Turmeric oleolite: A must-have in healthy cooking

Turmeric oleolite: A must-have in healthy cooking

Oleolites are oils enriched with active ingredients from certain plants (herbs, flowers, spices, seeds...). The oleolite is obtained by macerating these drugs in a suitable oily vehicle. The substance is placed inside a dark glass container and then completely covered with oil. The substance/solvent ratio is very variable, depending on the type of plant, whether it is fresh or dry, and the intended use of the oleolite. Personally, I really like the daily use of oleolites in cooking. Not only do they give a particular flavor to our dishes, but they transform them into authentic medicines! The oil acts as a vehicle through which the spices can be transported to the tissues. An oleolite that should never be missing in a healthy kitchen is curcuma oleolite, an oil that will give a yellow touch and an astringent aftertaste to our dishes. To make this oil, we need to add 3 tablespoons of curcuma to 150ml of extra virgin olive oil and let it macerate for 10 days. Curcuma oleolite is a precious source of antioxidants, which enhance the effectiveness of the olive oil's tocopherols. The properties of this oil are anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and anticancer. Excellent also for those suffering from joint pain and individuals sensitive to cold and humidity. This oil can be used in almost all our culinary creations; to season salads, vegetables, cereals, and legumes. In ancient times, it was applied directly to the skin to increase its luminosity, or as an anti-wrinkle and anti-aging oil. Curcuma oleolite counteracts the formation of free radicals particularly after sun exposure.

On our website, we have a wide range of spices, herbal teas, and natural medicinal remedies based on curcuma. Click here to discover them.

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Plant lovers