Spring asthenia: causes and remedies to combat spring fatigue

Spring asthenia: causes and remedies to combat spring fatigue

Spring is approaching! Here are some natural remedies to combat spring asthenia

Feeling spring fatigue? Weariness? Fatigue? Read here!

An explosion of colors, the warmth of the sun, the regeneration of nature... it's the return of Spring! However, with it comes that weariness, that feeling of generalized fatigue, the typical spring asthenia. 'Astenos', for the ancient Greeks, was indeed the condition of 'being without strength', and that's exactly how we feel in the first of the four seasons.

Spring asthenia: symptoms and how to recognize it

But what happens, then? What are the symptoms of spring asthenia? With the arrival of spring, all our organs notice the change, entering a phase of frenetic regeneration activity at all levels. The sleep-wake rhythm changes, hormones and neurons are more active, influenced by the greater amount of natural light available, and we are therefore overwhelmed by the impending desire to rest continuously. In a previous article, we had already seen how to boost the immune system naturally, now let's see the symptoms of asthenia: desire to sleep (if you have difficulty, read our article on herbs for sleeping), loss of appetite, weariness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, listlessness, in short, a constant physical and mental weakness that is usually interpreted as spring fatigue.

Natural remedies against fatigue and spring asthenia

Fortunately, Nature helps us with many remedies for spring asthenia that are completely natural! Of course, we also have to do our part! Let's see how.

Start with a healthy diet and try to exercise

These should be habits to adopt always, but never as in this period can they help us overcome spring asthenia. Physical activity burns energy and fats, increases the elimination of toxins through sweating, and increases the production of endorphins capable of combating mental stress.

Remember to drink plenty of water

Water is the vehicle in which all biochemical reactions take place, thanks to it the elimination of toxins occurs.

Consume fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible!

There are foods capable of restoring psychophysical balance. To combat spring fatigue, it is advisable to give priority to green leafy vegetables that grow upwards such as: turnip tops, leeks, scallions, chard, radish leaves, salads, and wild herbs.

Reduce animal proteins and stimulants

Among the remedies for spring asthenia, it is usually recommended to avoid dairy products and red meats, stimulants, and foods that cause a difficult glycemic peak to manage. Instead, use seeds and nuts (without exaggerating!), and supplement your diet with vitamin B6, which regulates carbohydrate metabolism and stimulates brain functions, and magnesium (an excellent remedy against fatigue and weariness).

Integrate SUPER FOOD into your diet and defeat spring fatigue!

Also, remember that ginseng and guarana are an excellent solution to energize yourself in this delicate phase of 'lethargy'. These are remedies for asthenia that are part of the so-called plant adaptogens. The term "adaptogen" indicates a remedy capable of producing a general improvement in psychophysical conditions: increased resistance to fatigue, regulation of metabolic functions, and an increase in cognitive abilities. But it doesn't end here... there are other excellent ways to counter the much-feared 'spring asthenia' that Terza Luna offers for you!

1 - Ever heard of Maca root?

Let's start with Organic Maca, an adaptogenic plant thanks to which our body is able to adapt to stress and its consequences. Maca root is therefore a tonic, highly recommended in this particular period. Peruvian maca is obtained from a perennial plant that grows precisely in Peru, more specifically on the plateau of the Peruvian Andes, at an altitude of over 3500 meters above sea level. The Maca plant belongs to the Brassicaceae family, and its botanical name is Lepidium Meyenii. The history of this root is very ancient and fascinating: its extraordinary nutritional and medicinal virtues were already known in pre-Columbian times to the Incas, who considered it a gift from the gods, a charge of energy reserved for warriors and priests. In addition to the meaning of vital energy, health, resistance, and strength for high performance that the Incas attributed to Maca, another reason for the notoriety of this plant was related to its aphrodisiac and invigorating qualities in the sexual field. ➡ Try the Third Moon Maca powder now!

2 - Ashwagandha: 100% natural tonic!

Another solution could be Ashwagandha (or withania somnifera) of Indian origin, which has a tonic action on the mental level and revitalizing on the whole body. Considered as the Indian ginseng, withania possesses tonic-adaptogenic properties and is an excellent antioxidant. ➡ Buy online the Third Moon Ashwagandha now!

3 - Green tea with ginseng and passion fruit

If, instead, you prefer to pamper yourself with a cup of tea, Third Moon recommends green tea with ginseng & passion fruit which, thanks to its energizing properties, is perfect to start the day. ➡ Try the green tea with ginseng and passion fruit from Third Moon now!

4 - Japanese Matcha Tea

An excellent remedy against spring asthenia and fatigue is also Matcha, one of the richest teas in antioxidants and caffeine. Recent studies have indeed shown that Matcha tea leaves would contain 137 times the antioxidant content of normal green tea, polyphenols, and several amino acids, which reduce physical and psychological stress, and glutamic acid that acts on the central nervous system. It is presented in a very fine and fragrant powder of an intense emerald green color and is particularly rich in vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and carotene. ➡ Discover the organic matcha tea from Third Moon Take care of yourself, enjoy the sun and the 'Third Moon'!

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