Diabetes: herbs and herbal teas to lower blood sugar

Diabetes: herbs and herbal teas to lower blood sugar

A sedentary lifestyle, irregular sleep patterns, high levels of stress, and an unbalanced diet, combined with a genetic predisposition, can be the main causes of diabetes.

As a chronic disease among the most widespread in the Western world, with an increasing incidence rate even among younger people, diabetes is characterized by the body's resistance to glucose absorption resulting in hyperglycemia, or the accumulation of sugars in the blood.

How to naturally treat diabetes

Western medicine treats the symptoms of diabetes through the use of drugs such as metformin, which can lower blood sugar levels and increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that facilitates sugar absorption.

But many also wonder how to treat diabetes naturally. Pharmacological therapy cannot be replaced, but Nature can always help us facilitate our well-being.

In the ancient tradition of Indian Ayurveda, we can find wonderful natural remedies that promote the recovery of our body's proper functions. The botanicals suggested by Ayurveda, in fact, contribute to lowering blood sugar levels and improving metabolic activity.

Do you want to discover which herbs and teas to lower blood sugar levels are suggested by Ayurveda as natural remedies for diabetes? Keep reading!

Diabetes in Western medicine

Western medical science distinguishes three main forms of diabetes, whose causes are attributed to the interaction between genetic factors (family heredity) and environmental factors (sedentary lifestyle and diet):

Type 1 diabetes, characterized by the absence of insulin secretion, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes, hereditary in nature, is a delicate and irreversible condition, the treatment of which involves subcutaneous insulin injections.

Type 2 diabetes, caused by the body's resistance to insulin action or by insufficient production of this hormone by the pancreas. Although often accompanied by previous insulin resistance, the onset of type 2 diabetes is facilitated by poor eating habits and lack of constant physical activity.

Gestational diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy with an alteration of blood glucose levels. Although regressing after childbirth, this type of diabetes can reappear years later as type 2 diabetes.

A missed diagnosis or careless treatment of diabetes can lead to very serious consequences for our body's health: the accumulation of sugars in the blood affects the functionality of the kidneys, intestines, nervous system, and cardiovascular system. Kidney failure, constant thirst, polyuria, sleep apnea, weight gain or rapid loss, mental fatigue, thrombosis, and slowed blood circulation are some of the most dangerous effects of diabetes.

To improve metabolic activity and ensure the good health of patients, Western medicine resorts to prescribing hypoglycemic drugs and recommends following a balanced diet, low in complex sugars, along with adequate daily physical activity.

The hypoglycemic drugs used in Western therapies are certainly the most effective method for treating type 2 diabetes symptoms, although they may have some side effects such as nausea, edema, loss of appetite, and significant alterations in blood parameters.

For these reasons, it is possible to accompany pharmacological therapies with botanicals, herbal remedies, and teas to lower blood sugar levels capable of alleviating these unwanted effects.

Diabetes in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient practice that originated in India in 3000 BC characterized by a holistic interest in the health of the individual. It is a true medical philosophy, interested in ensuring the right balance between the vital energies that flow through our body, acting on the connection that unites our body with the mind and emotions.

According to Ayurvedic tradition, diabetes is derived from the imbalance of Kapha, the warm energy dominated by the Earth and Water elements.
This imbalance is caused by unhealthy habits such as sedentary lifestyle, excessive daytime sleep, and irregular consumption of warming foods rich in sugars, carbohydrates, and fats.

Excess Kapha, according to Ayurveda, is what causes the typical disorders of diabetes: influencing the activities of the intestines, pancreas, and heart, this energy causes a reduced capacity to absorb glucose and fatigue of the cardiovascular system, thus increasing the accumulation of sugars in the blood.

Since the body tries to rid itself of the excess glucose through urine, Ayurveda still defines diabetes today with the name Madhumeha. Composed of madhu (sugar, honey) and meha (urine), this word translates literally as "sweet urine" and describes the ancient method used by Ayurvedic medicine to diagnose diabetes by evaluating the concentration of sugars in patients' urine.

To promote the lowering of blood sugar levels, Ayurveda's advice is similar to that of Western medicine: regularly engage in physical activity for at least 30 minutes four times a week and follow a balanced diet, paying attention to the consumption of foods rich in sugars and complex carbohydrates. Eating warm, dry, and light foods, legumes like beans, and reducing the consumption of red meats, milk, and dairy products allows for the right balance of Kapha and helps reduce the risk of diabetes complications.

Ayurveda also indicates several herbs capable of counteracting hyperglycemia thanks to their detoxifying and rebalancing active principles. These are plants rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, excellent for preparing infusions and herbal teas that facilitate the work of the liver, kidneys, and intestines by improving their ability to absorb sugars.

Let's discover together what natural remedies are available for diabetes!

Herbs and herbal teas to lower blood sugar and diabetes

The herbs recommended by Ayurveda to reduce blood sugar levels are endowed with hypoglycemic properties and also help improve the collateral symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Used in the form of herbal tea, infusion, or mother tincture, these medicinal plants act by naturally stimulating insulin production and favoring the elimination of excess glucose from the body.

