Terza Luna

Terza Luna
Sichuan Pepper: Recipes and Where to Use It
3 Recipes with Sichuan Pepper How to use Sichuan pepper? Recipes? Where to use it in the kitchen? Are there sweet recipes with Sichuan pepper? These are just some of the questions about Sichuan pepper that our customers often ask us both in the store and through our social media pages. It is indeed not easy to find information about Sichuan pepper, recipes and how to use it. Therefore, we have decided to share with you 3 simple recipes that enhance the unique aroma of this Chinese pepper and show you how to use it in the kitchen. Recipe 1 - SALMON CARPACCIO WITH SICHUAN PEPPER Ingredients ..
Cubeb Pepper, ideal for cocktails and mixology
DO YOU WANT TO FLAVOR YOUR COCKTAILS WITH A TOUCH OF ORIGINALITY? WE INTRODUCE YOU TO CUBEBA PEPPER! The Cubebe Pepper or "Piper cubeba", also known as Java pepper, belonging to the Piperaceae family, originally comes from Indonesia, but today it is more easily cultivated in the subtropical area. Its aroma resembles that of pepper, although it has a more minty and citrusy hint. A bit of history... The first evidence of cubebe dates back to 300 B.C., when Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and botanist, tells of a spice, the "komakon" (cubebe, according to the reconstructions of two French hi..
BLACK LIME a new fantastic product
The Black Lime or Omani Lumi is now part of the catalog of spices for bartenders and mixology available from Terza Luna. Like many spices, it also has different names: smoked black lime, smoked black lemon, loomi, or Omani lumi. Black Lime: ancient origins It is an ancient fruit of Persian origins, very common in Middle Eastern cuisine, widely used in the kitchens of these countries, especially in Iraq and Iran, thanks to its very particular notes. In Iran, for example, along with pistachio, it is one of the most used spices. It is basically a dehydrated lime that, through a particular proce..
Spring asthenia: causes and remedies to combat spring fatigue
Spring is approaching! Here are some natural remedies to combat spring asthenia Feeling spring fatigue? Weariness? Fatigue? Read here! An explosion of colors, the warmth of the sun, the regeneration of nature... it's the return of Spring! However, with it comes that weariness, that feeling of generalized fatigue, the typical spring asthenia. 'Astenos', for the ancient Greeks, was indeed the condition of 'being without strength', and that's exactly how we feel in the first of the four seasons. Spring asthenia: symptoms and how to recognize it But what happens, then? What are the symptoms of..
How to burn incense in grains: online sale and tips
HOW TO BURN INCENSE IN GRAINS? Discover the tips from Terza Luna and our sale of pure grain incense and resins Grain incense is the oldest and most original form of incense, but how do you burn these resin incenses? There are 2 methods: With charcoal (more intense diffusion) With a candle diffuser (more delicate diffusion) CHECK OUT OUR SELECTION OF INCENSE IN GRAINS DIFFUSION WITH CHARCOAL The charcoal for grain incense that you find inside the incense sale online at Terza Luna produces a very strong heat and does not release unpleasant odors harmful to health. The charcoal..
10 Cocktails with Tea and Spices for Bartenders and Mixologists
Cocktails with Spices and Tea made by bartenders for bartenders The selection of the top 10 drinks with tea and spices made in bartender challenges For some years now, the trend of cocktails with tea, spices, herbal teas, and cold tea has been growing significantly, and every respectable bartender includes among their recipes cocktails based on spices and fine teas, along with a rich selection of cocktail spices carefully researched over time with patience and dedication. Mixology lends itself to the intense flavors of spices and the delicate notes of loose-leaf tea, which is why cocktails w..
Recipe for star anise liqueur
RECIPES: STAR ANISE LIQUEUR Ingredients 400g of 95° alcohol 50g of star anise 10g of coriander, a cinnamon peel 3 cloves a vanilla pod half a lemon peel 350g of sugar 400g of water. Preparation Let the spices and the thinly sliced lemon peel macerate with the alcohol, inside a hermetically sealed jar for 20 days, not in the kitchen, but in a dark and cool place, shaking the jar containing the star anise twice a day. After the time has passed, dissolve the sugar in cold water, stirring for a long time with a spoon; then add the syrup obtained to the alcohol and le..
