Cold draining herbal teas

Cold draining herbal teas

Draining cold herbal teas: how to make them with cold maceration Cold Brew

Summer is around the corner, but we don't want to give up the taste and benefits of herbal tea. The perfect solution is to use excellent cold draining herbal teas.
What could be better than a refreshing drink that also helps eliminate toxins?
A draining cold herbal tea can help us eliminate excess fluids and feel better, as it is an excellent remedy to promote the elimination of excess fluids and counteract water retention.

Let's not forget about the dreaded 'swimsuit test' that is looming and that, let's say it, many of us avoid until the last minute but, thanks to a careful lifestyle and the use of draining herbal teas, we can demonize this much-feared moment.

Draining cold herbal tea: recipe

Therefore, let's use the support of a draining herbal tea that we will choose, as mentioned, to prepare with cold infusion. Let's find out how.
There are various methods to prepare good cold herbal teas, one of these is the cold brew method which involves infusing 12 grams of draining herbal tea in a liter of room temperature water (so without boiling it) and leaving it in the fridge for 2-3 hours.

In practice, the cold infusion of herbal teas consists of extending the infusion time, we can even go all night without the risk of the drink becoming too bitter.
For the infusion of cold herbal teas, it is practical to use disposable bags, convenient and economical, rather than a classic steel filter.


Draining cold herbal teas: which are the best to prepare?

Navigating through the many types of herbal teas is not easy. We must choose the most suitable ones to perform the natural draining action we are looking for. Let's see some of them:

Draining birch herbal tea

The properties of birch make it an excellent base for an herbal infusion with natural draining properties. It is among the draining and slimming herbs. Birch leaves have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and are therefore used in every valid draining herbal tea against cellulite because it is very useful for eliminating fibroconnective nodules.

Draining fennel herbal tea

As we know, fennel seeds and fennel are essential allies to combat, among other things, water retention. Associated, for example, with ginger, they create a preparation that helps reduce abdominal bloating (here are 7 other infusions to deflate the belly).


Other natural and effective draining products

Cherry pulp: diuretic and detoxifying

Did you know that among the 100% effective natural draining products, cherry seems to be an excellent detox fruit?! Its pulp has a diuretic and detoxifying action, rich in potassium and magnesium, it has a proven effectiveness against water retention.

Horse chestnut: fat burner

Also excellent are horse chestnut with a fat-burning action and couch grass capable of draining and reducing swelling and performing an anti-cellulite action.

Drenvin: for those with less time and want an effective draining and purifying product:

The Drenvin is a natural supplement made up of draining and purifying plants, easy to take and very effective. The Drenvin is already in liquid form and is taken by dissolving 15 ml in 1 liter of water.
Its tropical fruit flavor is very pleasant. One liter a day is recommended.
The product comes with a measuring cap that makes it easy to use.
The Drenvin is a supplement produced by Erbe Nobili, one of the best spagyric laboratories in Italy, which will help you eliminate excess fluids. It is a natural remedy to fight cellulite.

Tè Freddi: antioxidants and hydrating

In general, all cold teas are helpful with their antioxidant action (especially green teas). We recommend drinking them in quantity during this summer!

These are just a few examples of the many herbs and plants that we can use for their draining effect. If you want to find out more, read other articles on our blog, such as how to make homemade cold tea.  

Terza Luna Scritto da Terza Luna

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