Homemade Draining Herbal Teas: What Are the Best Draining Herbs?

Homemade Draining Herbal Teas: What Are the Best Draining Herbs?

Draining Herbal Teas: The Best to Prepare at Home

Draining herbal teas, or draining infusions, are recommended as a remedy for various issues related to the lymphatic system and its proper functioning. In this article, we will explain what draining herbal teas are and how they work, what are the best herbs for the composition of your homemade draining infusions, and some of our tips on DIY draining herbal teas.

What Are Draining Herbal Teas?

The reasons why we consume draining herbal teas are various. Among the main causes, we find water retention or inflammation of the cells that cause cellulite. But how can the use of draining herbal teas, or draining teas, if accompanied by a draining diet and healthy exercise, help us? The organ that is activated during drainage is the lymphatic system, which is responsible for draining body fluids from tissues and toxins inside. We usually accumulate toxins or fluids in tissues, especially in adipose tissue, present in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. The presence of toxins in cells leads to inflammation and cellulite.
To eliminate toxins from our body, we usually consume draining herbal teas that promote the passage of toxins through the lymphatic system, which, through the bloodstream, carry them to the detoxification organs that expel them. The detoxifying organs are the liver, kidneys, and skin. When we want to drain, using draining herbal teas, the plants that make up the herbal tea must be a mix of anti-inflammatory herbs to combat cell inflammation, herbs that stimulate lymphatic drainage, and herbs that protect the detoxifying organs, therefore diuretic.

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infographic on draining herbal teas

Draining Herbal Teas: Benefits and Properties

There are numerous benefits and properties derived from consuming draining herbal teas.
In particular, diuretic infusions act on the body by reducing water retention, and since the perception of being overweight also comes from the persistent sensation of bloating due to an excess of fluids, they are also attributed slimming properties. Furthermore, draining herbal teas are an excellent aid by acting on the lymphatic system and the renal system. The well-known antiseptic and disinfectant properties help our body eliminate and purify itself from excess toxins and waste that cause problems in the gastrointestinal and urinary systems.

The advantages derived from consuming a draining herbal tea can be summarized as follows:

  • Better digestion by helping the body eliminate harmful toxins by acting on the kidneys;
  • Reduction of the feeling of bloating caused by water retention;
  • Acceleration of metabolism by giving energy to the body;
  • Reduction of premenstrual pains by calming the nerves and reducing bloating and abdominal pain;
  • Helps eliminate cellulite by removing excess fluids, especially when combined with a proper diet and physical activity;
  • Improves skin conditions by eliminating toxins (read our article on the best herbal teas for the skin).

What Are the Best Draining Herbal Teas?

To answer the question correctly, it is necessary to make a distinction between draining herbal teas and draining herbs. The latter have beneficial principles that help our body and are the main reason why we drink draining infusions, while draining herbal teas are a mix of draining herbs, generally composed of a different number of herbs ranging from three to five.

list of draining plants

The Best Draining Herbs

That said, it would be appropriate to specify which are the herbs found in nature most recommended for the preparation of draining herbal teas. 

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The most draining plant par excellence is Birch, of which the leaves are used. It affects all the purification systems mentioned earlier as: diuretic as it activates the kidneys; cholagogue thanks to its liver cleansing action; anti-inflammatory and therefore excellent for cellulite; and finally, it is sudorific increasing body sweating. The only drawback of consuming this plant with great draining power is the strongly bitter taste that makes taking it alone difficult.
A small tip from the Terza Luna team: when a plant is very bitter, it is advisable to let it cool down a bit, thus alleviating the strong bitter taste.


The dandelion, commonly known as the lion's tooth, is a diuretic, purifying, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant plant. It has beneficial effects especially on the kidneys and liver.


The artichoke is, like other herbs, a liver purifier and diuretic.


The horsetail is an herb with many beneficial properties and is highly recommended due to its diuretic, purifying, and anti-inflammatory powers.


Nettle, a Mediterranean herb, is very draining like birch. However, unlike birch, nettle is a selective diuretic.
Unfortunately, draining agents make us lose fluids, and sometimes we lose minerals. When we take many draining agents, there must be plants inside that are selective diuretics, meaning they remove harmful minerals like uric acid, sodium, to avoid causing a demineralization of the body that could lead to a drop in blood pressure or dizziness. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to include in the composition of the draining herbal tea a plant that has selective diuretic properties.
Nettle is also rich in minerals such as calcium and iron, as well as being an isotonic beverage with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.


Horsetail is also a selective diuretic. It has many minerals and is recommended for osteoporosis. It has properties similar to nettle as it is also anti-inflammatory.
A positive factor of both is the not so unpleasant taste. It has an herbal taste, being herbs, but it is possible to consume them alone unlike birch.


Bearberry is highly recommended for cystitis as it is an antiseptic for the urinary tract, a diuretic, and anti-inflammatory. Highly recommended to prevent the kidneys from becoming inflamed due to excessive drainage work. Bearberry offers protection to the kidneys by creating a mucous layer on the kidney wall protecting them from bacteria.


