Bitter orange essential oil

  • Relaxing and sedative properties
  • 10 ml pack
  • High quality essential oil

  • 9,50€

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Citrus Aurantium


Bitter orange essential oil is extracted through the pressing of the peels, one of the classic and most natural methods of extracting essential oils. The properties of bitter orange essential oil are mainly relaxing and digestive. It is also an excellent astringent, tones the skin and body (use it as a massage oil), and can help increase our metabolism.

Uses of bitter orange essential oil

  • Aromatherapy: pour two to three drops into an essential oil diffuser and spread it in the environment. Inhaling the oil is an excellent and quick way to obtain its properties.
  • Topical use: by mixing it with a base oil (such as almond and sesame) we can create massage oils that should be applied directly to the skin.
  • Foot baths, baths, and steams, always adding two drops of oil to the solutions.

  The essential oils for sale online on are classified as food supplements. This attests to their excellent quality. They are naturally extracted essential oils, without the use of any solvent, but only through natural methods such as pressing, percolation, or steam flow. Third moon essential oils can also be used orally, but you have to be careful about the quantities you ingest. Never exceed two drops per day. This is because an essential oil is a very potent concentrate that if taken in quantities greater than two drops per day can be hepatotoxic. 10ml package

Contraindications of bitter orange essential oil

Bitter orange essential oil is one of the photosensitizing essential oils, in fact, exposure to the sun or tanning lamps should be avoided in the 24 hours following its application. Prolonged use of the essential oil on the skin, especially on the face, may not be suitable, as for some individuals it could make the skin sensitive and prone to cracking or even severe burns. Remember to always use it mixed with other substances such as vegetable oils, honey, malts, or others.


Discover other natural relaxing and calming essential oils capable of promoting sleep, reducing stress, and fighting anxiety.

Property In cucina
Property Mixology
Property Rilassanti

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