Spagyria, an ancient medicine still relevant: Erbenobili products

Spagyria, an ancient medicine still relevant: Erbenobili products

Have you ever heard of spagyria?

Spagyric is the name that Paracelsus gave to his medical doctrine, based on alchemy, the study of nature and biological phenomena, and the therapeutic use of "chemical" products.

The term would derive from the two operations of alchemical practice: separation and assembly (from the Greek spao and ageiro).

As Paracelsus and many others explain, it involves extracting active principles from an entire plant using various methods, thus reaching different fractions that are then recombined, concentrated, purified, and potentiated.

The preparation normally consisted of "division" and then "recombination" operations.

The "separative" operations essentially consisted of:
  • distillation and separation of essential oils;
  • fermentation of the remaining with yeast and sugars;
  • distillation of the prepared alcohol;
  • distillation of water;
  • sublimation of the dry residue to extract the remaining alkaloids;
  • distillation of tars;
  • incineration of the remains;
  • extraction of soluble salts from the ashes and their condensation.

Depending on the remedy to be prepared, variable operations followed to "recombine" more or less of the fractions obtained.

Spagyric products are, therefore, much more elaborate than any other product; once harvested, the plants undergo the delicate maceration period in our greenhouse, in an environment where light, humidity, and temperature are optimal for "spagyric" extraction, that is, for the balanced and harmonious extraction of all the active substances of the plant, which constitute the "essence of the phytocomplex".
The results allow to detect the nature, the energetic quality, and the strength factors present in the products, revealing the "morphogenetic" matrix of the same.

The results depend on the degree of integrity and naturalness of a substance, in strict relation to the production, transformation, and conditioning system adopted for its entire production chain, with the help of solar and lunar rays, so that the biophysical aspect is preserved and enhanced and, at the same time, creates an analogy with the biochemical properties of the individual.


  • After adding, in a first phase, spagyric ethyl alcohol and red wine in the right proportions to the fresh plant, it is left to macerate for 28 days in a demijohn in a greenhouse.
  • After this period, the plant residues are removed from the solution and undergo a first pressing phase that allows breaking the plant fibers and releasing the functional elements still trapped in the plant.
  • After pressing, these residues are incinerated, allowing to obtain ashes still rich in very small concentrations of active principles, functional elements of the plant, and mineral salts.
  • The salts are added and dissolved in the solution obtained from maceration, another demijohn of the same size is placed upside down on the demijohn so that their openings coincide perfectly to be sealed with clay. The double demijohn obtained is returned to the greenhouse for another 12 days to restart the "extractive microcosm of circulation." At the end of these 12 days, the clay will crack by itself and the mother tincture will be ready.

Erbe Nobili is the company that follows this whole process to provide us with tinctures and gem derivatives of individual plants or plant complexes. We have had the opportunity to experiment in this year and a half of Terza Luna how their products are truly valuable, through the positive feedback from our customers. Lately, Erbe Nobili has also received important recognition from the academic world; we mention below the analyses of the University of Bari on the products "Propolis" and "Prop Gola."

Here are some of the plant tinctures and compounds that you can find in our store:

  • Abies Pectinata, for bone recalcification
  • Garlic, to regulate circulation
  • Devil's claw, against all inflammations
  • Burdock, gives radiance to the skin and purifies
  • Birch sap, excellent draining
  • Hawthorn, for those with heart problems
  • Milk thistle, liver purifier
  • Echinacea, strengthens the immune system
  • Propolis, for oral cavity inflammations
  • Stonebreaker, for kidney stone elimination

We won't list all the available products, you can take a look at the website that explains effects and compositions well.

Below you will find the study of the University of Bari


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Plant lovers