Natural Remedies to Strengthen Memory and Concentration

Natural Remedies to Strengthen Memory and Concentration

Memory Loss: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Counteract it with Supplements and Natural Remedies

Memory gaps or loss are issues associated with aging and diseases related to cellular degeneration: the mind, like the whole body, undergoes the effects of time passing, and begins to present physiological disorders, more or less aggressive and more or less rapid, which often lead to diseases such as Alzheimer's or senile dementia. More and more often, however, it is younger and more active individuals who complain of memory loss and difficulty in remembering even important information or recently learned: in healthy bodies, which do not show signs of aging but have less performing cognitive abilities, one should not speak of memory loss, but rather of a lack of attention and concentration, attributable to a more generic mental, spiritual, and physical disturbance often due to stress and modern lifestyle, which make it difficult to maintain high levels of mental activity. In this article, we will explore the properties of some herbs and natural remedies that can be taken to support memory and concentration, as well as for the prevention of cellular degeneration.

memory remedies

Memory Loss or Concentration Problems?

In the 21st century, the load of stress and mental fatigue that afflicts our days has become a widespread and worrying problem. It will happen to many, on the most demanding and overwhelming days, to forget where they put an object, something that someone else asked them to do a few minutes earlier, the name of a person they know, and to attribute these forgetfulness to memory loss and possible pathologies associated with this phenomenon. In reality, one should speak of a decrease in concentration and attention, rather than memory loss.

Concentration and memory are two closely related concepts: there are certainly health disorders that can lead to memory gaps: diseases like Alzheimer's, or memory disorders related to brain aging like senile dementia, are due to causes attributable to cellular degeneration. However, very often, when talking about memory loss or gaps, especially in young and healthy individuals, reference is made instead to a decrease in cognitive performance and mental activity, which can be attributed to different causes, often related to lifestyle, nutrition, lack of important nutrients for cognitive activity and the correct functioning of the body, stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, the hectic pace of life, and the amount of information to be recorded, which makes it difficult to concentrate, pay attention, remember even concepts, information, or data learned a few hours earlier.

What are then the causes of small and large memory deficits that can be experienced, in different ways, in young and elderly age? In this article, we explore the differences between organic memory problems, and the lack of attention and concentration due to stress and an inadequate lifestyle, highlighting the properties and benefits of some natural remedies for these issues.

Memory Problems and Their Causes

As already mentioned, memory loss and difficulty in remembering information can occur in both healthy and young individuals, as well as in elderly individuals whose entire body has suffered the consequences of aging.

There are numerous pathologies that lead to the development of memory damage, caused by cellular degeneration, often accelerated by various agents and phenomena such as the attack of free radicals, high blood pressure and cholesterol, hormonal imbalances. Even in the absence of collusive disorders, aging is an unstoppable process, physical, which will lead to a physiological memory loss that can hardly be stopped even by preventing diseases such as senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Not all elderly people develop such aggressive pathologies, but undeniably as the years go by, the body will degenerate, and with it the mind, which will follow the natural processes of the rest of the body. It is therefore a memory and normal and physiological mental presence deficiency, which, even if it does not result in more serious pathologies, is difficult to prevent: a regular lifestyle, and the intake of minerals, omega 3 and antioxidants, which help fight cellular aging, can help make these processes less aggressive and arrive healthier and more prepared for old age.

The difficulties in remembering, the small memory deficits characteristic of many young and healthy people, are disconnected from the natural aging processes. More and more students, workers, active adults and young people are complaining of "memory loss": in reality, in these cases we should talk about difficulty concentrating and lack of attention, which make it difficult to record and store the amount of information we receive during the day.

This type of problem is attributable to stress, emotional challenges we face every day, to the multitasking life that most people lead, to an enormous amount of information to remember, made up of more or less important notions, to the amount of stimuli received daily by our brain, which despite its great capacities cannot remember or record, due to a lack of presence and focus due to various motivations, an inadequate, disordered lifestyle, made up of unhealthy eating habits, excessive, insufficient sleep, anxiety, fear, worry, stress, psychological and emotional baggage, which prevent neurons from being able to process certain information without being overwhelmed.

