Terza Luna

Terza Luna
Tea, Tea or The: How is it Written?
A Thousand Variations, but Not All Are Correct: Tea, Tè, or The? Let's Find Out How to Spell it in Italian! We all drink it, but few know how to correctly spell the name of this beloved aromatic beverage in Italian: tè, the, tea, or te? Let's see what the dictionaries and the Accademia della Crusca say and clarify the correct spelling of this word. Is it tè... or the? We are all familiar with this widely consumed beverage and its benefits, obtained from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis (from the Theaceae family) and originating from China, although now loved all over the world, and ..
Black, White, Green, and Pink Pepper: Differences and Which One to Choose
What is the Difference between Black Pepper and White Pepper and between Green Pepper and Pink Pepper? Pepper is one of the oldest and most widely used spices in the world, originating from India but now cultivated in various countries, appreciated for its intense flavor and slightly pungent taste, capable of enhancing the dishes in which it is integrated. But what are the differences between the varieties of pepper? In this article, we will discover the differences between the most famous types of pepper, black, white, green, and pink pepper, the different processing methods from which they ..
The most original alternatives to coffee to serve in your establishment
How to satisfy customers looking for alternatives to coffee? We propose some of the trendiest and most genuine infusions, herbal teas, and preparations to offer in your bar. We know that for many owners and managers of bars, cafés, and establishments, one of the biggest challenges is to offer a constantly new and updated range of products that satisfy and—why not—amaze their customers, especially those looking for alternatives to coffee. We know that coffee is an irreplaceable moment of the day for many, a moment of pause, of meeting. However, there are more and more customers looking for ..
Paprika: Recipes and Gastronomic Use
How to use Pimentón? 3 Tasty Recipes to Make the Most of the Smoky Notes of Spanish Paprika The Pimentón de la Vera, or Spanish paprika, is the secret ingredient that makes Spanish cuisine special. A sweet and smoky spice that allows you to add a fragrant aroma to the dishes in which it is used. Whether paired with meat, vegetables, or fish, Pimentón is a cornerstone of Spanish tradition. Let's discover together some recipes starring this smoked paprika. Pimentón: Inevitable Fragrance of Spanish Cuisine What is Pimentón? It is essentially a paprika. All types of paprika, like sweet paprika,..
Sencha, Japanese Green Tea: Properties and Preparation
Sencha Tea: Unoxidized Japanese Tea Rich in Properties With strong and slightly bitter notes, a full flavor of green tea, and an intense color, Sencha tea is rich in antioxidants, an excellent detoxifier, and can become a valid substitute for coffee. Let's discover together the characteristics, origin, and properties of one of the best Japanese teas. The Sencha tea (煎茶) is one of the most popular Japanese green teas, constituting about 80% of tea production in Japan. It is a widely consumed tea (ps. we just wrote an article on how to write "tea" in Italian, take a look), often found as the b..
Antiviral and Disinfectant Essential Oils: Properties and Uses
5 antibacterial essential oils to sanitize environments and protect the body There are many natural antibacterial and antiviral remedies that we can adopt, for example to purify the air in our homes, topically on our skin to disinfect it, or to prevent or treat respiratory problems, coughs, and the flu. Today we talk about the antibacterial properties of essential oils, delving into the 5 most powerful: thyme, tea tree, oregano, laurel, and cinnamon. Essential oils are characterized by multiple properties and extremely effective active principles: antiviral, antiseptic, and antifungal, some ..
Guide to the benefits and uses of relaxing essential oils
Relaxing Essences: the best essential oils to fight stress, insomnia, and anxiety A journey through scents and natural essences that can help us counteract anxiety, periods of stress, and improve our sleep. In aromatherapy, relaxing essential oils are widely used thanks to their great properties. In this article, we will discover 7 relaxing oils that can be used as they are or blended together. The use of relaxing essential oils and ointments to alleviate states of irritation and anxiety in mind-body practices predating aromatherapy is an ancient practice, recorded since the times of the Gre..
