How to alleviate allergy symptoms with natural methods

How to alleviate allergy symptoms with natural methods With the arrival of spring, many people come to visit us in the store to ask for advice on natural treatments and herbal teas to combat allergic discomforts. That's why we decided to write this article for all those who want to delve into the general integral methods applicable to 'atopic' individuals and people with seasonal or perennial environmental allergies. What is an allergy and why are we victims of it? Allergy is defined as a succession of biochemical reactions, which in genetically predisposed individuals commonly called 'atopic', produce concrete physical symptoms such as runny nose, sinusitis, sneezing, wheezing, and other more serious problems. The number of allergic or intolerant subjects has significantly increased in recent years due to many factors: such as the industrialization of the modern world, fast food, environmental contamination, genetic modification of foods, abusive use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture, and so on. All these factors have literally overwhelmed us in such a short time that they have not allowed our immune system enough evolutionary time for adaptation, and therefore a loss of immune tolerance often occurs with the compromise of internal balance. These biochemical reactions are due to an 'over' response of the immune system of a person exposed to recurrent stimulation both environmental and psychological, to which they are sensitive. This immune system response is nothing more than a call to produce an inflammatory reaction. One molecule responsible for this inflammatory reaction is histamine. Histamine produces blood vessel dilation, causing local edema in tissues such as skin and mucous membranes, as well as generalized urticaria. How to treat allergies with natural medicine? Pharmacological medical treatments are fundamentally based on the prescription of antihistamines, bronchodilators, and cortisone. A very effective treatment, but one that has many side effects in the long run. However, there are many studies that show that natural medicine can help both in reducing 'atopic' predisposition and in symptomatic treatments due to it. Here are some tips, happy reading and happy spring. DETOXIFICATION: The liver is the main organ for eliminating toxins circulating in our body. Many studies talk about a correlation between environmental pollution and an alteration in the functioning of the immune system. It is essential to detoxify the body frequently, especially in spring and a month before the onset of seasonal allergies. This detoxification can be done through plants, both in the form of detoxifying herbal teas and in the form of mother tincture. The plants that help with detoxification are: milk thistle, boldo, dandelion, nettle, artichoke, burdock, and licorice.


It is possible to follow an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory diet by increasing the consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and unsaturated omega-3 fats (flaxseeds and chia seeds). There are certain foods called pro-inflammatory, which, as the name suggests, are foods that increase inflammation levels in the blood. These foods are; animal proteins, dairy products, white flours, refined sugars, cereals with a high percentage of gluten. The anti-allergic diet consists of eliminating or reducing as much as possible during this period, foods with a high histamine content (chocolate, cold cuts, alcohol, and many food additives) and foods that induce histamine production (nightshades, strawberries, pineapples, shellfish).


Drinking an antihistamine herbal tea with a good synergy of the plants contained in it will give us an anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic effect, and will help us reduce the annoyance of symptoms. The antihistamine herbal tea can be taken throughout the period of exacerbation of the manifestation. The antiallergic herbal tea can be combined with the Ribes Nigrum bud extract with cortison-like activity, which means that it stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, an endogenous cortisone that helps the body react to inflammation.

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