10 Spices to Always Have at Home in Winter

10 Spices to Always Have at Home in Winter During the winter months, it is important to take care to protect ourselves from the cold. Scarves, coats, gloves, and hats keep our body warm from the outside, but we often forget the importance of also ensuring the right warmth internally. To defend ourselves from colds, coughs, and the flu, it is necessary that our organs are well heated: the heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, and intestines need warmth to maintain their functions and ensure our well-being during the winter. For this reason, during the cold season, Nature gives us the gift of botanicals capable of strengthening our immune defenses and preserving the internal temperature of our body. These are the ten spices rich in warm energy, with a enveloping and slightly spicy flavor, that we can use to enrich our dishes or prepare tasty herbal teas to sip during our winter afternoons. Do you want to know what are the 10 spices to always have at home in winter and why? Keep reading! The 10 spices for winter and their properties Rich in anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immunostimulating properties, winter spices are able to warm our body and strengthen our natural defenses. Like all mammals, we humans are homeothermic, that is, thanks to cellular metabolism, we maintain a constant internal body temperature, preserving the vital functions of our organs even in the presence of sudden temperature changes. However, when the temperatures drop drastically in winter, our body is forced to work much harder to preserve its warmth. The heart must increase the frequency of its beats to push blood to the areas of the body most exposed to the cold. To supply oxygen to the heart, it also accelerates the pace of our breathing. In this way, we tend to breathe through the mouth, inhaling cold and dry air responsible for sore throats, colds, or inflammations involving the lungs and bronchi. Finally, winter cold also affects our digestion: the consumption of heavier foods and the tendency to move less weaken the stomach, intestines, and kidneys, causing bloating and abdominal heaviness. By heating our body internally, the spices to keep at home in winter support the activity of our organs and prevent their fatigue. Thus, these botanicals not only strengthen our natural defenses but also give us back the vitality, energy, and resistance we need during the cold months. A panacea for our health, the ten spices for winter are also easily available: they are often already in our pantry! Along with Fenugreek and Asafoetida, among the warming botanicals, we find some of the spices we use every day to flavor our recipes: Pepper, Ginger, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Cumin, Cardamom, Cloves, and Mustard. Now that we know the importance of warming spices during winter, let's discover in detail their properties! Black Pepper Considered the king of spices to keep in the kitchen in winter, Black Pepper is an ingredient that should never be missing in our pantry and also a great ally for our health. Thanks to the active ingredient piperine, Black Pepper is a powerful digestive: acting directly on metabolism, it stimulates digestion and promotes the absorption of nutrients, facilitating the work of the intestine. Rich in warm energy and with a pleasant spicy flavor, Pepper warms and protects our body thanks to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties: for this reason, its consumption is particularly recommended during the winter season. To enjoy its properties, we can use Pepper as a base for a large number of recipes and hot drinks from the Ayurvedic tradition - such as Golden Milk and Trikatu. But also flavoring soups, stews, or salads with a generous sprinkle of Black Pepper will allow us to benefit from its warming effects.


With its balsamic and enveloping flavor, Cardamom is one of the most beloved warming spices in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine.

The high concentration of antioxidants and vitamin B gives Cardamom its digestive qualities, excellent for relieving constipation, bloating, and heartburn caused by winter cold. It is recommended to chew a few Cardamom seeds after main meals, especially in case of irritable bowel or reflux problems.

Its warm energy makes it the perfect natural remedy against flu symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, and cold: its expectorant, antiseptic, and antispasmodic virtues warm our body from the inside and prevent heart and lung fatigue.

Versatile in the kitchen, Cardamom can be used in a large number of sweet and savory preparations and to flavor rice, meat, or fish dishes.

By infusing a handful of Cardamom seeds in boiling water along with Fennel seeds, we will instead obtain an effective digestive herbal tea against stomachaches and intestinal colic.

Discover Organic Cardamom



Its intense aroma and enveloping sweet taste make Cinnamon the perfect spice to have at home in winter.

Rich in antioxidants and minerals, Cinnamon boasts digestive and hypoglycemic properties: capable of reducing blood sugar accumulation, it promotes digestion and improves insulin sensitivity. This is why it is one of the most recommended spices as a natural aid in case of type II diabetes.

The digestive qualities of Cinnamon are accompanied by anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral virtues. Thanks to its warm quality, this spice warms our body and prevents the onset of cardiovascular diseases or lung infections.

Finally, as a natural analgesic, Cinnamon helps to relieve headaches and anxiety states, restoring mental clarity and self-confidence.

Excellent for sweet and savory preparations, from simple cookies to savory meat dishes, we can also use Cinnamon to prepare a tasty warming herbal tea to sip in the morning or afternoon.

For an immediate anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effect, instead, we can find a higher concentration of active ingredients in Cinnamon essential oil, ideal for purifying indoor environments during winter.

Buy Cinnamon Essential Oil



The balsamic notes of their aroma and a sweet spicy flavor distinguish Cloves, a warming spice that should never be missing in the kitchen in winter.

The high concentration of eugenol, an active ingredient with natural antiseptic and analgesic properties, makes this spice an excellent ally for the health of our lungs during the cold months.

Digestive and immune-boosting, thanks to their warm energy, Cloves facilitate our digestive functions and promote lymphatic vessel drainage. In this way, they warm our body, increase its natural defenses, and prevent abdominal bloating.

