Helichrysum: Properties, Benefits, Uses

Helichrysum: Properties, Benefits, Uses

What is Helichrysum used for and how to use it in herbal medicine and cooking

Helichrysum, a plant with ancient origins and multiple benefits, is a true treasure of nature. Known for its healing and aromatic properties, Helichrysum has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, cosmetics, and cooking. In this article, we will thoroughly explore what Helichrysum is, its historical origins, and the chemical components that give the plant its extraordinary properties, analyzing the health benefits and practical uses in both herbal and culinary fields. Get ready to discover everything there is to know about this fascinating plant!

Bottle of Helichrysum essential oil with flowers and leaves in the background

What is Helichrysum?

Helichrysum, scientifically known as Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don, is an aromatic plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, also known by various common names, including: everlasting, rock flowers, licorice Helichrysum, and curry plant.

The Helichrysum plant is native to the Mediterranean. It forms dense, branched bushes up to 50 cm tall, while its leaves, narrow and linear, gray-green or ash-gray in color, are covered with fine hair that gives the plant a silvery appearance. The flowers, small and bright golden yellow, are gathered in dense, fragrant umbels.

The parts of Helichrysum used include mainly the flowering tops, which are harvested at the beginning of flowering and left to dry in ventilated and dark places.

Helichrysum emits a characteristic aroma reminiscent of licorice and curry, making it highly appreciated both in cooking and perfumery. Additionally, Helichrysum is renowned for its balsamic and therapeutic properties. Helichrysum extracts are used as flavoring agents in foods and beverages, while dried flowers are used to produce medicinal products.

Let's discover the uses and benefits of this special aromatic plant.

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Origins and History

Helichrysum, whose name derives from the Greek terms "helios" (sun) and "chrysos" (gold), is also known as the "Golden Sun" for the bright color of its flowers.

This plant was already appreciated in ancient times, used by the Greeks and Romans for its medicinal and ornamental properties. The ancient Romans decorated tombs with Helichrysum flowers, which never wither, symbolizing eternity and memory.

In the Middle Ages, Helichrysum was considered a magical plant capable of warding off diseases and negative influences. It was used to scent linens and environments, and its flowering parts retained their vibrant color even when dried. The plant was also used in cosmetics as a fixative in perfumes.

A legend tells of Elicrisa, a nymph with golden hair who fell in love with a god who never noticed her. Consumed by sorrow, she transformed into a plant with flowers as yellow as her hair. The gods, moved, granted her immortality: her flowers never wither, even when picked.

The plant has a strong connection with the night of St. John, between June 23 and 24, when it is believed that herbs collected have extraordinary magical properties.


Helichrysum is a plant widely distributed in Mediterranean and submontane regions, preferring arid and rocky habitats, often near the sea.

In Italy, it is common in the Piedmont and Emilian Apennines, and can also be found further south. It is rare in the Alps, where it has a discontinuous presence. Sardinia, in particular, is famous for its varieties of Sardinian helichrysum, also known as "the gold of Sardinia".

The genus Helichrysum includes about 500 species distributed in regions of southern Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The subspecies Helichrysum italicum microphyllum is exclusive to Sardinia, Corsica, and the Balearic Islands.

 In the rest of Europe and the Mediterranean, it extends from Portugal to Anatolia and in western North Africa.

It grows in garrigues, dry meadows, screes, riverbeds, and lava flows, preferring calcareous or siliceous substrates with basic pH and arid soils with low nutritional content. In the Italian Alpine regions, it can be found up to 800 meters above sea level, occasionally reaching 1,400 meters above sea level.

Chemical Components

Helichrysum is a plant with multiple therapeutic virtues, thanks to the richness of its active ingredients. These components give helichrysum its extraordinary beneficial properties, making it a valuable natural remedy.

Here are the main chemical components of helichrysum:

  • Flavonoids
  • Essential oil
  • Phthalides
  • Umbelliferone, scopoletin, esculetin (in small quantities)
  • Pyran derivatives
  • Campesterol, beta-sitosterol glucuronic acid
  • Elipirone and alpha-pyrone derivatives
  • Sesquiterpene lactones
  • Caffeic acid

These compounds are responsible for the plant's anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties, making it useful in numerous therapeutic and cosmetic fields.

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Properties of Helichrysum

Helichrysum is a plant with multiple therapeutic properties, thanks to its rich active ingredients. These properties make it a valuable natural remedy for various ailments and conditions. Here are the main properties of helichrysum:

  • Anti-inflammatory: Helichrysum is known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate both internal and external inflammations, such as eczema, sunburns, and skin irritations.
  • Healing: Promotes the healing of wounds and scars by regenerating damaged tissues and encouraging the formation of new healthy tissue. Useful for post-operative scars, stretch marks, and skin lesions.
  • Antimicrobial: Possesses antimicrobial properties that help combat harmful bacteria and fungi, making it useful for disinfecting wounds and preventing skin infections.
  • Antioxidant: The antioxidants present in Helichrysum fight oxidative stress in the body, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Anti-allergic: Helichrysum essential oil has anti-allergic activities, especially for the respiratory system.
  • Balsamic: The balsamic properties of Helichrysum make it effective in treating respiratory conditions.
  • Digestive: Helps improve digestion and soothe gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Antispasmodic: Relaxes muscles and alleviates spasms, useful in cases of abdominal cramps and muscle pain.

These properties make Helichrysum a valuable ally for natural health, used in teas, dietary supplements, and cosmetic products.

Helichrysum: Magical Properties?