It is therefore good to differentiate a lack of memory, in which one cannot recall information that is known and stored, from a lack of concentration and attention, in which information has not really been recorded due to a lack of focus. The memory loss that characterizes this century, young people, students and workers, is therefore this, a lack of attention, a bad lifestyle that takes us away from presence, from focus, from listening to ourselves, which prevents us from stopping, listening, prioritizing important things among the multiple information we are bombarded with.

Memory and Concentration Problems According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, which looks at the body with a holistic view and interconnection between the organs of the body and their functioning, there are additional factors (beyond the hectic lifestyle, lack of sleep, and stress) that can contribute, in young minds, to a sensation of poor memory, concentration, and forgetfulness.

According to popular Chinese belief, there is indeed a bodily connection between mind, kidneys, heart, and spleen. This means that to have good mental health and correct cognitive function, it is important to take care of the other mentioned organs:

  • The spleen influences short-term memory, analytical thinking, and concentration. Its main function is to assist digestion, which is carried out by the stomach, transforming and transporting the essences of food. The spleen is often referred to as the "residence" of thought; this means that it has a strong influence on the ability to think, study, concentrate, memorize, and focus. The health of the spleen is strongly affected by incorrect diet, stress, and worries.
  • The kidneys influence short-term memory and are sensitive to fear, worry, and aging. In Chinese traditional medicine, the kidneys are the home of our Jing, or vital energy, the essence that provides the body with energy and takes care of the health of the adrenal glands, hormonal balance, and our genetics.
  • The heart, on the other hand, influences long-term memory. Having a healthy heart is fundamental for adequate blood supply to all body tissues. When a person's heart is strong, the blood is abundant, circulation is good, there will be normal mental activity, good memory, clear thinking, balanced emotional life, clear consciousness, and good sleep. Heart and circulation problems are a common cause of poor memory.

In light of this, it is clear that in order to address memory problems, it is necessary to take care of the health of the heart, spleen, and kidneys, as well as one's lifestyle and holistic well-being. To counteract specific attention deficits, due to the restlessness of life, it is important to reconnect our body and mind to health, seeking physical, mental, and spiritual balance. To do this, it is possible to integrate into one's daily routine a series of good habits aimed at improving the diet with the integration of nutrients useful for strengthening memory, improving the functioning of vital organs, and enhancing the quality of life for the well-being of the whole body. Let's discover what natural remedies for memory are and how they can help improve cognitive functions and mental performance.

Natural Remedies for Memory and Concentration

We have discussed how memory, attention, and concentration deficits can be attributed to various causes, from simple lack of presence due to stress and a hectic and irregular lifestyle, threatened by worries, anxiety, and days full of activities and information to remember, to memory loss due to brain aging processes. In both cases, it is possible to support one's brain functions with the same natural remedies, herbs, nutrients, and supplements that improve cognitive activity, with a tonic, anti-stress, or beneficial effect to slow down aging processes. Starting from restoring balance in one's lifestyle, to integrating adaptogenic herbs into one's diet, let's discover the best natural remedies for memory and concentration.

nutrition to improve memory and concentration

Diet and Healthy Eating

Establishing a healthy eating regimen, balanced and rich in the most important nutrients necessary for the vital functions of the cells in our body is definitely the first step, as well as the fundamental natural remedy to improve mental performance, regain focus during the day, and counteract temporary memory lapses and difficulty in concentration. It is important to have the right caloric intake, avoiding heavy and fatty foods but consuming good quality proteins, fibers, and whole grains, not skipping meals but taking the right amount of nutrients regularly. It is essential to include in your diet antioxidant foods, which counteract oxidative stress and slow down cellular aging: vitamin A, vitamin C, selenium, magnesium, and phosphorus are important nutrients that support the body in memory lapses, improve focus on thoughts, and act as tonics against mental fatigue, also preventing minor memory deficits and energy drops. It is also important to have a good intake of omega 3, both through food and supplements: these essential fatty acids cannot be produced by the body, but their levels are associated with brain health, constituting a structural element, promoting circulation, and preventing cognitive disorders. Studies have shown how good levels of omega 3 could protect against degeneration caused by aging, protecting neurons and cell walls from destruction. They are therefore useful in preventing degenerative diseases.