The burdock is highly recommended for purifying the skin. Improper skin cleansing could lead to the onset of pimples. It increases sweating favoring the elimination of fluids.


Stonebreaker is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory widely used for kidney stones.

Mate and Green Tea

Both mate and green tea are fat-burning plants. Mate is a selective anti-inflammatory of adipose cells. Ideal for those suffering from cellulite. A fat burner attacks the cells of adipose tissue. Both are very diuretic.

Composition of Draining Herbal Teas

So far we have selected the herbs and plants with the greatest draining powers and through a combination of these herbs it is possible to compose the draining herbal tea to be consumed during the day. We at Terza Luna recommend three different combinations, one of which you will find for sale in our online shop.

  • The draining herbal tea for sale on Terza Luna is composed of: horsetail, nettle, bearberry, and birch. It has all the main properties being purifying, draining, and diuretic, and it is very hydrating. It cleanses the liver and eliminates excess fluids. Try it now and buy it online, click here.
  • You can make this herbal tea at home and you will need: birch, licorice, dandelion, and mint. Mint is digestive and refreshing, while licorice purifies the liver and balances flavors. The properties of birch and dandelion are well known and explained in the previous paragraphs.
  • You can also prepare this at home using: nettle, horsetail, ginger, and mate. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, warms you up, increases body temperature, and helps burn fat.

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preparation of draining herbal tea

Preparation of DIY Draining Herbal Teas

For the preparation of homemade draining herbal teas we recommend these simple steps:

  • Infuse about 1 gram of the herb mix per 100ml of water.
    If you find it difficult to determine the exact weight of the portions, you can mix 4 teaspoons of herbs per half a liter of water. If you fear you have exaggerated with the quantity of herbs added, don't worry because there are no serious contraindications, but rather it is almost considered a waste. However, considering that in the opposite case where the quantity of herbs in infusion is too low, the therapeutic properties will be diluted, in that case it would be better to risk exceeding a little. Watch out for particularly bitter plants like birch where it is advisable to be very careful with the quantities.
  • Let it infuse for a time between 8 and 10 minutes.
  • Remove the herbs used for the preparation of the draining herbal tea (these can be used for a second, milder infusion, so don't throw them away).

Finally, we recommend avoiding sugar. As a substitute, we suggest alternative sweetening products like stevia or licorice.

Cold Herbal Teas

In hot periods like summer months, it becomes difficult to drink the classic infusions. Cold herbal teas can be an excellent solution to enjoy the same therapeutic principles as hot herbal teas.
For the preparation of cold herbal teas, there are two main different methods:

  • The first one consists of the preparation of hot herbal tea as we are used to. So, put water in a container and bring it to a boil. Then, infuse 10g of the herbal tea mix (for 1L of water) and cover the container to prevent the volatile active principles of the plants from dispersing. Let it infuse for 7/8 minutes and filter the preparation. Finally, leave the container, which should not be plastic, in the fridge or add ice to cool it down.
  • The second method requires less attention for preparation. In fact, it would be enough to leave the herbs of the herbal tea infusing in the water and leave the container with the herbal tea and herbs in the fridge overnight, or at least for 4 or 5 hours.

The only real difference between hot and cold herbal teas is found in the lower presence of tannins in the latter, making it slightly less purifying but also much less bitter.

When is the Best Time to Drink Detox Herbal Tea?

There are no specific times of the day when it is recommended to drink detox herbal tea. Ideally, it would be to drink it throughout the day and start in the morning with a glass of detox herbal tea. In fact, we know that the body detoxifies during sleep and with the herbal tea, we eliminate the toxins accumulated during the night. It is not recommended to take it just before bedtime as it could lead to sleep interruptions. It is not advisable to drink it immediately after meals because the liver and blood are already active in performing digestion-related functions and the detox infusions would not bring the same benefits.

Detox Herbal Teas: How Many Times a Day?

There is no maximum or minimum limit of detox herbal teas to consume during the day. However, it is important to remember that excessive and immoderate consumption of detox herbal teas could lead to demineralization of our body. Therefore, we always recommend including an herb that is a selective diuretic to avoid excessive mineral loss in our body.

Contraindications of Detox Herbal Teas

There are no specific contraindications or side effects in taking detox herbal teas. As mentioned earlier, we should be careful about a possible demineralization of our body. However, it is important to note that during pregnancy it is highly discouraged to drink detox herbal teas. All herbs mobilize toxins in the blood and, as we know, the blood of a pregnant woman is in contact with the baby who could absorb them. The consequences do not lead to abortion, but it would make sense to avoid consuming detox herbal teas during this period. The same goes for breastfeeding women as breast milk is greatly influenced by what the mother consumes. It is still recommended to regularly take detox infusions for a limited period, for 2 or 3 months, to avoid overburdening the liver.

Where to Buy Detox Herbal Teas

If you are interested in the best detox teas or herbs, the Terza Luna online store is the right answer for you. You will find all the necessary herbs for the composition of your homemade detox herbal tea and you will have the opportunity to buy them already composed for greater convenience. Visit the dedicated section of our shop now, click here.

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