Herbal teas for children: which ones can they drink?
When we think of herbal teas, we often associate them with moments of relaxation, a natural way to soothe some physical discomfort or to fill up on beneficial substances. But did you know that these infusions full of nature can also be excellent allies for our children? Yes, you read that right: herbal teas for children represent an effective and safe method to assimilate important nutrients, but also to prevent and treat common childhood ailments, from colds to stomach aches, from infant colic to hyperactivity. In particular, with the arrival of winter, they become a sort of natural shield against viruses and bacteria, thanks to their purifying action and the properties of certain herbs and plants. However, many parents feel lost in the vast world of infusions and herbal teas for the little ones, afraid of making mistakes. If you are among them, don't worry: in this article we will explore together which herbal teas are most suitable for children, their benefits, and how to prepare them safely.
Are herbal teas good for children?
Herbal teas for children, besides being pleasant and healthy hot winter drinks, have gained popularity as natural remedies for various common disorders among the little ones.
These infusions can offer sweet and natural solutions to deal with common problems among children, such as sleep difficulties, stomach aches, colds, coughs, and restlessness. In addition to the well-known chamomile, which many parents turn to for its calming properties, many other herbs, infused in water, can be equally beneficial for our children.
The use of herbs in children's care has deep roots in history. Since ancient times, infusions based on medicinal herbs have established themselves as a fundamental tool in natural pediatric medicine: introducing children to the practice of herbal teas from a young age is therefore very important.
Not only are they an excellent way to enjoy the beneficial properties of plants and alleviate various disorders naturally: administering herbal teas to children accustoms them to the natural taste of herbs and to genuine and healthy drinks, compared to commercial products loaded with sugars and additives like milk and fruit juices. For this reason, it is advisable to educate children to enjoy herbal teas unsweetened or lightly sweetened with a natural sweetener, to not compromise their benefits and to not habituate children to excessively sweet tastes.
However, it is essential to always consult a pediatrician before introducing any herbal tea into children's diet. Our goal is to provide an overview of the best herbal teas for children and their benefits, but remember: the health of your little ones is the most important thing, and for this reason, it is essential to make the most correct and informed choices.
Are you ready to discover together with us the wonderful world of herbal teas and infusions for your children?
Benefits of herbal teas and infusions for children
Herbal teas and infusions for children are valuable for their ability to naturally extract active ingredients from herbs, making their countless beneficial properties available to the human body. This ancestral practice offers the little ones a sweet and natural way to access the benefits of plants. Herbal teas can hydrate, warm, calm, and facilitate digestion, as well as be a valuable aid in ensuring a peaceful sleep.
The benefits of herbal teas for children range from their calming and relaxing power, useful for combating insomnia and hyperactivity, to the ability to improve digestion and intestinal activity. In particular, they are very effective against colic in infants, a common disorder that can be alleviated thanks to the natural properties of some herbs.
However, it is crucial to carefully choose the herbs for herbal teas intended for children, as some may have too intense effects on their delicate bodies. An appropriate selection of high-quality herbs ensures that children can fully enjoy the benefits of herbal teas, taking advantage of the moisturizing, calming, digestive, and relaxing properties of these natural beverages.
Let's see together what are the best medicinal herbs for children and infants.
Discover the world of Terzaluna herbal teas
Herbs suitable for children
There are numerous herbs that can be used to prepare herbal teas for children, each with its specific benefits. Here is a list of some of the most common ones and their positive effects:
- Hawthorn Herbal Tea: known for its calming properties, hawthorn helps relax and promote peaceful sleep in children.
- Linden Herbal Tea: linden is famous for its relaxing and sedative properties, ideal for relieving stress and agitation in little ones.
- Laurel Herbal Tea: this herb is used for its digestive properties, helping to calm stomach disturbances.
- Thyme Herbal Tea: effective for its antibacterial and antiviral power, thyme is perfect for colds and respiratory infections.
- Chamomile Herbal Tea: a classic for children, chamomile calms and relaxes, also helping to soothe stomach pains.