Physical Activity to Improve Concentration

Physical activity is closely related to the health of the entire body, including mental activity and cognitive functions. Engaging in light and regular physical activity helps to keep the mind young and plays an important role in preventing diseases caused by cellular degeneration such as senile dementia. Studies have shown how regular physical exercise helps maintain high levels of attention and concentration, giving the entire body a toning effect and promoting the release of tension, important for reducing stress levels and tiring the body to sleep better.

Good Quality Sleep for Attention and Stress Relief

As already mentioned, memory problems are often attributed to a lack of concentration and mental presence caused by stress, information overload, anxiety and worries, emotional traumas, as well as lack of sleep, which causes lack of energy, difficulty in focusing, tiredness, and fatigue, which in turn make it difficult to pay attention to the information presented to us during the day, and consequently, remember it.

For this reason, sleep disorders are one of the main causes of so-called memory gaps and lack of concentration, themselves related to the different causes that affect good mental performance. A good restful sleep will help the mind to lower the intensity of synaptic activity recorded during the day, ensuring a rest time to consolidate the information learned during the day. In this regard, in addition to using plants and relaxing essential oils to promote sleep, meditation could also be helpful. Several studies have shown how meditation has very positive effects on memory and concentration, helping to reduce anxiety and relax the mind, focusing and rebalancing it.

Supplements and Herbs for Memory and Concentration

Several studies have shown how different substances found in nature, and natural supplements rich in beneficial nutrients, can help improve concentration and attention, counteract memory loss caused by aging and cellular degeneration, improve cognitive functions and short-term memory.

We have often talked about adaptogens as essential substances in herbal medicine useful for combating stress and mental fatigue, allowing the body to adapt to such situations and therefore supporting concentration and intellectual activity, but there are numerous natural substances capable of strengthening memory and contributing to the improvement of cognitive functions. As the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine conveys to us, now supported by numerous pharmacological and toxicological studies on the therapeutic effects of the same, there are some medicinal plants used to slow down brain aging and strengthen memory, supporting the balance of body, mind, and spirit.

At a scientific level, the human brain remains largely a great mystery, however, some of the fundamental mechanisms are increasingly being discovered: it has been shown how acetylcholine, for example, is a crucial neurotransmitter for learning new memories: in pharmacy, drugs that increase the release of acetylcholine are used for conditions such as Alzheimer's, but it has been demonstrated how many of the plants associated with memory improvement block the metabolism of acetylcholine, allowing the body to maintain higher levels of it.

Referring to the health of heart, spleen, and kidneys, whose well-being and functioning are, according to traditional Chinese medicine, closely related to good memory and concentration, plants, herbs, and spices that support these organs and consequently mental health can also be included in the diet. Let's see which are the most beneficial plants for memory according to their action on the different organs and metabolisms of the body, and let's discover their characteristics, properties, and how to integrate them into our diet.