Garlic, Cinnamon, Eleuthero, Eucalyptus, Goat's Rue, Ginseng, Maca, Nigella, and Nettle are the plants at the base of the most used diabetic herbal teas as natural remedies in case of high blood sugar.


Used since the 3rd millennium BC, with its intense flavor, Garlic is not only an excellent ingredient in cooking but also an excellent ally for our health.

Rich in digestive enzymes and B vitamins, Garlic facilitates digestion and promotes the correct absorption of nutrients after each meal. It also contributes to maintaining intestinal bacterial flora and has antimicrobial properties capable of protecting the intestine from external bacterial agents.

Its active ingredient is allicin, a molecule with surprising anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties capable of improving blood circulation by eliminating the accumulation of LDL cholesterol, the so-called "bad cholesterol".

Finally, Garlic has a decent amount of sulfur compounds with anti-diabetic action, capable of lowering blood sugar levels in the presence of type 2 diabetes.

To enjoy its benefits, we can take Garlic in the form of a mother tincture or use its cloves for many simple and tasty recipes, such as garlic and sage soup.
Alternatively, we can prepare a tasty Garlic herbal tea by placing six cloves in a saucepan with a liter of water. After bringing it to a boil, simply add the juice of half a lemon and let it infuse over low heat for about 10 minutes. After straining everything, you will obtain a drink with an intense flavor and rich in benefits.

Try the Garlic Mother Tincture


Spice with a enveloping and autumnal flavor, Cinnamon is known since ancient times for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Thanks to the active ingredient of cinnamic acid, Cinnamon also plays an important role in hypoglycemic action and reduces the blood absorption of dietary sugars released from food. It also slows down gastric emptying after meals and promotes the elimination of LDL cholesterol.

Finally, the high concentration of fibers and minerals such as Iron, Manganese, and Calcium makes Cinnamon an excellent natural remedy in case of slow digestion and irritable bowel.

Versatile in the kitchen and suitable for sweet and savory recipes, Cinnamon is the perfect botanical to prevent the risks of hyperglycemia. Great for flavoring soups, cookies, or simply grated fresh in yogurt and smoothies, we can also use this spice to prepare delicious anti-diabetes herbal teas: by infusing 3 grams of Cinnamon for about 8 minutes in boiling water, we will obtain a beverage with a slightly spicy and delicate flavor.

Try organic Cinnamon for herbal tea


Siberian Ginseng

Widely spread in the Asian continent, Siberian Ginseng is a plant famous for its adaptogenic tonic virtues.

In its roots, there is a high percentage of polyphenols, polysaccharides, and other trace elements that promote the well-being of our body thanks to their direct action on the endocrine glands.

By increasing serotonin levels, Siberian Ginseng helps combat anxiety, chronic fatigue, and improve physical and mental performance in situations of high stress. Its immunostimulant virtues prevent the onset of viral or bacterial infections, reducing the risk of flu and cold.

In case of type 2 diabetes, Siberian Ginseng can be added to an herbal tea to lower blood sugar by stimulating insulin production and glucose absorption by muscle tissues. However, in case of hypertension, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking Siberian Ginseng.

With a sweet and slightly spicy flavor, we can consume this plant by adding a teaspoon of Siberian Ginseng powder to yogurt, smoothies, or simply dissolving it in a glass of milk.

Buy Siberian Ginseng



Native to Australia and Tasmania, Eucalyptus is rich in exceptional properties for the well-being of our body.

The presence of polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins allows to extract from the leaves of this plant an essential oil with expectorant, mucolytic, and anti-inflammatory properties, excellent for the treatment of flu-like conditions, fever, and cold.

The balsamic virtues of Eucalyptus essential oil are combined with antioxidant and hypoglycemic action, useful to promote the lowering of blood glucose levels in the presence of type 2 diabetes.

The intense scent and pungent taste, reminiscent of Licorice, make Eucalyptus an ideal ingredient for preparing infusions and herbal teas for diabetics: by infusing 2 grams of Eucalyptus in boiling water for 10 minutes, you will obtain a perfect balsamic herbal tea to consume after main meals to promote the absorption of excess sugars. Alternatively, you can enjoy the virtues of this plant by dissolving ten drops of Eucalyptus essential oil in 100 ml of sweet almond oil.

Try the properties of Eucalyptus


Goat's Rue

A typical wild plant of humid and marshy environments, Goat's Rue has been used since ancient times for its galactogenic properties, capable of stimulating the production of breast milk during the breastfeeding period.

Thanks to the active ingredient galegin, Goat's Rue has been recognized as an excellent natural hypoglycemic. Acting similarly to Metformin, this plant promotes insulin secretion and the correct absorption of sugars by tissues.

Galegin also has a purifying effect on the liver and kidneys, organs targeted by the most severe symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Despite these beneficial qualities, it is important to remember that Goat's Rue acts as a supplement and its active ingredient does not replace the action of hypoglycemic drugs. Furthermore, taking Goat's Rue in case of diabetes should be approved by the advice of your own doctor or trusted diabetologist.

