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The sage infusion is a highly appreciated herbal drink for its proven benefits on the body: for centuries a protagonist of folk medicine, numerous recent studies have confirmed the effectiveness of sage in combating various disorders.
Sage infusion is particularly used for stomach ailments, such as gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux, for its digestive, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties, for the benefits against menopausal and menstrual cycle disorders, but also for its tonic and stimulating effect on the body and its vitality.
To prepare it, the flowers and especially the leaves of sage, both dried and fresh, are used, left to infuse to delicately extract the numerous active principles that make sage one of the most powerful medicinal herbs in the world.
Let's explore the properties of sage infusion and how to prepare it.
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Sage (Salvia officinalis) is an evergreen herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It is a shrub with thick oval-lanceolate leaves covered with hair that grows spontaneously in various parts of the world, especially in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean scrubland.
Sage leaves are rich in bitter principles, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals, phenolic acids, and essential oils, which give the plant numerous properties, making it one of the most used and appreciated aromatic herbs also for healing and medicinal purposes.
The term sage comes from the Latin "salvus" meaning "intact", "safe", "to save", an etymology that reflects the multiple uses of the plant for the treatment and prevention of various disorders and ailments, making it a symbol of longevity. In ancient times, this plant was used as a natural tonic for a wide variety of issues: the Salerno School asked, "cur moriatur homo, cui salvia crescit in horto?", meaning "how can a man die if sage grows in his garden?" and in general, ancient Mediterranean medical culture considered sage a miraculous remedy, capable of curing not only the health of the body but also that of the soul.
Ancient Egyptians, for example, used sage in the mummification process and used it to treat female infertility. Hippocrates used sage to treat wounds, thanks to its healing and antiseptic properties, while the Greeks used it as an aphrodisiac and stimulant. Trotula de Ruggiero, considered the mother of natural gynecology and obstetrics, used sage tea to regulate menstruation, exploiting the estrogenic action of the herb. Sage has always been considered a very feminine plant, used by women to alleviate various disorders related to the genital system and menstrual cycle, from premenstrual syndrome to menopausal symptoms.
Sage was also used to treat rheumatism, dizziness, to improve circulation, as an anti-inflammatory, digestive, and decongestant for the respiratory tract. It is an antispasmodic and relaxant of smooth muscles: therefore, it is beneficial for calming menstrual pain or spasms in the digestive system, irritable bowel, and gastrointestinal disorders. Sage is now particularly appreciated for its effects on stomach disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux thanks to its digestive and relaxing properties, and used precisely as a herbal tea for stomach pain.
Let's see better what are the properties of sage infusion and on which disorders it is able to have a beneficial effect.
As we have seen, sage is known for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, digestive, carminative, and antiperspirant properties, which make sage infusion a real panacea with a tonic and invigorating effect on the body, able to counteract various disorders, especially those related to mucosal inflammations, stomach, intestine or liver disorders, and issues related to the female hormonal sphere. Let's see better together what sage infusion is used for and in which disorders its intake is beneficial.
Sage herbal tea has been used since ancient times in case of lack of energy and vitality. It is a natural, Mediterranean tonic that can be taken when the body loses its optimal functionality: not surprisingly, sage infusion is recommended to promote recovery from infections, flu, illnesses, fever, cough, or simple fatigue. Moreover, sage is an excellent stimulant and regenerator, and taking sage infusion or infusing sage essential oil in a room promotes intuition, inspiration, enhances imagination and stimulates the ability to dream.
Sage herbal tea is one of the most used remedies to counteract stomach disorders and gastrointestinal issues, which can be related to various factors such as stress or a poor diet, but also bacterial and viral infections. Sage infusion is therefore a valuable aid in case of dyspepsia, heartburn, gastritis, and gastric ulcer, as it has a powerful effect on gastric and intestinal mucosa and acts as a relaxant of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
As we have mentioned, one of the main properties of sage is its beneficial effect on the body's mucous membranes, particularly due to its anti-inflammatory action and regulation of bodily fluids and secretions. This is why sage tea is an excellent remedy for gastroesophageal reflux, a condition in which the stomach contents flow back into the esophagus, causing irritation and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, leading to strong acidity, regurgitation, and in some chronic cases even lesions on the walls of the esophagus, which the properties of sage infusion can help to soothe.