- Fennel Herbal Tea: ideal for colic and digestive problems, fennel is a safe choice for the little ones.
- Mallow Herbal Tea: with emollient and soothing properties, mallow is excellent for irritated throat and cough.
- Melissa Herbal Tea: used for its calming properties, melissa is ideal for reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality.
- Verbena Herbal Tea: known for its relaxing effects, verbena is perfect for calming and relaxing children.
- Anise Herbal Tea: great for improving digestion and relieving intestinal gas.
- Rooibos Herbal Tea: caffeine-free, this herbal tea is rich in antioxidants, ideal for children at any time of the day.
- Fruit Herbal Teas: Although they do not have specific properties, fruit herbal teas are an excellent alternative to commercial juices rich in sugars and can be a pleasant way to hydrate children with a touch of natural flavor.
Combining these herbs in herbal teas offers a range of options to support the health and well-being of children in a natural way. Let's see together the recipes for the best herbal teas for children.
What are the best herbal teas for children?
Let's now discover together some of the best natural herbal teas for children, complete with recipes and indications on the plants to include and the specific benefits they can offer to alleviate various issues and disorders.
It is important to remember that to ensure their effectiveness, herbal teas must be completely natural, prepared with loose herbs of high quality, preferably organic, rather than those in tea bags, and free of artificial flavors.
This choice guarantees the maximum purity and effectiveness of the herbs, allowing children to fully benefit from their natural properties. Loose herbal teas also allow you to customize the blends according to specific needs and tastes of each child, ensuring a healthy and enjoyable experience.
Calming and Relaxing Herbal Teas for Children
Calming and relaxing herbal teas are an excellent choice for children, especially in situations of stress, anxiety, or difficulty falling asleep. Herbs like chamomile, melissa, linden, and hawthorn are particularly appreciated for their soothing and calming properties. Chamomile, for example, is renowned for its ability to induce peaceful sleep, while melissa is valued for reducing anxiety and promoting overall relaxation.
Here's how to combine these ingredients in a balanced herbal tea: take equal parts of linden, hawthorn, lemon balm, and chamomile, mix them gently, and store in a dry place. To prepare the herbal tea, just use a teaspoon of the mixture for each cup of boiling water, letting it infuse for about 10 minutes before serving. Herbal teas for children's digestion Digestive herbal teas are a remedy for children facing issues like colic, bloating, or digestion difficulties. Herbs like fennel and chamomile are particularly effective for their soothing effects on the digestive system. Fennel, known for its carminative properties, helps reduce gas and abdominal discomfort, while chamomile is the ideal choice for children suffering from colic or having trouble sleeping well due to digestive issues. A simple yet effective recipe for a digestive herbal tea can include equal parts of dried chamomile flowers and organic fennel seeds. To prepare it, mix a teaspoon of the blend in a cup of boiling water, letting it infuse for 10 minutes. This tea can be administered after meals to aid digestion or in moments of discomfort. Herbal teas for hyperactive children For hyperactive children, herbal teas can be a natural support to promote calm and concentration. Herbs like linden, hawthorn, lemon balm, and chamomile are particularly effective for their relaxing and soothing effects. These herbs work together to reduce stress and anxiety levels, facilitating moments of tranquility and promoting restful sleep. An appropriate recipe can combine linden, hawthorn, lemon balm, and chamomile in equal parts. A teaspoon of this mixture for each cup of boiling water, left to infuse for 10 minutes, can create a perfect soothing beverage for moments of hyperactivity. Herbal teas for stomachaches in children To alleviate stomachaches in children, herbal teas can offer a natural and gentle remedy. Chamomile is one of the most recommended herbs for this purpose, thanks to its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. This herb, known for its effectiveness in soothing gastrointestinal discomfort, can help reduce bloating, calm cramps, and aid digestion. A simple recipe for a chamomile herbal tea against stomachaches involves using dried chamomile flowers. To prepare it, add a teaspoon of chamomile to a cup of boiling water and let it infuse for about 10 minutes. This tea can be administered warm and, if necessary, slightly sweetened with a pinch of natural honey. Discover all the recipes for herbal teas against stomachaches.Herbal Teas for Infant Colic
Infant colic can be a stressful time for both babies and parents. Fortunately, some herbal teas can offer natural relief. Chamomile and green anise are two herbs particularly effective in this context. Chamomile is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, which help calm abdominal discomfort. Green anise, on the other hand, is renowned for its carminative qualities, helping to reduce gas and cramps associated with colic.