Plants to Combat Stress

  • Rhodiola
  • Passionflower
  • Lavender
  • Butterfly pea Flower

Natural Remedies for Memory: Plants to Support Heart and Microcirculation

  • Ashwagandha
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Cacao
  • Rose
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Nettle

Natural Remedies for Memory: Plants to Support the Spleen

  • Bacopa
  • Ginger
  • Ginseng
  • Licorice
  • Artemisia

Natural Remedies for Memory: Plants to Support the Kidneys

  • Horsetail
  • Moringa
  • Goji Berries

Properties and Characteristics of Herbs for Memory and Concentration

Now that we know which plants are most suitable for supporting the body in combating the different factors responsible for memory and concentration problems, let's see what the properties of these herbs are and how we can use them in our daily lives.

plants for memory


The ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), often known as Indian ginseng, is an adaptogenic plant belonging to the Solanaceae family. Its roots, often in powder form, are used for their anti-inflammatory, tonic, antioxidant, nervine, and antitumor properties. Ashwagandha is recommended for memory and concentration issues, as well as to support conditions such as dementia. In Ayurveda, it is considered the plant that promotes longevity, providing better cognitive functionality and support in intellectual activities, increased vitality to those who take it. It is recommended for elderly individuals and women under high stress, as it is both a tonic and a relaxant, like all adaptogens: it helps relax the body and therefore sleep better, be more focused and concentrated, alleviate pain and anxiety. The beneficial properties on cognitive functions attributed to ashwagandha have been demonstrated in a study conducted on 50 people who were given 600 mg of ashwagandha extract daily, which improved both long and short-term memory in people with mild cognitive dysfunctions. Chemically, it acts on the metabolism of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, a mediator of nerve impulses in various areas of the brain and the stress response. You can purchase ashwagandha powder on Terza Luna.

Try Terza Luna's Ashwagandha

ginkgo biloba for memory

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is perhaps the most well-known plant associated with memory and concentration issues, a natural supplement beneficial for improving microcirculation in the brain. Ginkgo biloba has an important activity on circulation, acting as a blood thinner and reducing viscosity, improving blood flow to the brain and stimulating neuronal synapses. Precisely because of this, the ginkgo biloba mother tincture is recommended for cases of senile dementia, memory loss, and to improve short-term memory. Recently, supplements for the memory of the elderly based on ginkgo biloba have become very popular, precisely because it helps improve conditions related to aging associated with decreased blood flow to brain tissues, such as tinnitus, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and headaches. There are studies confirming that ginkgo biloba is effective in reducing anxiety and improving mental activity.

Try Terza Luna's Ginkgo Biloba

bacopa for memory improvement

Bacopa or Brahmi

The Bacopa monnieri, or Brahmi, belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family, and is typical of the Indian subcontinent. It is a plant with oblong leaves and purple flowers, analyzed in numerous studies for the treatment of senile dementia. It is a rather rare plant in Italy, if not in the form of capsule supplements: on Terza Luna it is possible to purchase the bacopa in powder, to be taken as part of the diet in smoothies or shakes. Bacopa has nootropic properties, it repairs damaged neurons and acts on the cognitive sphere improving memory and clarity. Like many adaptogens, bacopa has both sedative and tonic properties, depending on the body's needs. This plant has been the subject of scientific studies for some time now, recognizing its benefits in neurodegenerative diseases, as it seems to increase brain plasticity, that is, the brain's ability to adapt based on changes in neuronal activity. In addition to being beneficial for memory and concentration, Brahmi is used to treat nervous system disorders such as insomnia, anxiety, and epilepsy. It is also an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, and beneficial for spleen health.

Try Terza Luna's Bacopa


Ginseng is a root extremely beneficial for memory and lack of attention. In particular, it acts on the spleen-pancreas-stomach axis and is a strong tonic: in traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered a tonic of qi, that is, the vital energy of the heart. Ginseng improves concentration, strengthens the immune system, enhances vitality, reduces anxiety, and also supports the heart, reducing palpitations and tachycardia.


Passionflower is a relaxing and sedative plant, useful for promoting sleep and therefore improving wakefulness and concentration during the day. Thanks to passiflorine, the active ingredient in it, passionflower improves anxiety, combats stress, and insomnia. It can be taken in the form of herbal tea: before going to bed, you can prepare a passionflower infusion using the dried passionflower, to be left to infuse in boiling water for 15 minutes. Ideal before going to bed, add lime or valerian to enhance its effect.