Helichrysum is often shrouded in mystery and legend, so much so that it was once considered a plant with magical and healing properties.

However, it is important to clarify that these magical properties have no scientific basis. While some of its therapeutic qualities have been confirmed by modern research, many others remain to be verified.

Helichrysum does not possess supernatural powers, but its actual properties still make it an extraordinary plant in the field of phytotherapy.

Benefits of Helichrysum

Helichrysum is a plant with multiple virtues, appreciated since ancient times for its health benefits. But what exactly is Helichrysum used for?

Here is a list of the main benefits this plant offers:

  • Dermatitis and Eczema: Helichrysum is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in treating dermatitis and eczema, reducing itching and redness.
  • Irritated Skin and Burns: Thanks to its ability to promote tissue regeneration, Helichrysum is useful for soothing irritated skin and accelerating the healing of burns.
  • Respiratory Diseases: Helichrysum extracts can be used to relieve symptoms of cough, bronchitis, and asthma, thanks to its balsamic and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is Helichrysum Used For? Uses

Helichrysum, thanks to its extraordinary properties and benefits, finds application in various fields.

The flowering tops of the plant are the parts most commonly used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. Additionally, the leaves of Helichrysum are appreciated in cooking as flavorings.

Uses in Cosmetics and Herbal Medicine

Helichrysum is highly valued in cosmetics and herbal medicine for its numerous beneficial properties, particularly for the skin and hair.

Helichrysum extracts are used in cosmetic products to treat flaky, red, and dry skin, promoting the natural balance of the skin.

  • For the skin: Helichrysum essential oil, obtained from the distillation of fresh flowers, can be diluted in a vegetable oil or a neutral cream and applied to the skin with a light massage. It is effective for treating wounds, burns, dermatitis, and hemorrhoids. Thanks to its antioxidant, moisturizing, and toning action, helichrysum is ideal for cleansing and refreshing the facial skin, preparing masks or compresses. It is also used in sun and after-sun products to relieve redness and chapping.
  • For the hair: Helichrysum is a great ally for combating dandruff and regulating sebum production. It acts as a soothing agent for the scalp in case of itching or flaking, revitalizing the hair and strengthening its shaft. It is particularly useful for dry or damaged hair.

Uses in the kitchen

Helichrysum is a versatile and aromatic ingredient that finds wide use in the kitchen. The flowers and leaves of helichrysum, with their characteristic aroma reminiscent of licorice and chamomile, are used to enrich various savory and sweet preparations.

  • Savory dishes: In the kitchen, helichrysum can be used to flavor white meats, fish, vegetables, and cheeses. For example, fresh or dried leaves can be added to risottos, soups, and fillings, giving a unique and aromatic flavor. A typical dish is helichrysum chicken, where the plant's leaves are used to marinate the meat, enhancing its taste.
  • Sweet dishes: Helichrysum is also used in the preparation of desserts. A traditional example is helichrysum cake, typical of Sardinia, made with flour, sugar, eggs, butter, yeast, and finely chopped helichrysum flowers. This cake offers a delicate and aromatic flavor, perfect for accompanying a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Helichrysum liqueur: Another interesting use of helichrysum in the kitchen is the preparation of liqueur. To make it, fresh flower heads can be macerated in alcohol for a few weeks. Then, the liquid is filtered, and a sugar syrup is added to obtain an aromatic and digestive liqueur.

Bunch of dried helichrysum flowers with bright yellow petals

In what forms can helichrysum be used?

Helichrysum can be used in various forms, each with specific applications and benefits. Here is a list of the main ways to use it:

  • Infusion: Prepared with 1 teaspoon of dried flowers in a cup (200 ml) of boiling water, leaving it to infuse for 5-7 minutes. Strain and drink 2-3 cups a day to take advantage of the plant's digestive and relaxing properties.
  • Decoction: Ideal for external use on the skin. It is prepared by boiling a handful of flowers in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. Let it cool, strain, and use for skin washes, benefiting from its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Mother Tincture: A hydroalcoholic solution obtained from the maceration of the flowers. Take 40 drops diluted in a glass of water, 1-2 times a day, for a tonic and purifying effect.
  • Helichrysum oil: Obtained by macerating the flowers in a vegetable oil. This oil is excellent for skin massages, thanks to its emollient and regenerating properties.
  • Helichrysum essential oil: Always use diluted in a carrier oil before applying to the skin. It is known for its emollient and soothing properties and is also used in aromatherapy as a relaxant.

Contraindications of helichrysum

Although helichrysum is generally considered safe and free of toxic side effects at recommended doses, there are some contraindications to consider.

  • Allergies and Sensitivities: Helichrysum can cause allergic reactions in individuals with known hypersensitivity to one or more of its components. It is important to exercise caution in allergic individuals.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: As a precaution, the use of Helichrysum is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Since there are not enough studies to ensure its safety during these stages, it is better to avoid its use.
  • Drug Interactions: Currently, no significant interactions with other drugs are known. However, if you are taking medications or other substances, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using Helichrysum in any form.

Where to buy Helichrysum online?

If you are interested in discovering the benefits of Helichrysum and wish to purchase it, Terzaluna is the right place for you.

Terzaluna is a specialized e-commerce in high-quality teas, herbal teas, and spices from around the world. On the Terzaluna website, you can find top-quality Helichrysum, carefully selected to ensure you get the maximum benefits.

Visit Terzaluna's e-shop to explore the wide range of natural products and make your purchase with complete safety and convenience.

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