Henna Preparation
PREPARATION HENNA PREPARATION HENNA How is henna applied? Terza Luna online shop offers quality henna, the same type of henna used in tattooing, making it safe and effective on dyed, bleached, highlighted, sun-kissed, straightened, and permed hair. Some tips for the best application of henna on hair. Mix the henna with lemon juice until you get a paste with the thick consistency of mashed potatoes. Bottled lemon juice works just as well as squeezing many lemons by hand. If the skin is sensitive to lemon and you feel itching after using henna, use orange juice, grape juice, or a less a..
10 recipes with cocoa nibs
10 Ways to Use Cacao Nibs in Your Diet What are now known as cacao nibs are nothing more than pieces of raw cacao beans. We have talked about the properties of cacao in a previous article, so today we will see how to use this product in our recipes, cocktails, smoothies, and much more. Let's discover together 10 ways to use cacao nibs in our diet: Green juices or extracts. Just add a spoonful at the end. Oatmeal cookies with cacao nibs Pudding with chia seeds, fruit, and cacao nibs. Prepare the pudding with plant-based milk, add chia seeds the night before so they thicken. Put i..
Focus on Plants: Spirulina Algae
What is spirulina algae? Spirulina algae is one of those new foods that are becoming increasingly popular in recent times, let's see why: Although, out of habit and simplicity, we call it "algae", in reality it belongs to the class of Cyanobacteria. The Arthrospira Platensis is a unicellular organism that obtains energy through photosynthesis, just like plants and common algae. Like all Cyanobacteria, it thrives in very particular environmental conditions: it lives in the warm and salty waters of certain tropical lakes, especially those with a high alkaline concentration. Among the few lakes ..
Home Made Seed Mix
Making a homemade seed mix is a very easy and healthy thing to do. We recommend using packaged seeds. It is preferable to use loose ones, more ecological and less expensive. You can create your own customized mixes by mixing the seeds and keeping the mixture in a glass jar ready to use. Perfect for accompanying many dishes, especially salads and soups. They provide you with a protein and unsaturated fatty acids (omega 3-6) intake. Ingredients: 100g pumpkin seeds 100g sunflower seeds 20g sesame seeds 20g flax seeds 20g goji berries Sesame and flax seeds, when ground, ensure better..
The Oolong Teas of Wuyi Rock Yan Cha
Da Hong Pao, Rou Gui, Mei Zhan, Shui Xian, all very complicated and difficult to remember names. They are some of the names of oolong tea from an area in China called Wuyi Mountains, located on the border between the provinces of Fujian and Jiangxi. What is special about the teas that come from this area? Let's start by saying that they are oolong teas, semi-oxidized teas, with a very high percentage of leaf oxidation, exceeding 60-70%. The leaves are indeed very dark. Their uniqueness lies in the taste they achieve in the cup. A unique hint of orchids and daffodils that blends with yellow ..
Kombu-Fizz: Cocktail with Kombucha [RECIPE]
Have you ever tried a cocktail with Kombucha? Here's the recipe! Recently, our passion for the world of mixology and bartending is growing more and more - and we imagine you have noticed - so today we present you a recipe for a cocktail based on kombucha made by our very talented Luisiana, who besides being a creative bartender is also an expert in herbs and spices. Enjoy our kombu-Fizz. • And if you still don't know what Kombucha is, visit our dedicated section! June, high temperatures, unbearable heat, what better way to quench your thirst? Try our Kombu-fizz, a twist on the classic Gin F..
Natural mosquito repellent spray recipe with tea tree oil and citronella
Are you looking for natural and easy remedies against mosquitoes? Here is the 100% natural recipe for you Every year, with the arrival of summer, we are attacked by mosquitoes and their annoying bites. There are several natural remedies against mosquitoes, and today we suggest one that is really easy to prepare at home and has a delightful scent. The natural mosquito repellent spray we are talking about is prepared only with natural ingredients and essential oils. So not only will you solve the mosquito problem, but you can also perfume and hydrate your skin with an effective and fragrant s..
Showing 183 to 196 of 252 (18 Pages)
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