Try Terza Luna's Passionflower


Lavender is also a plant with a relaxing and anti-stress effect, used to promote sleep and counteract insomnia. It helps relax the nerves and ensure a sense of tranquility and calm. You can use lavender essential oil as a natural relaxant: its constituents can be absorbed both through inhalation, orally, and topically, for example by rubbing a little on the temples before sleeping, or by diffusing it with a vaporizer in the room a few hours before going to bed. Using dried Provence lavender, you can also prepare herbal teas and infusions that promote sleep and help fight stress, improving cognitive states and concentration thanks to a good night's sleep.

Try Terza Luna Lavender


Turmeric, Curcuma longa, is a powder obtained from a rhizome belonging to the Zingiberaceae family. In Ayurvedic traditional medicine, turmeric has always been a fundamental element, used to alleviate various disorders, particularly stomach and liver issues. In recent years, it has been the subject of increasingly in-depth studies on its numerous properties, mainly attributed to its active ingredient, curcumin, a polyphenolic compound belonging to the curcuminoids, which makes turmeric an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory with choleretic properties. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, turmeric reduces oxidative damage and improves cognitive functions associated with aging. However, curcumin is poorly bioavailable, which is why it is often combined with black pepper, whose piperine content improves the absorption of curcumin by the body. Interestingly, the consumption of turmeric and black pepper has been shown to be beneficial in protecting against cognitive disorders and oxidative damage caused by chronic stress. It has been demonstrated that daily intake of 400 mg of curcumin improves mental performance in actions and tasks that require sustained attention and memory.

At Terza Luna, you can find turmeric powder, tincture of turmeric, and cut turmeric for herbal tea. Also, check out our section dedicated to pepper and choose your black pepper from around the world.

Try Terza Luna Turmeric


Horsetail is considered one of the best plants to take for mineral supplementation. This herb is particularly beneficial for kidney health, thus contributing to improved memory and concentration. It is able to fix calcium and limit its elimination, counteracts the formation of kidney stones and gravel. It has a diuretic and cleansing effect, promoting healing from infections.

Try Terza Luna Horsetail

rosemary essential oil for memory and concentration

Rosemary Essential Oil

The rosemary essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis) is considered an excellent tonic to improve cognitive functions and restore levels of attention and concentration: it is often called an herb of memory. Its effects are mainly due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity that slows down brain aging. Studies conducted in the early 2000s have shown the influence of rosemary extract on brain functions. Inhaling rosemary essential oil, diffused in the environment for a few minutes, would be enough to improve concentration and memory, helping to focus the mind and tone it during moments of mental stress or when intellectual performance is required. Rosemary essential oil can also be taken orally, mixing two drops of essential oil with a teaspoon of honey: this will help with studying and working, improving concentration and providing an energizing effect. Studies have analyzed the effects of inhaling rosemary essential oil through electroencephalogram, demonstrating how this improves cognitive accuracy and alertness. There are also promising studies regarding the effect of rosemary extract in combating Alzheimer's and cognitive degeneration in elderly patients. Rosemary can also be taken in tea, to improve concentration and support cognitive functions in moments that require great mental presence.

Try Terza Luna's Rosemary Essential Oil


The rose essential oil is considered beneficial for the heart, as it is harmonizing. It can be diffused in the environment and inhaled: it opens and strengthens the heart, relaxes the mind, improves self-esteem, and balances negative emotions, dispelling stress, fear, and worry, increasing the disposition for love, tenderness, and devotion.



Cocoa is known for its properties and benefits for the heart and microcirculation. Thanks to its content of antioxidants and catechins, it slows down aging and fights free radicals, favoring cell protection and thus improving cardiovascular health. Not only that: cocoa also contains theobromine and caffeine, stimulating substances that improve concentration and mental presence, it is an anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and its consumption is associated with positive effects on blood pressure, microcirculation, and artery health.

