregular sleep patterns, high levels of stress, and an unbalanced diet, combined with a genetic predisposition, can be the main causes of diabetes. As a chronic disease among the most widespread in the Western world, with an increasing incidence rate even among younger people, diabetes is characterized by the body's resistance to glucose absorption resulting in hyperglycemia, or the accumulation of sugars in the blood. How to naturally treat diabetes Western medicine treats the symptoms of diabetes through the use of drugs such as metformin, which can lower..
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