Herbal Teas and Plants for Better Sleep: Natural Remedies for Sleep
The best herbs for sleeping: natural products to prepare herbal teas and infusions Are you having trouble sleeping and looking for natural remedies to help you sleep? Do you suffer from anxiety and can't sleep? Nature offers plants and herbs to help you sleep that can be taken in the form of herbal teas, infusions, or other products. In this article, we will discover a long list of relaxing herbs, how to prepare herbal teas for a good night's sleep, and delve into which of these plants are particularly recommended for pregnancy and to help children sleep. If you are looking for n..
Water for tea: How to enhance our tea by choosing the right water
Water for tea is extremely important, so much so that there are numerous studies that attest to its great importance. In fact, there is a true population of tea, called Chajin, which in Chinese means "people of tea". It is also supposed that Chajin have a particularly acute sensitivity towards their surroundings and special powers in nature (P.S. have you ever wondered what is the correct spelling of tea in Italian? Find out in our article!) Furthermore, a Chinese saying tells us that "a great tea can be ruined by poor water, but a mediocre tea can be made great with special water", therefore..
Plants and Aphrodisiac Herbs for Him and Her
Natural Aphrodisiacs: Herbs, Roots, and Plants to Stimulate Libido Pleasure is a sensation and emotion of great importance for women and men and has always been part of our genetic makeup. Very often in the hectic life we lead, we forget to dedicate time to our physical, mental, and spiritual pleasure, allowing other priorities - often unnatural - to take over our daily lives. Knowing oneself, dedicating time to the practice of pleasure should be activities that each of us should rediscover. In the following lines, we will discover the plants and herbs that can help us rediscover the "crazy w..
Discovering cocoa: Natural aphrodisiac and many other properties
Cocoa: Origins and properties (not just aphrodisiac) and uses of a wonderful plant The cocoa plant has very ancient origins: it is believed that it was probably already present more than 6000 years ago in the Amazon River, although the first cultivators had to wait until 1000 BC with the arrival of the Olmecs, an ancient pre-Columbian civilization, and later the Maya, in an area that extends between the Yucatán and Guatemala, characterized by a hot and humid climate. The use of the cocoa plant continues with the arrival of the Toltecs first and then the Aztecs, who consider cocoa a source of..
Herbs and Herbal Teas Women's Friends Ideal for Menstruation, Pregnancy, and Menopause
In this article we want to illustrate some herbs and teas recommended for women: from those indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, to those to soothe menstrual pain (such as emmenagogic teas) up to those for menopause, we will focus on their properties and recommended uses. In short, a small encyclopedia of plants most suitable for the female gender. Femininity, in fact, has a different "flavor" for each woman, but one thing is universal: some herbs and teas offer a flow of energy that can become a great ally in the various phases of a woman's life. By incorporating herbs into your da..
Intermittent fasting: how to do it, what are its benefits and why we should start now
The first months of the new year for some of us are that tragic moment when we face reality and resolve to lose weight. Also due to the excesses of the holidays, we subject ourselves to dietary restrictions that are often difficult to follow, which we inevitably interrupt after a few days from the beginning.  Today we want to reveal a secret to lose weight without losing your mind by counting calories or buying substitute foods.  The secret is to practice intermittent fasting. It is indeed a very valuable tool to maintain a stable weight and promote the digestion process and waste managemen..
New lunar calendar: how to use it and how it influences our life
Discover all the secrets of the moon with the new lunar calendar Dear Theophiles, the month of February brings a new gift from the Third Moon world: a precious lunar calendar, designed by our designer Paola Panza. Excellent for keeping track of natural cycles and always knowing the perfect time to take care of ourselves. Gift it, share it, print it, use it as a desktop or wallpaper, it will always be there for you to be useful! What's that? You don't know how to use it? Understanding what the moon is is fundamental, because it has strong influences on man and his biological rhythm. The moo..
Showing 113 to 126 of 252 (18 Pages)
Plant Lovers