Cubeb Pepper, ideal for cocktails and mixology

Cubeb Pepper, ideal for cocktails and mixology


The Cubebe Pepper or "Piper cubeba", also known as Java pepper, belonging to the Piperaceae family, originally comes from Indonesia, but today it is more easily cultivated in the subtropical area. Its aroma resembles that of pepper, although it has a more minty and citrusy hint.

A bit of history...

The first evidence of cubebe dates back to 300 B.C., when Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and botanist, tells of a spice, the "komakon" (cubebe, according to the reconstructions of two French historians), used together with cinnamon as an ingredient in aromatic blends. In the book "One Thousand and One Nights" (10th century), it is mentioned as a remedy for infertility, proving its ancient use in Arab medicine. Its sale was then hindered by the king of Portugal to promote black pepper in the 17th century, leading to its gradual oblivion in European culture. Today, it is once again considered and appreciated for its particular taste and qualities.

Cubebe Pepper: super properties and qualities!

But what are the properties of cubebe pepper?

  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic, excellent against urinary tract inflammations;
  • helps reduce respiratory system conditions (asthma, pharyngitis, rhinitis);
  • diuretic and purifying;
  • aphrodisiac;
  • antioxidant, in particular traces of essential oil are found in some anti-wrinkle cosmetics;
  • promotes digestion;
  • improves intestinal functionality;
  • promotes circulation;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • protects the nervous system from degenerative diseases;
  • flavoring, in fact, it is a good method to counteract bad breath;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • stimulates memory;
  • metabolism regulator.


How to use cubebe pepper?

Its warm, bitter, and slightly spicy flavor is perfect for flavoring various sauces and vegetables and is also recommended in savory biscuit dough. Often used in Moroccan pastry, sometimes candied with sugar or tamarind glaze, it is perfect for adding flavor to dark chocolate desserts and chocolate truffles; but as we had announced, Java pepper is also excellent for preparing drinks. We propose a particular version of the famous spritz, the cubebe spritz!

  • 8cl prosecco
  • 3cl soda water
  • 1cl cubebe syrup (to make it, use 2 parts sugar, 1 part water, and fruity cubebe pepper, and mix everything in a hot infusion)

Pour the ingredients into a Tumbler glass with plenty of ice and your spritz is ready! Garnish as you like! Are you looking for the best spices for cocktails, tea, and herbs? We have selected the best products for bartenders and mixologists. Visit our online shop!

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