Cystitis: Natural Remedies and Herbal Teas to Treat It

Cystitis: Natural Remedies and Herbal Teas to Treat It

Treating Cystitis: The Most Effective Natural Remedies

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that causes pain, burning, and a frequent need to urinate. It is a very common disorder, especially in the female population, caused by different factors: it is very important to treat cystitis at the onset of the first symptoms, and to do so it is possible to resort to some natural remedies capable of purifying the body and counteracting bacterial proliferation. In this article, we will learn to recognize cystitis, identify its causes, and what are the most effective natural remedies and herbal teas against urinary tract inflammations.


What is Cystitis? Symptoms and How to Recognize It

Cystitis is an unpleasant inflammation of the bladder mucosa, whose main symptom is the continuous, annoying, and often painful need to urinate. Among the main symptoms of cystitis, which should sound an alarm bell and prompt us to take action, there is certainly a sense of bladder fullness, a frequent need to urinate, intimate burning and discomfort during urination, with urine that may be accompanied by blood leaks, and generally tends to have a bad odor.

An infection of cystitis can have different degrees of severity, with an inflammatory process that can resolve in a single episode, or become chronic, especially when left untreated, and therefore continue to recur and in some cases even extend to the genital tract or kidneys. Prevention and specific treatment are essential to prevent cystitis from worsening and leading to unpleasant complications. Being a bacterial inflammation, sometimes cystitis may not present somatic consequences or distinguishable causes, although in most cases it is characterized by obvious irritative symptoms that are common to both acute and chronic cystitis.

Among these are:

  • Burning sensation, lower abdominal pain, discomfort and chills during urination;
  • Pollakiuria (increased number of daily urinations);
  • Malodorous and dark urine;
  • Presence of blood and pus in the urine;
  • Dysuria (muscular difficulty in urination);
  • Urine expelled in small quantities;
  • Fever (rare);

What Are the Causes of Cystitis?

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that in most cases is of bacterial origin, although sometimes it can also be attributed to viruses or fungi. Generally, the bladder has a high resistance to infections and contains sterile urine, however, when the body has lower immune defenses, it becomes more vulnerable to bacterial attack, which can affect the bladder either by ascending, i.e., by moving up the urethra, or descending, from the kidneys, or even hematogenously.

The correlation between kidney health and bladder health is very strong, as the correct functioning of the bladder in expelling urine is determined by the proper functioning of the kidneys: in Chinese medicine, it is argued that the bladder's functionality depends precisely on the energy and heat provided by the kidneys, and that therefore low temperature is one of the main causes of cystitis. Cold weather, excessive exposure to humidity can indeed cause a weakening of the kidneys, and consequently of the bladder, making the body more susceptible to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria such as those causing cystitis.

The most common bacterium responsible for cystitis is Escherichia coli, or E. coli, which is attributed to most urinary tract infections. E. coli is a bacterium that is normally found inside the intestine, particularly in the colon, and is part of the natural bacterial flora, but there are some pathogenic strains that are dangerous because they can cause significant infections, just like cystitis.

The action of these bacteria and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract tend to manifest when the body is in certain conditions that favor the attack by pathogenic microorganisms. Among these we find:

  • Exposure to cold and humidity: causes weakening of the kidneys and cooling of the bladder, which needs heat to function properly.
  • Weakening of the immune defenses due to antibiotic therapy;
  • Poor diet and nutrient-poor diet;
  • Stress, anxiety, worry, psychophysical fatigue causing a rise in heat towards the heart and face, leaving the kidneys cold and weakened;
  • Excessive sexual activity leading to kidney weakening;
  • Poor sexual activity can lead to a bladder infection as a defense mechanism against that relationship;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Excessive use of intimate pads or too tight clothing;
  • Poor or inadequate intimate hygiene and use of wrong intimate soaps;
  • Wearing synthetic clothing that does not protect and warm the body properly;
  • Dysbiosis: poor bacterial flora can influence the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Therefore, cystitis can be bacterial, viral, or fungal in nature, but the attack of pathogenic microorganisms is almost always preceded by a lowering of immune defenses. For this reason, the treatment of cystitis, especially if it is episodic and not chronic cystitis (for which it is necessary to consult the attending physician), consists of a body cleansing process, aided by effective natural remedies that help heal and support the body in its entirety. Let's see what the best natural remedies for cystitis are.

natural remedies for cystitis

Natural Remedies for Cystitis

There are many natural remedies for cystitis, as cystitis is a very common disorder, especially among women, and its causes are, as we have seen, variable and often intertwined. There are numerous plant extracts useful in exerting an antimicrobial and antiseptic action on the bladder and urethra, but these, however direct their action may be, need to be included in an integrated and harmonious approach that allows for purification and inhibition of bacterial adhesion causing inflammation.