Sage tea is one of the most powerful remedies for disorders related to female hormonal imbalances. The flavonoids in sage have an estrogenic action that makes it effective against many female disorders related to the genital system: sage is beneficial for combating the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, a natural remedy for menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms, especially sweating and hot flashes, while the essential oils stimulate the hormonal system and promote menstruation in case of amenorrhea, or help reduce it in case of too heavy menstrual flow. For women who are advised against taking estrogen, sage is a valuable support, as it helps in the natural production of estrogen: therefore, the consumption of sage tea is recommended in case of problems related to hypoestrogenism, such as irregular cycle, low libido, late ovulation, infertility.
The antibacterial and antiseptic power of sage has been known since ancient times, which is why Hippocrates used it to treat wounds and promote healing. Sage tea can be consumed to enjoy this antibacterial action, particularly effective on the gastric, respiratory, and oral mucosa, as well as the intestine and vaginal mucosa. Sage infusion is recommended, for example, to treat oral inflammations or to counteract leukorrhea and gastric reflux, thanks to its effect on regulating bodily secretions. The balsamic power of sage is also beneficial for decongesting the respiratory tract and treating inflammations, while its antibacterial and antiviral action makes it a powerful antidote against flu and other viral and bacterial diseases.
Sage infusion has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, stimulates appetite and aids digestion, supporting liver function thanks to the presence of bitter compounds and stimulating bile secretion, alleviating any pains due to colic and post-lunch heaviness. Sage also has a carminative effect, helping to reduce intestinal gas and bloating.
Sage tea has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action due to the presence of carnosic acid and triterpenes, which make it beneficial against water retention, edema, as well as rheumatism, helping the body to purify and expel waste, toxins, and excess fluids.
Sage has a choleretic and cholagogue action, as well as digestive, making it beneficial for liver health and detoxification. It also has a stimulating effect on the gallbladder and intestine functions, promoting bile secretion.
Sage has antispasmodic properties and a relaxing effect on smooth muscles; for this reason, sage tea is beneficial for relieving menstrual pains, stomach disorders, and gastrointestinal issues such as colic and intestinal cramps, spasms of the digestive system, and irritable bowel.
Sage tea is beneficial for treating various oral cavity infections, thanks to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and healing power of sage, which is one of the most commonly used ingredients in mouthwashes and toothpaste. It can be taken in case of inflamed gums, cavities, canker sores, or tonsillitis: by gargling with sage leaf infusion, these inflammations can be effectively countered, while drinking it regularly helps cleanse the oral cavity and keep it healthy.
The preparation of sage infusion is very simple and quick and allows you to obtain a tea with important beneficial, tonic, and digestive properties, to be enjoyed after meals or in the morning to start the day off right.
To make it, use dried sage available online at Terza Luna. Let's see together the preparation of this beneficial and tasty drink.
Notes: If you want to prepare the infusion with fresh sage, it will be necessary to double the doses, so use 5-6 grams of sage, as the leaves contain a lot of water.
If you are taking sage tea to soothe stomach problems, it is recommended not to consume it too hot to avoid irritating the esophagus and stomach.
You can add other herbs in synergy with sage to the infusion: for example, you can make a tea of sage and rosemary or an infusion of sage and licorice.
If you like, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the sage infusion.
Sage tea can also be prepared using sage mother tincture, diluting 50 drops in a cup of hot water, to enjoy the benefits of this extraordinary aromatic herb infusion.
As an alternative to the sage infusion just described, we have recently created a brand new sage tea with tonka beans and calendula. This new recipe can be used to alleviate gastric problems such as gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux, thanks to the digestive, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties of sage and the other ingredients. In addition, sage has a toning and stimulating effect, contributing to invigorating the body and its vitality. Definitely worth trying!
Buy Sage and Tonka Bean Tea Terza Luna
Sage tea can be drunk at any time of the day, but it is recommended to consume it after main meals to enjoy its digestive power and its benefits on the gastrointestinal system.
How much sage tea can you drink? In case of stomach disorders or menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms, it is recommended to drink 2-3 cups of sage infusion per day. For those who want to treat infertility issues, it is recommended to drink sage tea in the first 15 days of the menstrual cycle.
In any case, it is advisable not to consume more than 2-3 cups of sage infusion per day, avoiding prolonged periods of consumption.
Drinking sage tea in the recommended amounts does not have any particular contraindications. However, excessive consumption could be harmful to the liver and kidneys and may cause side effects such as nausea and abdominal pain.
Due to the estrogenic effect of sage, it is also not recommended to drink sage tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding.