Cold herbal teas: how and which ones to prepare

Cold herbal teas: how and which ones to prepare

Cold herbal teas, a refreshing remedy for summer

Face the summer and discover our recipes for cold herbal teas and cold teas

The heat has arrived, our desire for a refreshing drink increases, and for some, the desire to prepare hot tea definitely decreases, even though in warmer countries than ours, people continue to drink hot beverages (but we will see this in a future article). The solution, therefore, is cold teas and cold herbal teas. Cold herbal teas can indeed provide us with a significant supply of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, in this season where we notoriously lose them abundantly, especially mineral salts. They have numerous advantages compared to the classic canned beverages we are used to. One of them is that cold teas and cold herbal teas do not contain sugars and do not make us gain weight. And they are also easy to prepare!

How to make a cold herbal tea at home with the Cold Brew method

DIY cold herbal tea: everything you need to know

Making a cold herbal tea at home is really simple, and in the following lines, I will explain how to do it. Many people ask me during this time of year how to make a cold herbal tea and many other questions about cold herbal teas: recipes, properties, and which ones to choose. There are various methods to prepare a good herbal tea or a good cold tea, but the one I prefer is the Cold Brew extraction method, ideal for herbal teas, tea, and even cold coffee.

The Cold Brew cold extraction method consists of infusing the herbal tea we prefer with cold water. However, it is important to always choose loose herbal teas, preferably organic, to obtain a beverage that is not only good but also genuine. The most common herbal tea brands such as L'Angelica, Pompadour, or Twinings offer pre-packaged tea bags that are not suitable for Cold Brew preparation like loose leaf teas.

preparation of cold herbal teas with the cold brew method

Cold Brew cold herbal tea recipe

Let's see step by step how to make a DIY cold herbal tea:

  1. Fill a disposable filter for tea with about 12 grams of your favorite herbal tea
  2. Fill a pitcher of about 1 liter with cold water
  3. Immerse the filter in the water, close the pitcher with a lid
  4. Put the pitcher with water in the fridge
  5. Wait for 3 to 6 hours
  6. Remove the filter containing the herbal tea and store the cold infusion obtained in the fridge

Et voilà! Your DIY Cold Brew cold herbal tea will be ready to enjoy and share with friends - or customers if you are a barista.

In practice, the cold infusion of herbal teas consists of extending the infusion time, we can even go all night without the risk of the drink becoming too bitter.

I usually prepare a liter a day, alternating between different cold teas or cold herbal teas. For the infusion of loose leaf teas or cold herbal teas, I use disposable tea bags of this type, because they are the most convenient and cost very little, rather than a classic steel filter.

Advantages and properties of Cold Brew cold herbal teas

But why choose to prepare your cold infusion with the Cold Brew method? This type of extraction for herbal teas, tea, and coffee has a series of undeniable advantages over other methods of preparing cold teas and herbal teas that start from a hot extraction, then cooled.

  1. EXTENDING THE LIFE OF THE PRODUCT: The number one advantage of Cold Brew extraction is the ability to preserve our cold herbal tea much longer, as long as the cold chain is maintained. 
  2. MORE FLAVOR: Cold extraction compared to hot extraction is a less aggressive process, capable of extracting even the most delicate flavors and sensory notes from our ingredients. 
  3. MORE PROPERTIES AND BENEFITS: Through Cold Brew, in addition to protecting and preserving the taste properties of the herbal tea, we will also keep intact the organoleptic properties and benefits for our body.
  4. COOLER: The Cold Brew method for cold tea and cold herbal teas has the undeniable advantage of not having to boil a liter of water when it's very hot outside.


Cold herbal teas and cold teas to drink. Terza Luna's tips

But which cold herbal teas or cold teas are actually the best?

Well, it's not difficult, first of all you can experiment with creating your own cold infusions with some that you already have. Surely the teas that work best are the citrus ones like organic green tea with ginger & citrus and the more floral ones like jade flower, but even the spicy teas work great!
The right cold herbal tea for you is instead based on red and tropical fruits so you can't miss trying our tropical summer fruit.
A special mention goes to rooibos which contain a lot of minerals and therefore are particularly good in summer. Buy rooibos online in our dedicated section!

To make life easier on we have selected a series of cold teas and herbal teas to prepare with cold infusion so that everyone can better orient themselves!

thermos per tè e tisane a freddo

Summer cold herbal teas and cold teas: two tricks for your recipes!

There are also many little tricks to make your iced tea and your cold herbal tea even more special:

  1. prepare ice cubes with the infusion of other types of tea (in order to create a mix of two types)
  2. add mint leaves to the cubes


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Have fun creating your blends and let us know through our Facebook page!

Oh and don't forget to read our article on homemade cold tea.

Terza Luna Scritto da Terza Luna

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