Our suggestion is to undertake a 3-month treatment, to be combined with the therapy suggested by the doctor, made up of natural remedies and preventive actions that can help treat cystitis. Being persistent is very important to get rid of cystitis, in fact even in pharmacological therapy with antibiotics prescribed by doctors in case of chronic cystitis, the importance of being consistent in taking them is emphasized, as stopping treatment when symptoms disappear does not allow for healing, but often causes recurrences.

The plan for treating cystitis with natural remedies includes:

  • Healthy diet: Following a detoxifying diet is essential to treat cystitis, as the functioning of the bladder and kidneys depends on the balanced functioning of other organs, primarily the liver and heart. By helping the body purify itself from excess toxins, all organs are allowed to work better. We suggest preferring warming, grounding foods, rich in oil, and incorporating cinnamon, ginger, cumin, turmeric, nutmeg, cocoa, oolong tea, saffron, as well as consuming foods rich in probiotics and prebiotics.
  • Lifestyle habits: It is important to review one's lifestyle habits, especially when facing a situation of stress, anxiety, and worries. It will be essential to start with emotional work to rebalance one's psychophysical state. Not only emotions and stress: the type of clothing worn, such as tight pants or underwear that hinder circulation and synthetic materials, can encourage the onset of cystitis, as well as exposure to cold and humid temperatures. It is also important to take care of one's intimate and sexual health: urinary infections are often caused by poor hygiene or excessive or incorrect sexual activity.
  • Vaginal steaming: The so-called yoni steam can be done twice a week, using infused herbs, alone or in combination, such as calendula petals, lavender, bearberry, and eucalyptus leaves, which act directly on the urethral ducts with an anti-inflammatory and emollient effect.
  • Probiotics: A natural remedy for those suffering from cystitis can be the intake of probiotics, which help support the immune system and keep its defenses high. In particular, it is recommended to take acidophilus probiotics.
  • D-mannose: A simple sugar extracted from larch and birch wood, which if taken can reach the bladder without being absorbed by the intestine, attract bacteria, and encapsulate them, making them expelled in urine.
  • Drink water: During the three months of treatment, it is important to drink plenty of water, a habit that should be maintained consistently. Many tend to do the opposite when trying to get rid of cystitis, thinking that this reduces discomfort, but actually drinking plenty of water and liquids helps to expel toxins more easily and dilute urine, reducing proliferation. You can also contribute to hydration by drinking herbal teas made with herbs and plant extracts with antimicrobial and antiseptic action and emollient properties. However, it is important not to overdo it: excessive water consumption could overload the kidneys. It is therefore recommended not to exceed 1.5 liters per day and to avoid diuretic herbal teas.
  • Herbal teas for cystitis: Among the natural remedies for cystitis are herbal teas prepared with ingredients whose active principles, in combination, can be important in carrying out an antiseptic and antiseptic action against the bacterial strains responsible for urogenital tract infections. For example, we suggest our liver detox herbal tea, as the proper functioning of the liver provides the kidneys with the necessary warmth for their normal functions. In this regard, it may be useful to place a hot water bottle near the kidneys to ensure they have the necessary warmth.

In the next paragraph, we will see which plant extracts act as natural remedies to counteract cystitis, and how to prepare purifying, antiseptic, and disinfectant herbal teas to drink to modulate and get rid of urinary tract infections.

Herbal Teas for Cystitis and other Natural Remedies

To treat cystitis, it is important to understand which bacterium is responsible for the infection. There are many remedies that nature provides us to prevent and treat this annoying and often painful inflammation of the urinary tract, which if left untreated can become chronic and damage the bladder wall. These remedies are often consumed in the form of mother tinctures or pure extracts, but using these ingredients to prepare specific herbal teas greatly contributes to the treatment of cystitis, as cystitis herbal teas stimulate diuresis and ensure a flushing effect for the urinary tract, helping to expel bacteria.

Let's discover together the most effective natural remedies against cystitis and how to use them in the preparation of soothing, disinfectant, and antibacterial herbal teas, decoctions, and compresses.

uva ursina cystitis


Bearberry is considered the most useful remedy for the treatment of cystitis, and it can be taken in various forms, although mainly the leaves are used. Its name comes from the fact that it is highly appreciated by bears, as it grows spontaneously in the woods. Bearberry's action to counteract cystitis is beneficial in several ways, making this plant an effective remedy to disinfect the urinary tract and fight bladder infections, not just cystitis: bearberry, thanks to its active principles such as arbutin and flavonoids, helps to relieve burning, pain, and spasms, and reduces the constant need to urinate, ensuring a direct antiseptic action. Taking bearberry creates a sort of film in the urethral ducts, preventing bacteria from adhering to the walls, thus facilitating their expulsion. Therefore, it is not an antibiotic treatment, but purely mechanical, a real disinfectant.

It is possible to consume bearberry in various ways, for example, you can take the bearberry mother tincture which helps to relieve burning and offers an astringent and antiseptic action for the urinary tract, or make an infusion from the leaves. The herbal tea should be prepared with the bearberry leaves (30/40 grams per liter of water) and drunk throughout the day. Hot water allows the active ingredient to activate and therefore become more effective, in addition to increasing daily fluid intake.

