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Water retention, swelling, heaviness in the limbs, edematous stagnation, lymphatic stasis, and cellulite are issues related to poor drainage of the body, which for various reasons tends to retain fluids that should instead be expelled.
The accumulations of fluids, which can occur in various areas of the body, from thighs to buttocks to abdomen, and in different forms, such as edematous stagnation, are due to various causes:
These causes are mostly mechanical, due to a sedentary lifestyle, stress, which causes vasoconstriction, kidney insufficiencies, which affect the correct drainage of fluids, affecting the functioning of the blood and lymphatic circulation and causing blockages that prevent the rise of fluids and therefore their expulsion through the organs responsible for this function. Another important cause, to be associated with the so-called cellulite, is instead the inflammation of the cells of the adipose tissue, a fundamental component of buttocks, abdomen, and thighs. This condition particularly affects women, as their hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are metabolized in fat. If we consume less than what we eat, fat will start to accumulate in the cells, which will then become inflamed.
These issues can be alleviated and countered using draining herbs, with which to prepare herbal teas and flavored waters, which help, together with a healthy lifestyle and good physical exercise, to counteract water retention and fluid accumulation.
The drainage of intra and extra-cellular fluid occurs thanks to the lymphatic system, a complex vascular system that runs parallel to the circulatory system, although it does not transport blood. The lymphatic system allows lymph to flow in body tissues, draining the body of fluids and waste, and then flowing into the thoracic veins. The lymphatic system is an important defense for the body, as it counteracts the accumulation of fluids in tissues and helps with the elimination of pathogens. By circulating the lymph, it is brought to the body's detoxification organs, kidneys, liver, and skin, which are responsible for elimination.
Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system does not have a pumping mechanism to circulate lymph, which is instead pushed into the vessels by muscle activity. Muscle tissues, by contracting and relaxing, allow lymph to rise in the vessels; it follows that a malfunction of this mechanism, for example due to excessive sedentary behavior, causes a stagnation of fluids, which thus accumulate in tissues, causing swelling of the limbs, edematous stagnation, and water retention.
Draining herbs act on the lymphatic system and its functionality, on blood vessels, on purification organs, allowing them to perform their function correctly. They must also have an anti-inflammatory effect, to counteract cellulite caused by inflammation of adipose tissue cells, and a diuretic effect, to promote the elimination of waste and toxins by increasing the amount of urine and stimulating fluid loss.
These herbs can be consumed in the form of draining herbal teas or cold infusions, and can have a very important effectiveness, showing significant improvements already after a few days. Let's see together the most functional draining herbs to counteract excessive fluid accumulation and cellulite.
Draining herbs can be a valuable support in combating water retention and swelling, as well as cellulite and all the problems often associated with these disorders, such as hypertension, urinary tract infections, and the accumulation of toxins. Draining herbs act on multiple fronts, improving the functionality of the body's purification organs and ensuring a diuretic action, draining acidic waste and swelling-causing residues, activating sweating, and providing an anti-inflammatory effect.
Let's discover which are the most effective herbs and plants with a draining effect or that combine a draining and diuretic effect with a purifying one, useful for those suffering from liver, kidney, and intestinal problems.
Birch is one of the best-known herbs with draining and purifying effects, with important phytotherapeutic properties. It is a powerful diuretic and contributes to the functionality of kidneys and liver and to the purification of the body, as it is choleretic. Birch helps to counteract water retention and cellulite and can be consumed either in the form of birch tea, infusing its leaves, or as essential oil, which can also be used to massage areas affected by poor lymphatic system function. Birch is also an excellent anti-inflammatory and sudorific: its beneficial effects are due to the flavonoids it contains, including antioxidants, tannins, and vitamin C. A birch infusion is beneficial not only for water retention and cellulite but also for kidney stones, gout, and high uric acid levels. You can also find it on Terza Luna within the draining herbal tea.
Buy Terza Luna Birch Tea
Not many will know that cherries are not only an excellent summer fruit: the 'stems' to which they are attached are a botanical element with incredible draining, detoxifying, purifying, and diuretic effects. With these slightly bitter-tasting twigs, it is possible to prepare a decoction with a diuretic, deflating, and draining effect with a beneficial action on the liver, bile ducts, excretory organs, kidneys, and skin tissues. Alternatively, you can prepare an excellent cherry stem wine by macerating 50 grams of cherry stems in a liter of excellent white wine for a week. The cherry tree combats cellulite and water retention, favoring the elimination of fluids and toxins thanks to the presence of polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, and malic acid. The twigs should still be unripe.
Also known as dandelion or blowball, the dandelion is a powerful draining agent, liver purifier, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory. Usually, the dried leaves or root are used, such as the dandelion root available at Terza Luna, to be used for preparing a dandelion herbal tea, a purifying infusion for the liver, intestines, and kidneys. Dandelion is an excellent draining agent due to its content of vitamins A, B, C, and D, minerals like phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, and magnesium, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid, helping the body to eliminate toxins at the liver level, making it an excellent purifier but also digestive.
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The artichoke is one of the most appreciated foods in Italian cuisine, but not everyone knows that it is one of the most important purifying and draining plants. To enjoy its draining properties, it can be consumed raw or cooked. We suggest preparing a diuretic herbal tea using dried artichoke leaves for infusion, bringing the water to a boil and letting it steep for about 10 minutes. The artichoke owes its extraordinary purifying and detoxifying properties to cynarin, a polyphenol that stimulates bile secretion and therefore liver purification.
