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Jasmine tea, also known as jasmine tea, is one of the most classic Chinese green teas, and certainly one of the oldest. China has always had a passion for flowers, their scents, and aromas.
The only blends they have invented are Chinese green teas with:
Jasmine tea is a product obtained from the infusion of green tea with the scent of jasmine flowers.
As always, the freshness of the green tea leaves is very important here.
Our jasmine green tea available online at Terza Luna was HARVESTED IN JULY 2023 and is DIRECTLY IMPORTED.
Our jasmine tea sold online on the Terza Luna website is a product made from green tea and jasmine flowers cut and ready for use.
The jasmine green tea available on our online site is versatile and suitable for all seasons!
This Chinese jasmine tea can be prepared both by hot infusion by bringing the water to 80°C and pouring 1 gram of jasmine tea per 100 ml or cold!
Jasmine tea is available for purchase on our Terza Luna website where you will find Chinese green tea leaves with jasmine flowers for sale online.
Did you know that jasmine has numerous therapeutic properties?
Known for its reputation as the quintessential Chinese tea, it is certainly also renowned for its numerous beneficial properties for the human body.
In addition to its flavor and unmistakable fragrance, Jasmine Tea offers several health benefits. The calming effect of green tea combined with the scent of jasmine flowers is very useful for relieving stress. It also helps to alleviate anxiety and tension.
It can also reduce pain symptoms, headaches, and muscle aches. Some studies have shown that the scent of jasmine flowers can lower heart rate and produce a calming and serene effect on the senses.
Jasmine tea has a high content of antioxidants, and fights free radicals formed in the body. Free radicals are harmful in various ways to human health and can accelerate the aging process. It has been shown that free radicals are related to the development of cancer in the body. By reducing free radicals in the body, the possibility of developing cancer is effectively reduced. Additionally, antioxidants play an important role in slowing down the aging process.
Among the benefits that few know about jasmine tea, we find the ability to reduce the accumulation of cholesterol and unhealthy fats in our bodies. It prevents the formation of bad cholesterol. This reduces the likelihood of heart disease and stroke. Some studies have shown a link between the consumption of jasmine green tea and the reduction of fat cells in the body. This can help people achieve their weight loss goals faster. Additionally, jasmine tea helps maintain body weight when accompanied by a proper diet.
Jasmine tea has some antiviral and antibacterial properties that help in the prevention of colds and flu. It is widely believed that gargling with jasmine tea can prevent illness. Consuming jasmine tea can also lead to a quicker recovery from such ailments.
With it, you can easily prepare an excellent infusion against colds.
Jasmine green tea, like all green teas, contains caffeine, a stimulant that could cause sleep disturbances in sensitive individuals, despite its calming and anti-stress properties. Always consume it with or after meals to ensure proper
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