To prepare a tea for colic, add a teaspoon of chamomile and half a teaspoon of green anise seeds in a cup of boiling water. Let it infuse for about 10 minutes before straining and cooling the tea to a safe temperature for the baby.
In addition to teas, abdominal massages can be used to relieve colic. A base oil of almonds with a few drops of chamomile essential oil can be gently massaged on the baby's belly to offer additional relief.
Discover Green Anise Seeds on Terzaluna
Tea for Children's Colds
When children are affected by a cold, a hot tea can offer relief and comfort. Herbs like thyme, bay leaf, and mallow are particularly suitable for creating effective infusions for cold symptoms. Thyme is known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties, bay leaf has soothing effects on the respiratory tract, while mallow is excellent for relieving coughs and helping with constipation.
To prepare a tea for colds for children, combine a teaspoon of thyme, two bay leaves, and a teaspoon of dried mallow. Add the herbs to a cup of boiling water and let it infuse for about 10 minutes. Strain and serve the tea warm, optionally with a pinch of honey to sweeten.
It is important to remember that while these herbs can offer relief from cold symptoms, they do not replace medical treatment for more serious illnesses.
Discover Dried Mallow Flowers on Terzaluna
Rooibos Tea for Children: Rooibos
Rooibos is an excellent choice for children who love tea but need a caffeine-free version. Despite commonly being called "red tea," rooibos does not belong to the tea family but is a plant from the legume family. This beverage, originating from South Africa, is appreciated for its sweet and slightly nutty flavor.
The benefits of rooibos are numerous. It is naturally caffeine-free, making it ideal for children at any time of the day. Additionally, it is rich in minerals and vitamins, contributing to overall well-being. Rooibos is also known for its antioxidant properties and its ability to support digestive health.
To prepare a cup of rooibos, use a teaspoon of rooibos leaves for each cup of boiling water. Let it infuse for about 7-10 minutes. Rooibos can be enjoyed on its own or in various blends with fruit and spices, adding flavor and additional nutritional benefits.
Herbal teas for sleeping
Herbal teas that promote sleep are a valuable aid for children who struggle to rest peacefully. Herbs such as linden, lemon balm, and chamomile are particularly effective for their calming and relaxing properties. Linden is known for its ability to relieve stress and anxiety, lemon balm contributes to general relaxation, and chamomile is a classic remedy for promoting peaceful sleep.
To prepare a tea that helps children sleep, use these herbs in equal parts. Mix a teaspoon of the blend in a cup of boiling water, let it infuse for about 10 minutes, then strain. This tea is ideal to give to children before bedtime, helping with a smooth transition to sleep.
In addition to herbal teas, another natural remedy to promote sleep in children are herbal baths. A concentrated infusion of chamomile and lavender (10 grams of each herb per liter of water, infused for 15 minutes) can be added to the bathwater. This method relaxes not only the body but also the mind, preparing children for a restful night's sleep.
Discover Linden Leaves on Terzaluna
Herbal teas for infants: when can they start drinking them?
Herbal teas can be introduced into the diet of infants, but it is important to do so carefully and at appropriate times. Generally, it is recommended to start giving herbal teas to infants from the sixth month of age, when they begin to consume foods other than breast milk or formula. However, it is preferable to wait until the child is one year old and has started a more complete diet.
It is interesting to note that children can begin to enjoy the benefits of herbal teas even during pregnancy if the mother consumes them, or during breastfeeding, through breast milk (discover the best teas for breastfeeding). This early contact with the flavors of herbal teas can positively influence the child's palate, predisposing them to natural and healthy tastes.