To help reduce blood sugar levels, you can take thirty drops of Goat's Rue mother tincture before the three main meals of the day. Alternatively, you can use dried Goat's Rue leaves to prepare decoctions or infusions with purifying power. By infusing a teaspoon and a half of Goat's Rue leaves in boiling water for about 8 minutes, you will get a sweet and pleasant tasting herbal tea to drink at least twice a day.

Enjoy a Bio Goat's Rue herbal tea



With tonic and adaptogenic properties, Ginseng root is a real panacea for our body: it increases concentration and memory, supports heart function, accelerates muscle recovery, and helps strengthen the immune system's defenses.

Recent clinical studies have shown how the active ingredient ginsenosides are able to stimulate insulin production at an endocrine level, thus contributing to lowering blood glucose levels.

An excellent supplement in the presence of type 2 diabetes, Ginseng ensures a general improvement in the health of diabetic patients: thanks to its adaptogenic effects, it guarantees an increase in mood tone and greater physical resistance to efforts, preventing the onset of osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, and states of chronic fatigue.

To enjoy its countless virtues, it is recommended to take 1 to 2 grams of Ginseng per day and it is best to consume it away from nighttime hours due to its stimulating power. In case of hypertension, it is important to seek the advice of your trusted doctor before introducing Ginseng into your diet.

Among the natural remedies for diabetes, Ginseng tea proves to be an excellent way to lower blood sugar. If you desire an immediate effect of its active ingredient, however, you can also use Ginseng mother tincture, taking 20 to 30 drops a day, twice a day, away from meals.


Choose how to take Ginseng



Also known as Peruvian Ginseng, Maca is a plant native to Latin America with adaptogenic and energizing properties.

In its roots, there is a high percentage of mineral salts (Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Zinc) and antioxidants. It has a much higher amount of Calcium than animal milk and is rich in proteins, omega 3 and omega 9 fatty acids, and fibers.

Excellent dietary supplement for athletes, Maca powder is also a great ally for people with type 2 diabetes. Thanks to its direct action on the pituitary gland (hypophysis), in fact, it supports hormone secretion and accelerates basal metabolism, favoring a rapid absorption of sugars in the blood.

Taken daily, Maca powder can contribute to natural remedies to lower diabetes because it reduces blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the onset of osteoporosis and diseases affecting the nervous system.

With its particular spicy and bitter taste, we can use Maca as a substitute for flour in both sweet and savory preparations or added to smoothies, yogurt, and porridge. Taken pure in the morning, mixed with a spoonful of honey, it gives an energy boost and fights fatigue.

Try the superfood Maca



Also known by the names Nigella, "Cleopatra's oil," and "blessed seed," Cumin is a botanical native to the Asian continent used as a natural remedy since ancient Egyptian times.

With its wonderful blue and white flowers, Cumin has antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that make it perfect for treating acne, eczema, and burns.
Rich in prostaglandins, this plant promotes the lowering of blood pressure and stimulates the absorption of excess sugars. This makes it a valuable ally for the health of people with type 2 diabetes, reducing LDL cholesterol levels and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

With its intense balsamic flavor, Nigella is extremely versatile in the kitchen: we can use it to flavor soups, curries, and fish or meat-based preparations. Infused in boiling water, it also allows you to obtain a flavorful anti-diabetes herbal tea.


Add organic Cumin to your herbal teas



Although contact with its fresh leaves can cause annoying irritations to our skin, Nettle is a plant with multiple phytotherapeutic virtues.

Widespread throughout the European continent, Nettle is rich in tannins, flavonoids, and mineral salts that make it an exceptional natural remedy against arthritis, urinary tract infections, and digestive problems.

Thanks to a decent amount of creatinine, a hormone present in the digestive tract, Nettle facilitates digestion and nutrient absorption. Its astringent and purifying action stimulates lipid metabolism and diuresis, reducing blood sugar levels and promoting the lowering of blood sugar in diabetic patients.

With a taste similar to spinach, Nettle leaves can be widely used in the kitchen to prepare omelets, risottos, or soups. To enjoy the effectiveness of its active ingredients, its use in the form of a decoction or herbal teas for diabetics is recommended, especially in the case of type 2 diabetes.

By infusing 4 grams of dried Nettle in boiling water for 10 minutes, you will indeed obtain a pleasant anti-diabetes infusion to drink at least three times a day.

The recommended plants and herbal teas to lower blood sugar levels represent a natural remedy for type 2 diabetes symptoms. It is important, however, to remember that no herbal remedy replaces the therapy suggested by a doctor or diabetologist.

By learning about the virtues of our beloved plants and consciously integrating them into our diet, we will be able to offer additional support to our body on its path to well-being.

In cases of chronic conditions such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, moreover, **Nature's support must always be accompanied by a virtuous change in one's habits**. A balanced and simple diet, physical activity, and proper night rest ensure a healthy and balanced lifestyle and help our body regain the natural balance of its functions.

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