Buy Terza Luna's Cocoa Powder


The rhodiola, or Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea), also known as golden root, has beneficial properties to counteract stress and mood swings. It has a strong tonic action, which improves intellectual performance, mood, and counteracts short-term memory loss. There are several supplements on the market that combine the effect of rhodiola, bacopa, and coenzyme, to improve cognitive functions and the functionality of the nervous system, as rhodiola is an effective anti-stress, as well as an antioxidant, which becomes favorable in combating oxidative stress, anxiety, in preventing adrenal fatigue. On Terza Luna it is possible to purchase rhodiola root in cut tea, to be taken in an infusion with neuroprotective, antidepressant properties functional to memory strengthening.

Try Terza Luna Rhodiola



Artemisia is considered a valuable support for the fatigued spleen. This bitter herb has antispasmodic, cholagogue, sedative, depurative, and carminative properties. Absinthin, its active ingredient, is a tonic for the spleen, improving its blood filtering function, and thus also resistance to infections. Since the spleen is important in the cardio-circulatory system, its health is essential for good blood pressure. 


butterfly pea flower memory

Butterfly Pea Flower

The butterfly pea flower is better known as blue tea, although it is not exactly tea but the flower of Clitoria ternatea, with a blue color, originating from Southeast Asia. This flower is well known for its unique, intense blue color of the infusion obtained from it: not everyone knows that this flower also has important beneficial properties for cognitive functions: Clitoria ternatea is indeed a nootropic, anti-stress, antidepressant, and anxiolytic plant. In Ayurvedic medicine, butterfly pea is used as a calming agent for anxiety, insomnia, and stress, and as a tonic for the nervous system. It is able to increase brain activity, improving memory, concentration, and creativity, as well as having antioxidant properties that make it an optimal blue pea flower in combating oxidative stress and therefore brain aging.

Buy Butterfly Pea Flower


Nettle is associated with heart health, and therefore has an influence on memory and concentration issues. It is indeed an antioxidant, which slows down cellular degeneration and protects cells, thus preventing the degeneration of the cell membrane, a cause of cardiovascular diseases. The mineral intake provided by nettle is also important for heart, arteries, and bone health.

Buy Terza Luna Nettle

Ylang Ylang

The Ylang Ylang essential oil, obtained from Cananga odorata, is recommended as a relaxant for those who tend to somatize stress in the chest. This plant is beneficial for the heart; as a relaxant, it helps counteract tachycardia, palpitations, increased blood pressure, and calm physical anxiety.

Buy Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Green Tea

Green tea is considered an excellent element to integrate into your diet to enhance the mind, counteracting neurological disorders, and improving cognitive functions and memory. A study by the University of Basel conducted with magnetic resonance imaging shows how regular consumption of green tea would be beneficial for cognitive abilities and for the improvement of short-term attention and memory, increasing connectivity between different brain areas. It is important to remember that green tea is also a powerful antioxidant, therefore it counteracts damage caused by free radicals, acts against oxidative stress and cellular degeneration, with potential positive effects on disorders such as senile dementia.

Discover the Selection of Green Teas by Terza Luna

memory cappuccino with butterfly pea flower

Improving Memory and Concentration with Natural Remedies: Memory Cappuccino

How to use herbs and plants for memory? Often, even though the properties of different plants are known, it is difficult to understand how to use or integrate them organically into your diet, making them appetizing as well as functional to the health of our body. We want to offer you the recipe for a "memory cappuccino", with bacopa and butterfly pea, to be drunk in the morning to improve focus, attention, and concentration, starting the day off right. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1/2 teaspoon of Butterfly Pea
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ginkgo biloba
  • 1/3 teaspoon of Ginger
  • 1 teaspoon of agave syrup
  • 1 glass of vegetable drink (rice, soy, oat...)

Dissolve the powder and syrup in 50 ml of boiling water. Heat the chosen vegetable milk and add it to the mix, then add 30 drops of ginkgo biloba mother tincture.


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