Spirulina algae: what it is, properties, uses and recipes

Spirulina algae: what it is, properties, uses and recipes In recent times, there is much talk about **Spirulina algae**, famous for its countless properties, it is used in many diets. Spirulina is now present in various preparations, and it is possible, in fact, to add it to your recipes or create excellent drinks. ## What is spirulina algae Before discovering how to use it, we need to clarify some points: **what is spirulina algae**? And what are its properties? Spirulina is scientifically known as *Arthrospira* (*Arthrospira platensis* and *Arthrospira maxima*), from the family of *Cyanophiaceae* (*Cyanobacteria*) and mainly lives in freshwater in sub-tropical areas. Despite belonging to the so-called **blue algae**, it appears green, a shade given by the presence of chlorophyll, whose pigments cover the bluish reflections of phycocyanin and the yellow ones of carotenoids. The name **spirulina**, instead, derives from the shape of this algae that resembles, as its name suggests, a spiral. The use of spirulina is very ancient, it seems, in fact, to date back to Roman times, they used it for the nutrition of African populations (Spirulina platensis). We find it, then, according to what the Spanish "conquistador" Cortés transmitted, who in the early 1500s subjugated the Aztec empire, in the diet of pre-Columbian civilizations (Spirulina maxima). ## Properties and Benefits **Spirulina algae** is truly rich in properties that are almost complicated to list in a single paragraph. But let's proceed in order and see what **properties spirulina** has and what benefits it can bring to our body. - Rich in proteins and essential amino acids Being particularly **rich in proteins, essential amino acids, and lipids**, spirulina is often recommended for vegetarians or vegans. Daily intake, in fact, ensures a greater likelihood of reaching the necessary protein requirements for the body. - Contains Omega-6 and Omega-3 The fats it contains belong to the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated family, with a clear prevalence of **omega-6** over omega-3 and with high amounts of gamma-linolenic acid; these nutrients, if well balanced with each other, are considered capable of normalizing cholesterol levels in the blood, participating in the formation of myelin sheaths that cover the nerves, and improving the functionality of the immune system. - Natural vitamin supplement There are many **vitamins in spirulina algae**, among these we find tocopherol, Beta-carotene, and many others from groups A, B, C, E in addition to important minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which make spirulina **a real supplement** that provides the right fuel to our body to function at its best. This is why it is highly appreciated by athletes. - Natural antioxidant The combination of **vitamins ACE** (carotenoids, ascorbic acid, and tocopherol) combined with pigments (such as chlorophyll) gives Spirulina incredible **antioxidant properties**. Therefore, these characteristics make spirulina a great ally to protect the body from free radicals and the damage they produce such as premature aging or neurodegenerative diseases. - Remineralizing action that is good for the heart and bones The presence of these vitamins makes spirulina useful for vision, heart health, and bone health by acting as a remineralizing agent. It fights osteoporosis, is useful against celiac disease and Crohn's disease. Finally, it seems that, thanks to the presence of phenylalanine, it can reduce the feeling of hunger.

Spirulina BIO for sale online

Terza Luna and Apulia Kundi: the highest quality BIO SpirulinaK

Thanks to the collaboration between Terza Luna and ApuliaKundi, it is possible to find 100% pure, natural, organic, made in Italy, and sustainable spirulina for sale online. ApuliaKundi was founded in 2012 with the aim of starting an experimental research plant in collaboration with the University of Bari. Over the years, this reality has evolved, participated in and won various grants, and in 2016 became a start-up. Today, ApuliaKundi produces SpirulinaK in the form of sticks, capsules, or tablets, creating a product that stands out on the market compared to others, mostly of non-European origin. The difference with other productions lies in the very high quality that characterizes SpirulinaK, its traceability, and the company that produces SpirulinaK, which bases all its activities on founding principles including both environmental and social sustainability.

Recently, a spontaneous collaboration has arisen between Terza Luna and ApuliaKundi due to the shared principles underlying our businesses, both young, strongly linked to the territory, and focused on quality and food knowledge. Thanks to this relationship, it is possible to find excellent natural and organic algae from Terza Luna.

How to use spirulina

This particular 'versatile' algae should not be missing in our homes because, as stated in the introduction, you can add spirulina to your preparations, making it very easy to complete (it is recommended to add it at the end!) your recipes.

For example, you can add it to Gomasio.

Gomasio is a typical condiment in Asian and macrobiotic cuisine, made from roasted sesame seeds and a small amount of salt. Spirulina gomasio is available for sale as a variant of traditional gomasio. However, you can simply add small amounts of spirulina to your homemade gomasio.

Enhance soups and stews.

A simpler use is to add spirulina powder to soups, stews, or legumes. It pairs particularly well with green vegetables such as spinach, zucchini, and broccoli. Tip: dissolve a teaspoon of spirulina powder in water and add it just before turning off the heat.

Create your 'plant-based milk'.

If you want a plant-based milk that is also energizing, just add a teaspoon of spirulina powder to half a liter of your choice of plant-based milk. You can consume the drink in the morning instead of coffee for an energy boost or after an intense workout.

Or simply use the powdered algae to dress salads.

Spirulina is perfect for dressing salads and vegetables, it pairs well with all types of salads, arugula, cucumbers, zucchini, and even avocado. How to: wash and cut the salad or grill the vegetables, then prepare a dressing with extra virgin olive oil, lemon or lime juice, salt, and if you prefer, finely chopped fresh herbs, and finally add the spirulina powder. Dress the vegetables or salad with the obtained dressing and serve. But it doesn't end there... spirulina algae is perfect for creating fantastic cocktails.

Cocktails with Spirulina: who would have thought?!

We asked our legendary Luisiana to create two spirulina-based drinks to inspire the many bartenders who follow us and read our blog.

Green Margarita


  • Tequila
  • Triple sec
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ teaspoon spirulina powder

Shake and strain technique, served in a coupe glass, garnished with a lemon slice.

Rum, coffee, and spirulina


  • Rum
  • Single-origin coffee extracted in cold brew Guatemala
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Cardamom syrup
  • Powdered egg white to taste

Double shake technique, tumbler glass, garnished with a spray of spirulina water.

Terza Luna Scritto da Terza Luna
Plant lovers