
Detoxifying herbs to balance the Doshas
According to the ancient Indian Ayurvedic tradition, the health of our body derives from the harmony of the three vital energies that inhabit our body: the Dosha Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Derived from the combination of the five fundamental principles of Nature (Water, Air, Earth, Ether, and Fire), the Dosha describe the energetic constitution at the basis of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Present in every human being, the three Dosha are the source of our vitality and vigor. The predominance of one Dosha over the others, however, determines an imbalance that weakens our body,..
Facing soul pain with natural remedies for anxiety and depression
The responsibilities of work or study, taking care of the house and family, dedicating the right amount of time to friendships, and staying informed about what is happening in the world: from these daily habits, we derive a sense of personal gratification that makes us feel like protagonists of our lives. Yet, at the end of the day, we may find ourselves feeling demotivated, tired, and sad. We would like to pursue our interests, but immediately we are overwhelmed by a sense of anguish. Anxiety, stress, and irritability are symptoms of a profound discomfort that, if neglected, can turn into a..
Herbs and herbal teas ideal as natural supplements for athletes
Powder proteins, protein gels, shakes, drinks and energy bars, creatine and amino acid capsules... We are used to associating the idea of sports supplements with these products, but we must not forget that our body is capable of directly absorbing all the trace elements necessary for its well-being from food. Therefore, we should not be surprised to also recognize among our plant friends valid natural supplements for athletes.   What to know before choosing a sports supplement All sports enthusiasts, faced with the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets full of dietary supple..
The herbs recommended for sexuality by the planets
Nowadays, sex is often treated purely as a performance aimed at a goal - an idea influenced by the unrealistic representation of the porn industry and beyond. Instead, we must remember that authentic sexual well-being is a journey of pleasure discovery, both personal and shared, free from standards to adhere to and rules to follow forcibly. Everyone experiences it as they prefer. Therefore, we will not talk about how pleasure is achieved, but rather how pleasure is honored!   How to improve sexual performance? By freeing oneself from "performances" Those who aim to improve their sexual perf..
Spirulina algae: what it is, properties, uses and recipes
In recent times, there is much talk about **Spirulina algae**, famous for its countless properties, it is used in many diets. Spirulina is now present in various preparations, and it is possible, in fact, to add it to your recipes or create excellent drinks. ## What is spirulina algae Before discovering how to use it, we need to clarify some points: **what is spirulina algae**? And what are its properties? Spirulina is scientifically known as *Arthrospira* (*Arthrospira platensis* and *Arthrospira maxima*), from the family of *Cyanophiaceae* (*Cyanobacteria*) and mainly lives in freshwater ..
Preparing Cold Green Tea: All the Ways to Make It at Home
Preparation of Cold Green Tea: From Cold Infusion to Ice Infusion As summer approaches, so does the season of cold tea, a way to enjoy all the benefits of our favorite drink, which becomes refreshing and thirst-quenching, ideal for the hottest days of the year. In this article, we will see how to prepare cold green tea at home using different methods that preserve its flavor and properties. You can choose your favorite tea, add ingredients as you like, and make a completely natural and genuine cold green tea, without added sugars or preservatives. Cold Green Tea: The Best Methods to Prepare ..
Cold draining herbal teas
Draining cold herbal teas: how to make them with cold maceration Cold Brew Summer is around the corner, but we don't want to give up the taste and benefits of herbal tea. The perfect solution is to use excellent cold draining herbal teas. What could be better than a refreshing drink that also helps eliminate toxins? A draining cold herbal tea can help us eliminate excess fluids and feel better, as it is an excellent remedy to promote the elimination of excess fluids and counteract water retention. Let's not forget about the dreaded 'swimsuit test' that is looming and that, let's say it, many..
Spring asthenia: causes and remedies to combat spring fatigue
Spring is approaching! Here are some natural remedies to combat spring asthenia Feeling spring fatigue? Weariness? Fatigue? Read here! An explosion of colors, the warmth of the sun, the regeneration of nature... it's the return of Spring! However, with it comes that weariness, that feeling of generalized fatigue, the typical spring asthenia. 'Astenos', for the ancient Greeks, was indeed the condition of 'being without strength', and that's exactly how we feel in the first of the four seasons. Spring asthenia: symptoms and how to recognize it But what happens, then? What are the symptoms of..
Focus on Plants: Spirulina Algae
What is spirulina algae? Spirulina algae is one of those new foods that are becoming increasingly popular in recent times, let's see why: Although, out of habit and simplicity, we call it "algae", in reality it belongs to the class of Cyanobacteria. The Arthrospira Platensis is a unicellular organism that obtains energy through photosynthesis, just like plants and common algae. Like all Cyanobacteria, it thrives in very particular environmental conditions: it lives in the warm and salty waters of certain tropical lakes, especially those with a high alkaline concentration. Among the few lakes ..
9 Ideal Detoxifying Herbs for Cleansing Liver and Kidneys
Depurative plants and herbs: discover the benefits for our body Depurative plants and herbs - along with some types of bitter spices - are part of the family of bitter and pungent plants, which have always been used to solve gastrointestinal problems and to purify the liver and kidneys. On average, 40% of wild edible plants are used in traditional and modern society as medicine. Among the depurative plants, there is a high presence of herbs containing bitter, aromatic, and pungent molecules. It is not surprising to see that many of these pungent spices and bitter herbs are placed on the bo..
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Plant Lovers