If you decide to introduce herbal teas into the diet of infants, it is essential to choose the most beneficial and safe ones. Light teas such as chamomile or fennel-based ones can be useful, for example, to relieve colic or promote sleep. However, it is always crucial to consult a pediatrician before giving any herbal tea to an infant, to ensure that it is appropriate and does not interfere with their health and development.
Safety and precautions in using herbal teas for children
The safety in using herbal teas for children is therefore a fundamental aspect. It is crucial to choose high-quality herbs, preferably organic, to ensure that they are free from pesticides and contaminants that could be harmful to the little ones. Furthermore, it is essential to be aware of the risk of allergies: some herbs may trigger allergic reactions in sensitive children.
Another important aspect to consider is the possible interaction of herbal teas with other medications. Although herbal teas are natural products, they can have powerful effects and interact with pharmacological treatments. For this reason, it is always advisable to discuss the use of any herbal tea with a pediatrician before giving it to children.
Which herbal teas are harmful to children?
Although we have seen that many herbs are beneficial for children, not all herbal teas are suitable for the little ones, and some herbs can be particularly contraindicated for them. It is essential to avoid herbs with strong medicinal properties, especially those that are purifying and draining, which can be too intense for the delicate system of children. Additionally, herbs that affect hormone release should also be avoided, given their potential interference with the natural development of children.
Here are some herbs generally considered unsuitable for children:
- Laxative herbs like senna: they can be too aggressive for children's digestive system.
- Stimulating herbs like guarana or ginseng: they can negatively influence the nervous system.
- Herbs with hormonal effects like licorice: they can interfere with the natural hormonal balance.
The importance of buying herbs from reliable sources and avoiding potentially toxic ones cannot be emphasized enough. Purchasing certified and organic herbs from trusted suppliers helps ensure that herbal teas are safe and free from contaminants. Additionally, it is crucial to avoid experimenting with wild or unclearly identified herbs, given the risk of toxicity or adverse reactions.
The dosage of herbal teas should be appropriate based on the child's age and weight. For younger or lighter-than-average children, dosages should be proportionally reduced. It is important to carefully monitor children's reactions to herbal teas, and in case of unwanted effects, reduce the dosage or discontinue use.
It is advisable to always start with low dosages, especially when introducing a new herbal tea. A good starting point is 1 gram of herb per cup, with an infusion time of about 5 minutes. This ensures that the infusion is light enough to be well tolerated by the child.
Preparation and administration of herbal teas for children
Correct preparation of herbal teas for children is a fundamental step to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Initially, it is important to use pure water and bring it to the right temperature, usually just below boiling point. For most herbal teas, the infusion should last about 5-10 minutes. This time allows for the extraction of the herbs' active principles without making the infusion too strong.
Regarding administration, herbal teas can be given to children directly or diluted in other beverages, such as water or milk. This can be particularly useful if the child is not accustomed to the taste of herbs. To make the herbal tea more pleasant, a pinch of honey can be added, but only if the child is over one year old, due to the risk of infant botulism associated with honey consumption in infants.
It is important to ensure that the herbal tea is at a safe temperature before administering it to the child to avoid burns. Offering the herbal tea in a cup or bottle suitable for children can make the experience more enjoyable and easier for them. The key is to make the child feel comfortable and ensure that the herbal tea becomes a natural and pleasant part of their daily routine.
For parents considering using herbal teas for their children, the main recommendation is to educate themselves about the properties of herbs and the responsible use of herbal teas. It is crucial to select safe and quality herbs and carefully monitor children's reactions to these beverages.
One important piece of advice is not to force children to drink herbal teas and not to immediately offer sweet alternatives if they refuse the herbal tea. This could lead the child to always prefer sweeter and less healthy options. It is better to gradually encourage the child to try and appreciate herbal teas, creating a positive and pressure-free environment around these healthy habits.
Herbal teas can be a wonderful addition to children's diet, offering not only health benefits but also a moment of calm and connection with nature. With an informed and conscious approach, parents can guide their children towards a healthier and more harmonious life with the natural world.