By infusing a handful of Cloves in boiling water for about ten minutes, we will obtain a delicious tonic and warming infusion perfect to savor in the afternoon. But we can also enjoy the aroma of this spice in savory recipes such as stews and braised dishes or to flavor delicious fruit tarts.

Keep Cloves at Home



Formerly used as animal feed, thanks to its warming power Fenugreek is a precious botanical for our health during Winter.

With its intense and bitter taste and rich in expectorant and emollient properties, Fenugreek has a tonic action on our lungs and speeds up the immune system response in case of viral or bacterial infections.

Thanks to its warm energy, this spice promotes digestion and supports kidney function. By providing warmth to our body, it helps eliminate any intestinal viruses and facilitates nutrient absorption, strengthening our immune system and making us feel more energetic and vital.

Widely used in Middle Eastern cuisine, Fenugreek can be used in the preparation of risottos, curries, or meat dishes.

By infusing a handful of its seeds in boiling water for 5 minutes, you will get a warming and tonic herbal tea to drink plain or sweetened with a teaspoon of organic honey.

Choose Organic Fenugreek



A sacred spice in Indian Ayurvedic tradition, Ginger is the most used warming botanical for its beneficial properties.

With a slightly spicy and astringent taste, thanks to the active ingredient gingerol, Ginger acts directly on our gastrointestinal system: it reduces spasms responsible for stomach aches, relieves nausea, and combats constipation and bloating, promoting proper digestion.

Rich in warm energy, Ginger is also known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and expectorant qualities. Able to strengthen our immune defenses, it warms our body and fights sore throat, cold, flu symptoms, or lung infections.

Great for flavoring vegetable dishes, risottos, and soups, you can also enjoy the warmth of Ginger in the form of tea. By infusing 3 grams of cut Ginger in boiling water for about 15 minutes, you will get a delicious infusion full of warmth, perfect to sip at any time of the day.

Stock Up on Organic Ginger



Widely used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine as a natural remedy, Turmeric is famous for its therapeutic virtues and warming effects, so it should not be missing in the spice pantry to keep at home in Winter.

Its pleasant spicy taste is accompanied by a high concentration of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that make it an exceptional digestive: purifying the liver and stimulating intestinal functions, Turmeric facilitates nutrient absorption and accelerates cellular metabolism especially during the cold months.

Thanks to its warming qualities, Turmeric acts as a balm for the health of our lungs. Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and energizing, it helps fight colds, sore throats, coughs, and typical flu fatigue. By warming our body, it boosts our immune defenses and protects us from the harsh winter temperatures.

Curcumin is the main ingredient of the Golden Milk , an ancient remedy of Ayurvedic medicine with decongestant and toning effects. Simple and tasty, to prepare the Golden Milk it will be enough to combine a teaspoon of Turmeric paste with warm vegetable milk and sweeten to taste with agave syrup or organic honey.

Try the Organic Turmeric


Originally from the Middle East, Asafoetida is a warming spice rich in exceptional therapeutic virtues, very useful to have at home in Winter.

Widely used by Ayurveda for its digestive and antiseptic effects, Asafoetida is an intestinal tonic that promotes the elimination of excess gas and liquids. Rich in antibacterial and antiparasitic properties, it protects the digestive system from bacterial infections and strengthens its natural defenses during Winter.

By warming our body, Asafoetida also protects lung health: expectorant, tonic, and disinfectant, it is a powerful natural flu remedy and promotes healing in case of bronchitis, persistent cough, and sore throat.

Despite its pungent taste, Asafoetida can be used in a large number of savory recipes. Excellent for enhancing rice dishes, it is often used to flavor vegetables, legumes, or to prepare delicious sauces.

Try Asafoetida

Black Cumin

Also known as the "blessed seed," Black Cumin is a spice with amazing beneficial properties for our body.

Used since ancient times for its soothing and antioxidant effects, it is a powerful natural remedy against digestive disorders: its carminative properties promote the elimination of excess gas and liquids and facilitate the metabolism of nutrients.

An excellent ally for our health during Winter thanks to its warm energy, Cumin boasts anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic qualities. Consumed regularly, this spice reduces the risk of contracting viral or bacterial infections responsible for flu, sore throat, and cold.

With a pungent and balsamic flavor, Black Cumin seeds are perfect for flavoring legume soups, salads, or fish dishes.

To enjoy its warming properties, we can also prepare a tasty herbal tea based on Cumin by infusing 2 teaspoons of its seeds in 200 ml of boiling water. Once filtered, add a teaspoon of honey to enhance the antiseptic effects of Cumin to our infusion.

Keep Organic Black Cumin in your pantry


Famous for the tasty sauce obtained from its seeds, Mustard is also a magnificent spice perfect for warming us up during the winter months.

Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and highly nutritious, Mustard promotes blood circulation, eliminates excess cholesterol, and keeps our blood sugar levels low. Furthermore, by stimulating the natural defenses of the intestine, it facilitates digestion, alleviating bloating, water retention, and a sense of heaviness.

Thanks to its warm energy, Mustard also proves to be an excellent natural analgesic and flu remedy. By keeping our body temperature stable, it fights fever, cold, and flu pains.

We can enjoy the virtues of Mustard seeds by preparing a delicious mustard or homemade mustard to accompany salads or rice and meat dishes.

Thanks to their therapeutic virtues, the 10 warming spices to keep at home in Winter ensure the protection and warmth our body needs to face the coldest season. Now that we know their benefits and uses in the kitchen,

all that's left is to stock up our pantry with the scents and colors of these botanicals!

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