Try Bearberry Herbal Tea Format

cranberry cystitis


Cranberry or red cranberry is a fruit of American origin with remarkable antibacterial properties, confirmed by many scientific studies. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, cranberry helps to relieve the symptoms of cystitis and is also recommended for prevention, as it makes the mucosa of the urinary tract non-adherent to bacteria, preventing them from proliferating. Cranberry is rich in anthocyanins and citric acid, flavonoids with important soothing properties that help restore the bladder's pH.

For cystitis, pure cranberry juice can be consumed. Also, try cranberry in the red fruits of health herbal tea from Terza Luna.

mallow cystitis

Mallow Herbal Tea

Mallow is one of the most common ingredients in herbal teas against cystitis. Its botanical name is Malva Sylvestris, and its purple-colored flowers are used in infusion to prepare a decoction with strong anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. The tannins and anthocyanins of mallow offer not only antioxidant action but also anti-inflammatory properties, and the richness of mucilage offers soothing and emollient properties, protective on the urinary mucosa.

The mallow decoction can be prepared using dried mallow flowers or petals: use 250 ml of water and a tablespoon of dried mallow, bring to a boil and after about a minute turn off the heat and let it infuse for about 20 minutes.

To counteract cystitis, it is possible to drink 2/3 cups of mallow herbal tea a day, being careful to consume it away from meals.

Try Dried Mallow for Your Herbal Teas

chamomile cystitis


Chamomile herbal tea is an excellent remedy against cystitis, as this plant is an antispasmodic ingredient. Chamomile infusion can be used for intimate washes, which help to alleviate the discomfort of cystitis thanks to its antiseptic and soothing properties, but also to prepare a beneficial herbal tea for the heart, whose proper functioning is essential for the health of the kidneys and bladder.

Prepare this hot herbal tea by adding chamomile flowers, St. John's Wort, and rose: this herbal tea will give strength and warmth as well as offer a mild sedative and calming effect, thanks to the spasmolytic properties of chamomile flavonoids.

Try Dried Chamomile Flowers

calendula for cystitis


Calendula, Calendula officinalis L., is a plant with antispasmodic, soothing, and antimicrobial action. Many may already know it because it is often used to alleviate menstrual pains. We have already seen how a calendula infusion can be used for vaginal steaming, but you can also use calendula calendula oleolite to prepare vaginal suppositories to take before going to sleep.

To prepare them, use 3 tablespoons of cold-pressed coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of calendula oleolite, and 10 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil. Heat the coconut oil in a double boiler and add the oleolite, let it cool slightly and add the chamomile essential oil, mix well and pour into a jar to store in the fridge. With this mixture, create a half-teaspoon ball in the evening and insert it into the vagina before going to sleep. Use them twice a week.

With calendula, you can also prepare healing herbal teas, perhaps combining it with other beneficial and anti-inflammatory herbs, such as mallow or heather, to combine their antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and soothing properties. An infusion of calendula, artemisia, and basil can also be used for facial steam baths, useful for rebalancing the body. Echinacea is a type of medicinal plant with a strong immunostimulating action, widely appreciated in herbal medicine for its ability to increase the body's resistance to infections. In this sense, you can take echinacea mother tincture, important for the immune system and to gather strength: it is an extract of the plant's active ingredient, therefore much more concentrated and potent than a herbal tea and more practical to prepare, as it can be easily dispersed in drops in a glass of water, and consumed easily even at work or away from home. Eucalyptus is an extremely refreshing, emollient, and antiseptic plant. You can use eucalyptus essential oil, whose antibacterial action is very suitable for cystitis and, in general, for urinary tract infections, especially for vaginal vaporizations, for which you can also use dried eucalyptus leaves. The proper functioning of the liver is very important to ensure the health of the bladder and prevent inflammation: a liver that works well indeed gives the kidneys the heat and energy necessary to function properly. A liver cleansing herbal tea has benefits that affect all the organs of the endocrine system, as it purges toxins and makes the body less tired in defending itself. The Terza Luna liver cleansing herbal tea has detoxifying, purifying, and disinfectant ingredients including artichoke, boldo, birch, nettle, dandelion, and mint.

herbal tea for cystitis

Prevention, Diet, and What Not to Eat When You Have Cystitis

In the treatment of cystitis, but also in its prevention, nutrition plays a crucial role. Many wonder what to eat and what not to eat when you have cystitis: being a bacterial infection, greatly influenced by cold, humidity, and emotional sphere, and by the consequences of these factors on organ function, it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet, rich in warming foods, grounding, and comforting. It is suggested to have preparations rich in oil and warming spices, soups, long-cooked cereals, and spicy vegetables, to be combined with prebiotic and probiotic foods, which support and enrich the intestinal bacterial flora, such as kefir and kombucha.

It is also recommended to avoid cold foods, uncooked fruit, and dairy products. It is also important to avoid foods that are too diuretic, which could strain the kidneys, and inflammatory foods such as coffee, alcohol, and sugars.


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