Terza Luna

Terza Luna
Fourth chapter: China and green tea
If the English have imposed on Europe the taste for black tea, which they drink sweetened with a cloud of milk, green tea that has been consumed in China for five thousand years remains the drink of the vast majority of the peoples of Asia and the Maghreb. The best green tea gardens are found in mainland China, Formosa, and Japan. In China, the preparation of this tea has been more or less the same for immemorial time. In artisanal factories of cooperatives, the tea is roasted for less than a minute in large tanks, in order to destroy the enzymes of the leaves that could alter the quality of t..
Ceylon, the processing methods of black tea
Gentler winds, lighter and more transparent air, harmonious undulations give the gardens of Ceylon a more cheerful appearance. In plantations that sometimes do not exceed twenty hectares, a more human dimension is discovered. Most of the plantations are located in the southwest of the island. The most beautiful gardens, as always, are found between 1000 and 2500 meters, on the east and west slopes of the high plateaus. Depending on the orientation, they are influenced by one monsoon or the other; so on the east side, the best harvest is obtained from the end of June to the end of August, and o..
Incense, history, curiosities, uses....part I
There is really a lot to say about Incense, that's why part I... HISTORY Incense appears in the history of many countries, both in the Arabian Peninsula, India, and China. It is mentioned, in its various forms and plants, in the Old Testament, in the Mahabharata, in papyri from ancient Egypt, in the Jewish Torah. Without mentioning all the passages where it appears, its presence in ancient sacred texts makes us understand two things: 1) that it is something that has been used for a very long time 2) that it is something that we can relate to the sacred sphere. In fact, one of the most commo..
The hookahs of Terza Luna
Let's continue our journey to the East; from today Terza Luna offers you a new product: the hookah: whether to buy it or give it as a gift, or to smoke it here while drinking a cup of tea sitting on our puffs. Some historical notes: The hookah has always represented smoking in the East. It is important to consider that in the past it was not as easy as today to find cigarettes, which were expensive and short-lived. Instead, the hookah and its molasses have a lower cost and, like everything in our store, it revolves at a decidedly slow and relaxed pace. To smoke the hookah, you need to sit do..
Tea or caffeine??
So Let's start by clarifying a bit: let's begin by saying that teina does not exist; or rather it is used as a synonym for caffeine. So if we want to be correct and a bit picky, we must say that tea does not contain theine but caffeine. It seems quite clear as a concept, right? Caffeine, as everyone knows, is an active ingredient like many others found in plants. Let's say that this active ingredient is found in not many plants: coffee, tea, guayusa, yerba mate, and some other medicinal herbs, but in very low quantities. The plants that have the most are coffee (as many may have guessed) an..
Showing 253 to 257 of 257 (19 Pages)
Plant Lovers