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Boldo is considered a draining and purifying plant, useful for cleansing the liver and intestines. Boldo is associated with digestive, hepatic, draining, and beneficial functions for the urinary tract, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. The dried leaves are used to prepare an herbal tea useful for improving liver and biliary activity and digestion. The active ingredient responsible for boldo's properties is boldine, which, combined with detoxifying and purifying activity, is gastroprotective.
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Nettle is an important draining and diuretic herb, with a selective diuretic action. One of the problems with consuming many diuretic herbs and foods is that they help eliminate fluids but also cause the loss of many minerals, which often need to be replenished. Nettle is an ideal draining agent because it helps eliminate excess fluids while at the same time providing a lot of iron and calcium; it is, in fact, an isotonic draining agent, meaning it integrates minerals and is excellent for those suffering from anemia. Nettle also has numerous properties, is astringent, beneficial for reducing abdominal swelling, stimulates liver function, helps eliminate toxins, and counteracts fluid retention.
Buy Dried Nettle from Terza Luna
Horsetail or mare's tail is, like nettle, a selective diuretic, therefore remineralizing. It is one of the herbs with the highest content of calcium and potassium existing in nature, and it is a valid anti-inflammatory. Horsetail is indicated for the elimination of toxins and metabolic waste, and promotes bone metabolism, as the mineral salts present in it are highly available to the human body. Horsetail can be taken in a draining herbal tea, prepared using dried horsetail.
Buy Horsetail on Terza Luna
Bearberry is one of the most recommended plants as a natural remedy for cystitis, as it is a powerful diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and urinary tract antiseptic. Bearberry is recommended in draining herbal tea blends, as excessive consumption of diuretics often causes irritation of the urinary tract, which bearberry instead protects. Bearberry tea can be prepared using bearberry leaves or bearberry mother tincture. Bearberry therefore promotes the trophism of the urinary tract, the drainage of metabolic waste, and diuresis.
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Stonebreaker is a powerful diuretic and draining agent, as it stimulates urination and promotes the elimination of excess fluids retained by our body. The diuretic function of stonebreaker is particularly effective as this plant removes obstructions in the urinary tract, promotes its physiological functioning, and has an anti-inflammatory and liver purifying action. Stonebreaker can be taken in herbal tea, using the dried leaves in infusion.
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Burdock or great burdock is an anti-inflammatory and purifying plant for the skin. It is recommended for those who, while following a cycle of body fluid drainage, begin to develop pimples and blisters on the face. This manifestation is a symptom of a high presence of toxins in the skin's purification system: for example, those who suffer from pimples on legs and back may suffer from poor drainage, and should take burdock, which can be integrated in the form of herbal tea prepared with the roots, or mother tincture.
Yerba mate is considered an excellent diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and fat burner, as it is rich in polyphenols and vitamins that promote the elimination of toxins and metabolic waste from the body. Yerba mate cut herbal tea can be regularly consumed to counteract the formation of kidney stones, rebalance the body, and fight digestion problems and water retention, thanks to its diuretic activity.
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The pilosella is considered a natural diuretic, as it promotes diuresis and the elimination of toxins and pathogens through urine. For this reason, it is considered useful in cases of cystitis, urinary infections, and uric calculi. It also has a choleretic and cholagogue action, promoting the elimination of bile and liver detoxification. The presence of triterpenes and umbelliferone in pilosella promotes disinfection of the urinary tract, diuresis, and the elimination of toxins and waste, while protecting the bladder mucosa and stimulating the reparative processes of the urinary tract tissues.
The Centella Asiatica is an excellent diuretic, great to include in draining herbal teas to counteract water retention and cellulite. It is also a beneficial herb to improve venous blood circulation, reducing the sensation of swelling and heaviness in the legs, combining the draining effect with a positive effect on microcirculation functionality. Centella is therefore an excellent anti-cellulite, combating water retention, visible capillaries, swollen and heavy legs, hemorrhoids, and fissures. It can be taken in the form of mother tincture or supplements.
In addition to herbs, some mushrooms also have draining properties: find out which ones in our article on mycotherapy.
Draining herbs can be infused to prepare an excellent draining herbal tea. The herbs, fresh or dried, should be left to infuse for about 7-10 minutes in boiling water to allow the extraction of active ingredients. After the infusion time, the infusion can be filtered and consumed.
We propose some mixtures of draining herbal teas to be consumed regularly to counteract problems related to excess fluid accumulation, water retention, and cellulite. These herbal teas, if taken regularly and combined with a healthy and balanced lifestyle, are useful in restoring lymphatic system functionality, tissue oxygenation, and proper circulation, fighting unsightly stagnation.
For these herbal teas, the process is the same; you will need to use a teaspoon of each herb listed, to be left to infuse for 7-10 minutes in half a liter of boiling water.
Buy Terza Luna Draining Herbal Tea
Buy Liver Detox Herbal Tea
Although draining herbs are very effective, they alone cannot completely eliminate issues related to fluid retention. As we mentioned, the lymphatic system does not have a pump to ensure circulation, which is instead supported by muscle activity. It is clear how a strong sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical exercise, even just walking, can affect the functioning of these mechanisms. It is therefore important to take herbs that tone the lymphatic system, but also support it with light physical exercise, making sure to elevate the legs often, perform draining massages on areas particularly affected by stagnation, and use draining essential oils.
It is also important to drink plenty of water to ensure a continuous supply of fluids to the body, stimulate diuresis, eliminate excess fluids, and follow a healthy diet that discourages the accumulation of waste and toxins in the body and is balanced with what is consumed.